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Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log

12-09-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by aura

You're 205?

You carry it well.
I was rounding down from 207.5 actually.

I've got a big ass.

Originally Posted by aura
It's prob gonna be hard to get fullript when you're on a surplus.
Yeah. This I 100% understand. Actually, the questions in my last post are a little rhetorical (? trolling? facetious?). I know it's all but impossible to get ript on a surplus. I also know it's "impossible to out-train a bad diet", etc. ...but I would say I'm doing a lot of "metabolic training" and I don't feel like I'm eating a *huge* surplus. And as someone who is already over 200lbs, I feel like that means I must be eating a sh*tton of calories if I'm gaining weight while doing all this supposedly super epoc training.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:27 AM
Imo loco is overstating the effects of EPOC. I seem to recall AB saying as much as well.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:45 AM
Yeah, I put in 8hrs sleep and 16 hrs very light activity into this calculator:

And my estimated calories comes out at 2700cal/day.

In the last 12 weeks I've gained 2.6kg / 5.7lbs.

So if you take the old 3500 cals/lb bodyweight gain/loss, I've had ~20,000cal surplus over 12 weeks. So 1600/week, 230/day.

So if we forget that I'm lifting, my minimum calorie intake must have been close to 3000/day.

Now If we're getting up near 1000cal consumed during and after a heavy session, I must be getting around 4000cal/week burned just by lifting, which would be 570cal/day.

Throw in some cardio here and there for a few hundred extra cals/week and I must be eating up over 3600cal/day... I guess it's possible, but it doesn't feel like that much.

One day I'll log cals.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 03:32 AM
That's a lot of numbers early on a Monday. 3600 on avg is a decent amount indeed. Too many butter-coated shrimps on the barbie.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Yeah, I put in 8hrs sleep and 16 hrs very light activity into this calculator:

And my estimated calories comes out at 2700cal/day.

In the last 12 weeks I've gained 2.6kg / 5.7lbs.

So if you take the old 3500 cals/lb bodyweight gain/loss, I've had ~20,000cal surplus over 12 weeks. So 1600/week, 230/day.

So if we forget that I'm lifting, my minimum calorie intake must have been close to 3000/day.

Now If we're getting up near 1000cal consumed during and after a heavy session, I must be getting around 4000cal/week burned just by lifting, which would be 570cal/day.

Throw in some cardio here and there for a few hundred extra cals/week and I must be eating up over 3600cal/day... I guess it's possible, but it doesn't feel like that much.

One day I'll log cals.

You know you are eating 3000+ Snitch. I would estime maybe even 4000 bad boys. And plus what I have seen from your workout, your EPOC is mediocre at best. Sure, sure we all bow down to the 5x10 squats, but besides that its a pretty normal routine. I surely haven't seen 4x10 deadlifts or anything like that. Not that I recall.

But it sounds like you also play rugby. That should burn lots of calories. I wonder why Rugby players ain't all ripped?? Might just be those dozen beers they consume every postworkout.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 01:42 PM

Last edited by pageh656; 12-10-2012 at 01:44 PM. Reason: i for one find it hard to believe you find it hard to believe you could be eating at a small surplus if you dont count cals
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 01:47 PM
And nobody in this forum is burning 1000+ calories in a lifting session. Yes, I agree I overestimate the effects of EPOC, but come on son, I try to be realistic. To burn 1000+, my leg workout would have to look like this

5x10 70%1RM Squats
3x15 Leg press to failure
3x15 1-arm swings (each arm so 90 reps total)
3x10 Romaninan deadlift
3x10 Leg Curls
2x10 Leg extensions

Maybe add some 15 minutes of brutal abwheel work. That should burn 1000 calories in an hour (mostly post workout). I don't think I could ever do that workout in one hour. I would be happy if I could burn 500 on upperbody days and 700 on lower days. Super, super, super happy. That's 2400 a week. Maybe some light work on off days and up to 2700. Significant IMO.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:29 PM
That sounds about right, re: your numbers. Compare that to the 5/3/1 routine I'm currently doing and the difference in a week won't be too big.

15 mins of ab wheel work? Like...with very short breaks? That sounds beyond awful.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:48 PM
15 minutes of Abwheel with short breaks might be vomit inducing. I was just trying to find something to help me get to 1000. Like I said, burning 1000 per lifting session not truly feasible. Might be easier in the future when more studies are able to help us better select our exercises.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:54 PM
15 mins of ab wheel 8-10 rep sets with a minute rest in between sounds really painful but possible since it would be 70 reps or so. But if you're thinking like 30 second or less rests and trying to hammer it out pseudo-tabata style then JFC.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:55 PM
At least not in an hour. 700/500 sounds about right if you include EPOC though, given the insane amount of volume in your program. Plus it prob takes a bit longer than an hour all in all?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 03:10 PM
Perhaps stupid Q but whats the benefit to pushing it that much on weights to burn more cals when you can do slightly less with cardio? I know cardio sucks ass but I cant imagine:

5x10 70%1RM Squats
3x15 Leg press to failure
3x15 1-arm swings (each arm so 90 reps total)
3x10 Romaninan deadlift
3x10 Leg Curls
2x10 Leg extensions

is much more fun.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 03:12 PM
I think I normally take 75 min including warmup. I warm up for about 8 min and then get rolling. I was doing 3x15 weighted hypers (decent calorie burn) with 1 min rest and some grandma says to grandpa "dam he serious bout that exercise." 2nd set now. "Oh my god there he goes again." Third set. "He won't stop." Got a crack out of me on the last set.

A lot of volume and not dicking around at the gym. Feels great before, during, and after. Good luck for the first month though. That ook guy is a beast so far.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Perhaps stupid Q but whats the benefit to pushing it that much on weights to burn more cals when you can do slightly less with cardio? I know cardio sucks ass but I cant imagine:

5x10 70%1RM Squats
3x15 Leg press to failure
3x15 1-arm swings (each arm so 90 reps total)
3x10 Romaninan deadlift
3x10 Leg Curls
2x10 Leg extensions

is much more fun.

It's not fun at first. It is later on. I crush dat volume. But the sample routine I posted was just something that might burn 1000 calories. Not meant to be feasible. But if anybody questions how many calories that burns, just do the first half and get back to me. Your body and mind is racing to get back to normal. At night you still racing and can't sleep.

I think it's time efficient to incorporate some training like this. That's all. It's an alternative to SS + cardio + food deficit. With this training you eat closer to maintenance and reap the benefits fr metabolic training. Not saying its better, just an alternative. Do what you enjoy.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I think I normally take 75 min including warmup. I warm up for about 8 min and then get rolling. I was doing 3x15 weighted hypers (decent calorie burn) with 1 min rest and some grandma says to grandpa "dam he serious bout that exercise." 2nd set now. "Oh my god there he goes again." Third set. "He won't stop." Got a crack out of me on the last set.

A lot of volume and not dicking around at the gym. Feels great before, during, and after. Good luck for the first month though. That ook guy is a beast so far.
Haha, nice one.

I actually witnessed a guy doing a brogram similar to the one you're doing in the gym the other day. That is, not as good, more brotastic. It actually convinced me to not get coaching from your guy, lol. I just cringed at all the random **** he was doing.

So I've made a new year's resolution: if I'm not below 78.5 or lower kg by March 1st (probable starting weight 82-82.5 kg), I'll get coaching since it'll be clear I suck too hard. I just <3 5/3/1 programming and I think my current layout is pretty good for my goals. Will probably be doing front squats, RDLs and abs as DL assistance.

Last edited by Soulman; 12-10-2012 at 03:50 PM. Reason: etc
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 04:07 PM
I like 5/3/1 programming a lot myself. 2014 my first strength log. Gotta bulk up first for about a year. Tired of us being the H&F strength laughing stalk. I mean Beata is just laying it to us with her deadlift videos. Just sticking a broom up our bungholes (sideways) every time she posts a deadlift video.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 04:10 PM
Haha, I don't care too much if the fatties outlift us bro. Almost 2 years ago I did 3x5x275 for squats and would prob be decently strong now if I had continued fattying it up, so it's fine. Fatties have it easy imo. Way more annoyed that I have such ****ty willpower for laying off the nomzies. Can't really express how much I regret fat bulking.

ETA: and obv you could bulk up plenty on 5/3/1, but I get following your coach's program. Can't possibly be even more volume?

s/outlift us/outlift me, not in the same category as loco obv. Just not fat and weak.

Last edited by Soulman; 12-10-2012 at 04:19 PM.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 04:12 PM

You'll be proud to know I just wrote up a brogram similar to your coach's that involves me moving about 130,000 lbs of weight per week. Not the 150,000 that he had in his program, but I think my version is a little more balanced for my specific issues. I'm sure I'll work up to 150,000+ soon enough.

Cliffs: 20K chest, 40K back, off, 10K shoulders, 45K legs, 15K arms, off. Totals exclude ab work done 3x/week.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 04:15 PM
Errybody volumin' it up nowadays.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 04:21 PM
Sounds good. Post it in your log.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 04:54 PM
there's a question on cutting in my log, if all you housecat sized experts could mosey on over there it'd be appreciated
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by loco
You know you are eating 3000+ Snitch. I would estime maybe even 4000 bad boys. And plus what I have seen from your workout, your EPOC is mediocre at best. Sure, sure we all bow down to the 5x10 squats, but besides that its a pretty normal routine. I surely haven't seen 4x10 deadlifts or anything like that. Not that I recall.

But it sounds like you also play rugby. That should burn lots of calories. I wonder why Rugby players ain't all ripped?? Might just be those dozen beers they consume every postworkout.
Does 5x10 RDLs count?

I play rugby, but we're off-season atm, so my cardio has been very light at best.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Haha, I don't care too much if the fatties outlift us bro.

i'm still in the process of losing weight, jerk.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-10-2012 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by loco
And nobody in this forum is burning 1000+ calories in a lifting session. Yes, I agree I overestimate the effects of EPOC, but come on son, I try to be realistic. To burn 1000+, my leg workout would have to look like this

5x10 70%1RM Squats
3x15 Leg press to failure
3x15 1-arm swings (each arm so 90 reps total)
3x10 Romaninan deadlift
3x10 Leg Curls
2x10 Leg extensions

Maybe add some 15 minutes of brutal abwheel work. That should burn 1000 calories in an hour (mostly post workout). I don't think I could ever do that workout in one hour. I would be happy if I could burn 500 on upperbody days and 700 on lower days. Super, super, super happy. That's 2400 a week. Maybe some light work on off days and up to 2700. Significant IMO.
sure about that?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
12-11-2012 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by xbeatax

i'm still in the process of losing weight, jerk.
looooooolz. sikburn.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
