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Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog

04-05-2016 , 08:59 AM
Chest shoulders tris

45 degree incline db: 34kgx10x4
30 degree incline db: 30kgx10x3, x15
Flat db: 30kgx10x3, x16
Side raises: 5 sets failure
V-bar pushdowns: 33x32, 4 more sets failure between 9-12
Db skullcrushers: various weights for reps, db area was crowded and I was working in
Pushups: 4 sets failure
face pulls: 95x15x5

bw: 88.55kg

I unintentionally lowered my sodium by using different marinades. Coupled with lowering carbs throughout the last few days... holy **** I'm in a world of hurt with cramping. IDK how potassium/sodium works with cramping, but I noticed basically 0 cramping using potatos as my main carb source and using salty as fack seasonings, a little cramping with salty as fack seasonings but pasta as my carb source, and then a ****ton of cramping now.

Feels like I'm still dieting and pushing a fairly big deficit but not really losing much scale weight from anything but water = /. Clearly getting leaner in the mirror, however.

Had ~75g carbs yesterday, 0 carbs until immediately preworkout today. I had a bunch of the new birthday cake flavoured oreos preworkout and had the most outrageous pump ever. Didn't want to take any shots because everyone in the locker room was literally crowding around me. It sounds like the beginning of a gay IR reverse gangbang Asian orgy?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:21 AM
I can tell you potatoes have a lot of potassium just in case you didn't know.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:26 AM
As strange as it may sound I'd be way more okay with taking a bunch of flexing selfies admiring myself butt naked in a Chinese gym locker room while everyone is staring at you, than doing it in the west while everyone is pretending to mind their own business. No Chinese is even remotely going tgaf.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:36 AM
What is your salt intake? If you're over ~5g a day, its not your sodium levels!

You are almost certainly magnesium deprived as well. I'd supplement that fo sho.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
I can tell you potatoes have a lot of potassium just in case you didn't know.
I do wonder if Emoken is eating those pseudo-food noodles they have in Asia that are like a mixture of fake noodle and jello.

No way to know.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-06-2016 , 10:19 AM
^ It might very well be under 5g on many days. I'll look into magnesium though! I don't really eat Chinese style noodles, just never been a big fan. I guess Xinjiang noodles are kind of okay.

I looked in the mirror post workout today and actually thought to myself: "I think I'm ready to end this diet". I kinda started getting to the point where I'm dreading eating my next meal because I'm just so sick of the same thing every day. Now, I could probably continue dieting by mixing up my protein carb sources so I don't go insane from eating chicken and bowtie pasta every meal, but guys... look at the pictures. Do I really need to?

Definitely not going to bulk though; maybe just eat about the same as I do now for the first 2-3 meals, then post workout yeah it's okay to have a burger and have some sushi pre-bed. I can probably finally add some regular cardio and get as good of results on fat loss as I am now not dieting as strictly, too.

Ok so yeah I lifted too It was okay my pec tendon hurt so I didn't try hard on pullups zzzz

pullups: bwx10x5 ~60 sec rests
T-bar rows: 155x10x4, x15
BB rows: 135x10x5
Pulldowns: 60x10x5

DB hammer curls: 14kgx10x4
Drag curls: 40lbsx4 sets failure
Seated db hammer curls: 12kgx10x4, x17
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-06-2016 , 06:23 PM
Jelly. You look amazing
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-07-2016 , 10:25 AM
Did legs a day early just because I'm not really able to do them heavy right now and I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow.

HBBS: 225x10x5
Leg curls: 40x20x5
Leg extensions unilateral: 10x20x5 each side
BW walking lunges

I didn't feel like leg pressing. So I did the lunges. My quad felt okay during the workout, but then 1 hr later it had pain again : (. I hope I can get back to doing some heavy squats/legs soon. At least DL is going fine so my lower body isn't totally ruined.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:19 PM
Even loco is gonna give this the perfect, maintain.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-09-2016 , 06:39 AM
Taking a day trip tomorrow so had to move things forward a day.


Hammer curls: 20kgx31, 4 more sets failure I don't like these, going to use regular db curls
v-bar pushdowns: 38.5x40, 4 more sets failure

Spider curls: 12kgx10x4, x19 i REALLY like these, holy ****! Maybe put this first in workouts..
DB skullcrushers: 12kgx10x4, x25

EZ drag curls: 25kgx20, 4 more sets failure
Rope pushdowns: 27.5x22, 4 more sets failure

Cardio: 30 mins bike, "600kcal burned" I don't think that's accurate.

Guys I pretty much have to go back to restricted calories already. A few days ago like right after I "stopped dieting" I bit the inside of my cheek toward the back near my wisdom teeth really hard. There was blood everywhere. Day after didn't feel anything, then yesterday and today holy **** immense pain in the area. I literally can't move my jaw to talk/eat without pain because I can feel my wisdom teeth grinding up against the wound. So I'm doing skim milk and white fish. Praying I don't have to visit a dentist/doctor, but if I do I gotta make sure he's Taiwanese and not a mainlander.

But on the bright side, even after just a few days of eating a lot less strictly I got a nice filling out effect and I look a ****ton bigger and leaner just from better glycogen storage. This is exactly what happened last year when I cut: 2 weeks after ending it and eating fairly large, my scale weight is going up, vascularity is up, and I look leaner and more muscular at the same time.

I guess I'm the body type that gets flat very easily and it takes more than just a cheat meal or 2 to get glycogen back into the muscles. I should probably be more scientific with my weekly cheats with this knowledge and do something like skip loading instead of just "uhhh I'm gonna have pizza today or whatever".
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-12-2016 , 09:03 AM

400m jog
80m sprints @ 100% effort 5 sets 2-3 minutes rest

Tuesday Chest shoulders tris:

Incline 60 degree db press: 34kgx10x3, x8 absent mindedly set the incline too high
Incline 30 degree: 30kgx10x3, x20
Flat DB: 30kgx10x3, x15
Close pushups: bwxfailure x 4

V-bar pushdowns: 27.5x41, 4 more sets to failure
Cable side raises: 5 sets
Face pulls: 38.5x12x5
Rope pushdowns: 22.5x40, 4 more sets to failure

Cardio: 30 mins bike "560 calories burned" but the meter has to be broken, I'd be surprised if it were half that.

My mouth/cheek/tooth thing is better. The binge has been strong. I need to slow down asap.

I think you can get away with it for a good 2 weeks after finishing a diet just because insulin sensitivity is sky high, a lot of glycogen still needs to be replenished, and ghrelin is high, but then you quickly go into fatass mode. I'm going to try to structure things to have breakfast+lunch+2nd lunch as """"clean"""" foods then some simple sugars pre and post workout, big post workout meal, and something on the lower carb side pre-bed.

I think:

Meal 1 3 BTMed eggs from the fridge, 500ml skim, 50g whey

Meal 2 white fish or chicken breast+pasta, rice, white or sweet potato

Meal 3 Same as meal 2

small quantity of cookies/donuts/lower fat high carb type junk pre workout+ same quantity post workout

Meal 4 Big meal at a Xinjiang or Sichuan restaurant, something really satiating like a lamb stew or a kung pao chicken or something

Meal 5 ???? protein with low/no carbs. Maybe some more BTMed eggs.

Last edited by Evoken; 04-12-2016 at 09:12 AM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-12-2016 , 12:24 PM
One helluva physique mirin, post diet rebound is sick
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-12-2016 , 12:34 PM
Praying I don't have to visit a dentist/doctor, but if I do I gotta make sure he's Taiwanese and not a mainlander.
Is it much harder to get a medical degree in taiwan than mainland china?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-12-2016 , 12:39 PM
Return of banana hammock for pics. Asking for QB.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-12-2016 , 06:24 PM
How does the down "south" vascularity respond to refeeds?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-13-2016 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by khanrava
Is it much harder to get a medical degree in taiwan than mainland china?
I am not sure. From my experience and from talking to other westerners and from being around my Taiwanese students; they are WAY more civilized and less 3rd world than Mainland Chinese. The fella who's been here ten years advised me to go to a Taiwanese clinic and avoid a Chinese one last time I got sick, but didn't really explain why. Mainland Chinese perceptions of health are comically divorced from modern medical science and adherence to thousands of years old quackery is seen as some kind of virtuous wisdom. Mikhel05 would lose his mind.

I'm really confused because people also say "Taiwanese are more traditional than Mainland Chinese". I have no idea what people mean by this, they must mean traditional in other ways. All of the parents of my Taiwanese students speak English fluently whereas most of my Koreans and Chinese students' parents know even less than I know Chinese despite having their kids in a foreign language school with designs to go abroad. Could just be variance, but I've never run into a Taiwanese who didn't know what I would describe as "a lot" of English.

The Taiwanese students have accents, but their writing is near native level for their age.

Also unrelated, but any time you see a good looking Asian man, there's like almost a 0% chance he's mainland Chinese. He's usually Taiwanese, but sometimes Kr/JP/Thai/HK. The taiwanese accent is very soft/quiet and they aren't rowdy and boisterous sounding like mainlanders. Beijingers are the worst holy **** they have no indoor voice.

K so to answer your question: I don't know if it's any easier, but a medical degree in Taiwan probably actually means the study of modern medicine whereas a medical degree in mainland China might mean the study of herbs and **** from 5000 years ago and energies and chakras.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-13-2016 , 02:27 AM
Anytime I went to the hospital in China I'd also try to go to the Taiwanese one. The only problem is that the Chinese also know that Taiwanese hospitals are far superior, so if you aren't paying for a VIP room it could be like a factory in there.

I had to go for an endoscopy once and I asked the doctor what exactly what was going to happen. He said he was going to do this and this and this "if there's time"

I said "wtf do you mean if there's time?" He said that there's a ton of patients outside (there were literally hundreds) and if he doesn't have time he'll do as much as he can and I'll have to come back later. I just left, no way was I going to do anesthesia twice if I didn't have to.

Did it in the states and was very happy that I did because it didn't go smoothly and I'm glad I had a US doctor.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-13-2016 , 10:33 AM
I don't get it though... why are the Taiwanese superior in these kind of ways? It politics bro? Isn't "more traditional" going to include "more traditional" in medicine?


Deadlift: 425lbsx8, 335x16 left 1 in the tank first set, glad I did because I failed 17th rep on second set. Went BALLS DEEP

Pullups: bwx10x4, x14
BB rows: 135x10x4, x16
Pulldowns: 55x12x4, x18

Seated alt db curls: 14kgx5 sets failure
Spider curls: 20lbsx5 sets failure
EZ drag curls: 40lbsx5 sets failure

Sooooo I do really slow negatives on my deadlifts now because we are on the 2nd floor and actually several of the plates have indeed cracked from other people doing less controlled negatives. Also I have hex plates at today's regular location so slow negatives makes that a lot more tolerable as well. One thing I notice about this is that doing the negative slowly engages my lats a ****ton more. Cool

I could take the subway to another branch where the plates are more durable but it's around 35 minutes vs a 12 minute commute to my regular ones.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-13-2016 , 02:16 PM
Taiwan has one of the highest test scores in the world. (doesn't translate directly to good doctors but it can't be a bad thing)

When the Nationalists fled China to Taiwan it was mostly the wealthy/intellectuals. If you see a college in Taiwan with the word " National" in front of it that actually means it was originally a school in China and they fled to Taiwan to continue that education.

So between most of the smartest people fleeing to Taiwan and Mao killing off anyone of intelligence left, China is severely lacking in education. Taiwan has 80 years with a good education system and the smartest people China had to offer, while China spent 50 years stifling education and then 30 years playing catch up.

Also why the brightest in China go to private schools and then quickly abroad.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-14-2016 , 12:14 AM
Right, I keep forgetting about that culling academics thing.

I wonder what a country full of displaced American humanitards would look like...

ON Gold Standard Cookies and Cream review:

****ing amazing. 10/10. Perfection, maintain. Tastes like a frickin milkshake with skim. I think basically no protein powder is drinkable in water though so I'm not even going to try. I'll give it a shot with gatorade for post workout simple sugars+protein to hit me fast.

I'm not sure how much/if it matters for noobies, but I'm starting to think that peri workout nutrition is actually really ****ing important for recovery and semi-important for performance. I noticed that once I started consistently adding some kind of fast digesting carbs every workout immediately before the gym things started just generally feeling better. I'm going to make an effort to jam down some kind of simple carbs+protein within a few minutes of finishing workouts too.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-14-2016 , 12:29 AM
Where do you get the protein in China? Any Asian country I've been to had very limited protein powders and were 5x the standard price

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-14-2016 , 01:36 AM
Some guy I know imports it and resells at +$30USD and ends up making only like $5 per 5lb tub. Every grocery store also sells unflavored protein powder, usually for even worse prices by volume.

I'm going to gamble on Taobao where I can get a 10lb bag for "only" $100 but have a non-zero chance of literally fake protein powder.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-14-2016 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Some guy I know imports it and resells at +$30USD and ends up making only like $5 per 5lb tub. Every grocery store also sells unflavored protein powder, usually for even worse prices by volume.

I'm going to gamble on Taobao where I can get a 10lb bag for "only" $100 but have a non-zero chance of literally fake protein powder.
Do you seriously still believe this? It's so facking likely he just buys random cheapass Taobao tubs and sells them as authentic import with tons of margin. Several foreigners doing exactly that in Chengdu too and saying it's "high quality import"

Re 10lb bag, you talking about the Myprotein stuff? Seems popular recently
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-14-2016 , 09:09 AM
Pre >>> Post wrt peri workout nutrition.

You're post prandial for hours and hours post eating. Don't be the guy drinking your shake in the shower.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Pre >>> Post wrt peri workout nutrition.

You're post prandial for hours and hours post eating. Don't be the guy drinking your shake in the shower.
This has nothing to with pre>>post, just that post is irrelevant given pre.

I think it's really just peri>>none.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
