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***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)*** ***Happy Birfday Extravaganza fredd-bird: Septembro LC Thread (No WLs allowed. Ban BtM)***

09-16-2014 , 09:07 AM
I had been entertaining the idea of playing a few $1500 events in the WSOP next year.

That KY beat completely removed any interest. What a sick sick game.

Sorry dude.
09-16-2014 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Argh. So I have 10 months left on my verizon contract and have some options. I currently have a galaxy s4 which is kinda giving me fits sometimes. Rebooting it about 3x/week. I want something like an ipad mini or maybe iphone 6+ but am trying to weigh my options.

1) Buy ipad mini for $400 (+tax?). keep S4 for 10 months and then get iphone 6+ then.

2) Buy iphone 6+ for $750 (+tax?). Sell S4 for $50 lol. In 10 months buy phone and resell??

3) Wait 10mo and buy Iphone 6+ bc I'm not going to actually use the mini all that much??
I'm 50/50 between a new iphone and whatever flagship android comes out soon (looks like Motorola X 2014 will be the phone to get). I'd also consider the note 4 but I must be regarded.

The problem I have with all these android fanboys is they don't critically address the quality control problems (anecdotal but I have known several with hardware problems on samsung phones). And I like Android more than ios. e.g. I get frequent reboots and my phone freezes to the point of being unusable in the past few months, two friends have had wifi problems that have been diagnosed as hardware issues, etc.

The problem I have with the iphone 6+ is I put it in my cart and it was $850 or $950 depending on 64 or 128, and that is also ******ed. But they hold their value well, while Android phones' value goes into the toilet almost immediately. So idk.

tl:dr Just root yourself with your phone.
09-16-2014 , 09:26 AM
iPhones definitely have a lot of hardware issues too but Apple is probably better about taking care of their customers in that ******. Pretty much everyone I know has sent back an iPhone at least once for random components just ceasing to work but Apple just hands you a comparable refurb and calls it a day afaik. One thing I do find odd is that basically everyone I know with an iPhone has a cracked/mangled screen (or did at one point) but ymmv. I think it's also worth considering not all Android phones have the same manufacturer eg Samsung may have different qc than HTC than Moto etc...

Incidentally I was just reading Note 4 reviews. Looks pretty badass. I'm still rocking my S3 and I'm not in a hurry but since the Nexus 6/X apparently isn't making Verizon I'll likely grab an S5 or Note 4 some time soon. Although the Note 4 is pushing it a bit on size (I understand for you it's a Derek Zoolander phone).
09-16-2014 , 09:29 AM
Lots of android phone for manufacturers just send you a new phone too. Cracked screen seems like a random point - what you should be latching onto here is the whole batch of "loliphone" related statements. Also, for someone that doesn't even want to carry a wallet, I'm surprised by your interest in a phablet.
09-16-2014 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Lots of android phone for manufacturers just send you a new phone too. Cracked screen seems like a random point - what you should be latching onto here is the whole batch of "loliphone" related statements. Also, for someone that doesn't even want to carry a wallet, I'm surprised by your interest in a phablet.
Meh, not really trying to sell anyone an Android phone, just having a conversation. The screen comment is a bit of a tangent but for a phone that's supposedly so well put together it seems like everyone's screen is cracked. Just saying I wouldn't switch to iPhone solely for perceived durability/quality increases.

No idea what you mean wrt the rest... I definitely carry a wallet, it's great, and even if I didn't, I don't know what that means about phone selection...
09-16-2014 , 09:35 AM
Well the wallet is new then, and it's still pretty low profile iirc. Point being, you don't like having a lot in your pockets.
09-16-2014 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by loco
6 fish at the table. 1 pro. Indian lag raises 150k. Khalyn flats on button. Big blind squeezes to 350k. Indian rereises to 1.1 million. Khalyn ships cold face tanking sipping on a protein drink even though he doesn't lift anymore. Indian is pot commuted with AK. Khalyn has AA. Flop comes jj2 rainbow. Good game Khalyn. Runner runner.
Originally Posted by crashjr
Wahdan: Ad Kd
York: Ah Ac

York is at risk needing his pocket aces to hold to double.

The board runs out Js Jc 2d Qc Ts

****ing puke
**** KY. Brutal.

Guys, unfortunately I have gif vidya of the event. Posted below per loco and crash's descriptions:

6 fish at the table. 1 pro.

Indian lag raises 150k.

Khalyn flats on button.

Big blind squeezes to 350k.

Indian rereises to 1.1 million.

Khalyn ships cold face tanking sipping on a protein drink even though he doesn't lift anymore.

Indian is pot commuted with AK.

Khalyn has AA.

York is at risk needing his pocket aces to hold to double.

The board runs out Js Jc 2d



09-16-2014 , 09:42 AM
That was the best thing I've ever read in my entire life

09-16-2014 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Well the wallet is new then, and it's still pretty low profile iirc. Point being, you don't like having a lot in your pockets.
It's very low profile. But preferring a minimal/low profile wallet design doesn't necessarily imply not liking things in my pockets ducy?

Last edited by bixby snyder; 09-16-2014 at 09:49 AM.
09-16-2014 , 09:45 AM
Bixby, I do not.

ETA: I obv can speculate, and I'm also hoping that you're not being super literal and/or inferring super literally.

Everyone else, lolpoker.
09-16-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
iPhones definitely have a lot of hardware issues too but Apple is probably better about taking care of their customers in that ******. Pretty much everyone I know has sent back an iPhone at least once for random components just ceasing to work but Apple just hands you a comparable refurb and calls it a day afaik. One thing I do find odd is that basically everyone I know with an iPhone has a cracked/mangled screen (or did at one point) but ymmv. I think it's also worth considering not all Android phones have the same manufacturer eg Samsung may have different qc than HTC than Moto etc...

Incidentally I was just reading Note 4 reviews. Looks pretty badass. I'm still rocking my S3 and I'm not in a hurry but since the Nexus 6/X apparently isn't making Verizon I'll likely grab an S5 or Note 4 some time soon. Although the Note 4 is pushing it a bit on size (I understand for you it's a Derek Zoolander phone).
HTC was the nut worst phone I've ever had. I'd rather eat glass than get an HTC phone.

Oh yeah, 240fps on the new iPhone! That is very cool and one of the main reasons I'm looking at the iPhone. I'd like to see some sample vidya first though.
09-16-2014 , 09:50 AM
Anyone have a minimal-style wallet that can still hold a lot of cards?

So far rubber band > Free AmEx plastic Wallet, but I'd prefer something a little classier.
09-16-2014 , 09:52 AM




09-16-2014 , 09:54 AM
Pro tip: don't upgrade to Chrome version 37.0.2062.103 m. All the spoilers are broken. Not k.
09-16-2014 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Bixby, I do not.

ETA: I obv can speculate, and I'm also hoping that you're not being super literal and/or inferring super literally.

Everyone else, lolpoker.
I edited my post, but if it's not clear, I prefer a minimal design because there's less clutter, not because I have issues with the size of things in my pocket.

Originally Posted by downtown
Anyone have a minimal-style wallet that can still hold a lot of cards? .
The one recommended to me from EDF is holding 8 pretty easily + a fatass building card that is at least as thick as two more. It's very minimal though, as in if you plan to carry cash it's a few bills tri-folded in the center pocket (lolcash, although I do keep a few 100s in case of emergency).
09-16-2014 , 09:56 AM
amazing, DT
09-16-2014 , 10:02 AM
My company is having a nutrition seminar tomorrow called "Sugar," presented by a Tufts nutrition doctoral candidate. The "abstract" is:

We've been told it's as addictive as drugs. Can this be true? What about other carbohydrates? Find out how sugar and carbs actually affect the body and brain and learn where they are hiding in your diet!

My question is, will this be amusing/informative enough to go, or just way too tilting and make me want to kill everyone?

ETA: Or, if this presentation is absurd, chances that I can spit knowledge and make a fool out of the presenter? Things I should brush up on?
09-16-2014 , 10:04 AM
Depends if you're willing to trololol your way through the Q&A or if you're just gonna silently boil over with rage until you have no choice but to go murder small animals (imo).
09-16-2014 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
Depends if you're willing to trololol your way through the Q&A or if you're just gonna silently boil over with rage until you have no choice but to go murder small animals (imo).
So win/win?
09-16-2014 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
I'm 50/50 between a new iphone and whatever flagship android comes out soon (looks like Motorola X 2014 will be the phone to get). I'd also consider the note 4 but I must be regarded.

The problem I have with all these android fanboys is they don't critically address the quality control problems (anecdotal but I have known several with hardware problems on samsung phones). And I like Android more than ios. e.g. I get frequent reboots and my phone freezes to the point of being unusable in the past few months, two friends have had wifi problems that have been diagnosed as hardware issues, etc.

The problem I have with the iphone 6+ is I put it in my cart and it was $850 or $950 depending on 64 or 128, and that is also ******ed. But they hold their value well, while Android phones' value goes into the toilet almost immediately. So idk.

tl:dr Just root yourself with your phone.
Yeah I'm with you on all these points + your recent post about 240fps. New iphone looks sick but spending so much is hard to swallow. I mean whatever, just money, but still. I have a working Galaxy S4 that's fine and does what I need it to do. Spending $750+tax (so 800, k) on an upgrade is cool and all but seems a bit irresponsible.

I think I just wait for July and get an iphone then. May get an ipad mini for the time being though.
09-16-2014 , 10:47 AM
Holy **** @ DT's gif reenactment.

As a reward I will tell you to check out Bellroy wallets.
09-16-2014 , 10:54 AM
Sweet Brent Kim jif.


Go. Ask presenter if she even lifts.
09-16-2014 , 11:07 AM
potatoes, thanks.

I tried to be elitist and say jif for a while but I am back to gif. I am a man of the people. The compelling argument in the end is of course it's not giraffeics, it's graphics. Also, let's be real, top loll at even saying this irl to a person. "Hey guess what funny gif I saw." No.
09-16-2014 , 11:09 AM

Agree with KC. Please go.
09-16-2014 , 11:11 AM
Saying gif(t) irl sounds so dumb like you don't know English and should get out of America asap dumb.
