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Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog

06-23-2016 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
I mostly agree (although not about them looking amazing ). I'm all for do what works and I'm probably never going to pull 7x 4xx in my life, so...

On the other hand...

a) Doing it "right" is probably better for working the target muscles better. I'm seeing a lack of ham in that dead

b) Doing it "right" probably lowers your risk of injury

This is the internet. We nit. It's what we do.
Go back a year on my channel. Was able to do it right then. It's impossible to set up with the ******ed hexplates I have and very little space. With a platform, proper plates, and being to actually feel positional awareness I'm capable of doing it. Then of course I messed up the eccentric of the first rep and had to reposition.

You probably missed all the discussion, but the wide stance was what "cured" hips shooting up, which used to be much more dramatic and pronounced.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:01 PM
Yeah, i'm in a glass house here, so I'm not going to call the pot black.

I tried the wider stance for a while too. Seemed like a bandaid solution... but yeah, hex plates probably make it worse, blah, blah, nit, nit. Keep doing what your doing (but don't give up on making small improvements over time).
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:17 PM
Looks like your toes could be pointed out a bit to get more glute activation. Extreme deadlift novice here fwiw.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-25-2016 , 12:05 PM
HBBS: 135x8x2, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x2, 345x1, 365x7 (pr), 295x8, 275x12
Leg extensions: 25x10x7 30 secs rest

I'm going to train like this from now on. Maybe add one more exercise for pump to this leg day. Minimalism.

3 working sets done reverse pyramid style shoting for 6-8 on the first, 8-10 on the 2nd, and 10-12 on the third. Add weight or reps to at least one set each week. Next week I'll attempt 370x8.

Last edited by Evoken; 06-25-2016 at 12:34 PM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-25-2016 , 03:31 PM
going to make it my goal to catch you in strength
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-25-2016 , 06:08 PM
That is a truly pissening squat my man
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-28-2016 , 09:19 AM
Arms yesterday

DB curls: 26kgx8, 22x7,5
V-pushdowns: 60x16, 5, 4 (rest pause set)

DB seated curls: 16kgx8x3
DB skullcrushers: 16kgx8x3

Rope pushdowns: 44x8x3
EZ curls: 30kgx7x3

Yeah... low volume high intensity no good for arms. Good for chest/back/legs, no good shoulders and arms.

Uhh... so I've spent literally the last 7 days straight partying and going on dates. Today I had my FIFTH dinner celebration with all my workmates.

It's 10 months in now, school year is finished up. Feels like I should have some long-winded retrospective post, but alas I don't. Suffice to say, it's been the best year of my life by far, and my years will probably always begin in Aug/Sept and conclude in June/July. Feels like my biggest "problem" in life is deciding between competing alternatives that all sound awesome and would bring me happiness and fulfillment. Yep...

Oh, and another big problem is that every time I try to take a left turn on my e-bike, some jackass menopausal woman in a car comes out of nowhere going 30 miles over the speed limit taking a right turn and I break too fast and I fall and skin my knee. I just did that 20 minutes ago while the first cut was still healing and it feels no good.

Staying in China over the break and will probably do some kind of part time work with my free time.

so yeah, the gods are cruel and ironic and i'll probably just die in an e-bike accident now that I'm finally feelin good about nearly aspect of my life in the present and feelin good about the future too.

Last edited by Evoken; 06-28-2016 at 09:25 AM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-28-2016 , 11:19 AM
Enjoy the break! Don't die.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-28-2016 , 11:45 AM
If I was in a hexplate gym I'd just do heavy RDLs.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-28-2016 , 11:51 AM
You have to pretend driving in China is like a videogame. Just break all the rules, dodge **** like a mofo and honk at every single thing that moves.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-28-2016 , 04:33 PM
jfc where does time go? You've been in China for 10mo already? It truly seems like it wasn't that long ago.

H&F asia meetup? srs
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-29-2016 , 09:45 AM
^That's how I feel too man, and yet these days I can have really basic but still fluid/natural conversations with nearly anyone under 60 or so. The older+poor crowd I usually have no ****ing clue what they're saying because their accents are so thick LOL. The summer job I'm looking into might require me to be speaking mandarin on the daily just practicing adults with oral English so hopefully I can progress even faster and sucker one of these broettes into trading lessons (and genital fluids) after I go back to my job at the high school. God forbid I get ensnared into another serious relationship, but if it's with a Chinese girl ofc that will probably push me a few steps closer to real literacy.

DB incline: 46kgx11, 38x10, 34x10 first set is a mega omgwtf gg nore PR.
DB flat: 28kgx10x4 short rests, pretty hard
Medium stance pushups: bwx7x7 30 seconds between

Side raises: 10x5 cable machine isn't working well because lolChina
V-bar pushdowns: 49x20,9,6, 4 rest pause
Facepulls: Iforgotx 10-15x5

Cool, well I guess I should probably skip chest next week. No reason to have extra fluid/glycogen/blood in the muscle immediately before surgery amirite?


Last edited by Evoken; 06-29-2016 at 09:53 AM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-29-2016 , 09:51 AM
Maybe it's just first language bias, but I feel like if you hear the average HS English teacher and the average Walmart patron speak for 10 minutes, there isn't really a huge gap in pronunciation, grammar, fluidity, tonality, or comprehensibility. Maybe they have wildly different colloquialism usage though. If you put them down to write something formal/academic, then huge differences start to emerge.

Between a HS Chinese language teacher and a Vanguard Supermarket patron there's a ****ing chasm between those things to where it barely sounds like the same language.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-29-2016 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
^That's how I feel too man, and yet these days I can have really basic but still fluid/natural conversations with nearly anyone under 60 or so. The older+poor crowd I usually have no ****ing clue what they're saying because their accents are so thick LOL. The summer job I'm looking into might require me to be speaking mandarin on the daily just practicing adults with oral English so hopefully I can progress even faster and sucker one of these broettes into trading lessons (and genital fluids) after I go back to my job at the high school. God forbid I get ensnared into another serious relationship, but if it's with a Chinese girl ofc that will probably push me a few steps closer to real literacy.

DB incline: 46kgx11, 38x10, 34x10 first set is a mega omgwtf gg nore PR.
DB flat: 28kgx10x4 short rests, pretty hard
Medium stance pushups: bwx7x7 30 seconds between

Side raises: 10x5 cable machine isn't working well because lolChina
V-bar pushdowns: 49x20,9,6, 4 rest pause
Facepulls: Iforgotx 10-15x5

Cool, well I guess I should probably skip chest next week. No reason to have extra fluid/glycogen/blood in the muscle immediately before surgery amirite?


I made gains every year from 13-20 natural and still making them today but back then no one ever said "you can't make gains after x years" it just wasn't even a thing, I think even hearing it probably just makes people train like a bitch because why even train hard if you don't even expect to make gains(Evs log)
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-29-2016 , 12:23 PM
I'm just quoting loco because he's very funny and I like his writing style. I have no thoughts on genetic naturolo muscular potential as I literally never trained with hypertrophy as the main goal while natural. I was pretty impressive and did 24 pullups, cgbped 235x10, and squatted 315x10 all weighing 195-199lbs natural though.

I'm quite sure I put on a solid 3.5-4lbs of actual LBM just since I finished dieting. Increased insulina sensitivity+muscle memory and beginning to squat again.

We all vary so much genetically (sorry, SenseiSingh) that its not even worth worrying about. Loco might indeed be incapable of more than 1-2lbs of lbm gains if he trains his ass off and diets perfectly every year. He's also in his late 30s and in an ethnic group that's really bad at building muscle, on average (Sorry, SenseiSingh). Is N1H going to gain that slowly? **** no.

Last edited by Evoken; 06-29-2016 at 12:31 PM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-29-2016 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Maybe it's just first language bias, but I feel like if you hear the average HS English teacher and the average Walmart patron speak for 10 minutes, there isn't really a huge gap in pronunciation, grammar, fluidity, tonality, or comprehensibility. Maybe they have wildly different colloquialism usage though. If you put them down to write something formal/academic, then huge differences start to emerge.

Between a HS Chinese language teacher and a Vanguard Supermarket patron there's a ****ing chasm between those things to where it barely sounds like the same language.
Wait until you visit Chengdu. Even Chinese people barely have any clue wtf everybody is saying. Nobody's speaking putonghua around here, it's all Sichuanhua. Biggest and most "off" dialect in China.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 06:21 AM
I'm liking this new training style. Numbers going up, in the gym less than an hour today.

Pullups: bwx10x5
T-bar rows: 192.5x11, 154x12, 15
Pulldowns: "7"x10x7
Ez curls: 25kgx7x7

I'm realizing I'm never going to progress on pullups because it always causes me pec tendon damage to do really difficult pullup work. So just going to maintain with lighter straight sets and try to progress on big rowing movements and deadlifts with pulldowns as my main pump work.

So i guess I'll do legs+back+chest low volume, arms and shoulders high volume. I feel like chest can kinda go either way, but I'm definitely preferring the lower volume for legs and back. I feel so much less fried.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 03:43 PM
i never do weight training longer than 1 hour
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
I'm just quoting loco because he's very funny and I like his writing style. I have no thoughts on genetic naturolo muscular potential as I literally never trained with hypertrophy as the main goal while natural. I was pretty impressive and did 24 pullups, cgbped 235x10, and squatted 315x10 all weighing 195-199lbs natural though.

I'm quite sure I put on a solid 3.5-4lbs of actual LBM just since I finished dieting. Increased insulina sensitivity+muscle memory and beginning to squat again.

We all vary so much genetically (sorry, SenseiSingh) that its not even worth worrying about. Loco might indeed be incapable of more than 1-2lbs of lbm gains if he trains his ass off and diets perfectly every year. He's also in his late 30s and in an ethnic group that's really bad at building muscle, on average (Sorry, SenseiSingh). Is N1H going to gain that slowly? **** no.
we don't vary that much at all. You really need to stop googling studies and having this blanket phrase 'genetic variation' thrown around. Fundamental conversions of energy are same within you and me. So you really do need to delve deeper into the science of genetics and tell us what you find.

watch these awesome vids for starters

in fact the site is awesome in terms of the accuracy of the animation. It is just crazy to see what is going on in our cells. just crazy.

check em out. vv interesting.

I believe in the body's ability to not only mutate randomly but mutations that can be caused due to lifestyle change that then create a broader variation.

You are born with a genetic set and there is no wiggle room after that flies in the face of evolution. By your metric, we'd all just reach a point of stupor in terms of genetic changes.

You are just talking about segmented populations with dispositions (that weren't inherent, just mutations that happened over time due to external factors and now someone born in west africa probably automatically assume he is physically that way)

also a lot of 'mutations and variations' the two things that play a key role, arise not from inheritance but from extrensic factors as well.

Pit a Kenyan marathon runner & Jamaican sprinter against the untrained dude in Khumbu valley Nepal and both their asses will be handed to them pronto.

Go lift at higher altitudes and you will again observe such scenarios where weaker opponents seem to just be outdoing you even though you juice.

However, the body adapts! Live in the mountains and you'd be a killler EVO.

Blacks and whoever else you named as being benefited from their variations are only so within a very small environmental constraint. It is just that it is the most accessible environment on Earth.

concluding that you know ceiling of someone's potential to lift weights through eye tests is rather plain, unsophisticated and grossly oversimplified.

I am the only Indian (i think) on this form, had a crocked back for ages, bad leverages, apparently bad genetics as well (according to you)... but... I am certain I will outperform a lot of h&f regs here and rather soon too.

Think of this as a challenge.

Evo I already run faster than you, I play better bball and tennis than you and I am pretty sure this will make me a better athlete than you once I add more strength - which to me is just a matter of practice and dedication - to overcome my one limitation when compared to you.

I played 4 years of bball with black guys in uni gyms. Asked them if they took statistics on FGs, drives and post ups. I owned them.

In pick up soccer games you will not find a cleverer operator than me. You are natural abilities and raw strength with self-coaching with minimal tactical approach.

I am otoh a master of tactics in sports and the ability to do so I consider to be a genetic variation that you don't possess.

Will give everyone 100$ if Evo can beat me in a 1v1 bball game played to 21 3x

Many have tried, not many have won. I am a hard opponent to play.

Last edited by SenseiSingh; 07-01-2016 at 04:59 PM. Reason: sorry for endless edits. super high atm
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
You are born with a genetic set and there is no wiggle room after that flies in the face of evolution. By your metric, we'd all just reach a point of stupor in terms of genetic changes.
SS, most of your pseudoscientific rambling is sort of funny to read, the rest I usually ignore. But this.. This is so amazingly stupid, like creationist level of misunderstanding / misrepresentation
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 05:09 PM
so how exactly does evolution occur? how does a person come to possess a certain genome?

Answer me these guestions. he 'indulges in pseudoscientific ramblings' is a cop out. You are basically saying you know jack ****.

burden of proof is on Evo not me. His top down approach is not going to be able to face up to hard facts. He has already built a belief probably won't deter. I guess I could claim genetic variations have caused his brain to act with motivated reasoning instead of unbiased opinions which neither of us should really possess unless we get some technical background in this subject.

I have such a background. That is why his over-stating genetic variation is so lol
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 05:13 PM
Not to mention I just provided anecdotal evidence that black guys couldn't compete with me in bball. At least the competitions were always fairly balanced and not one side trouncing the other.

So now the whole realm of genetic variations hinges upon whose word is believed. Mine or Evo.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 05:21 PM
super duper high dont even remember what i wrote. the challenges are still on if anyone wants to accept.

by tomorrow evening i will prepare a thread on everything genetics related. We can discuss there.

Mainly wanted evo to watch those videos because they are super cool.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
so how exactly does evolution occur? how does a person come to possess a certain genome?
Well, when a man and a woman really like each other..
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-01-2016 , 06:46 PM
So because you beat black guys at basketball black people in general aren't better at it? Sorry didn't read the entire rant
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
