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Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog

07-04-2016 , 07:53 PM
For most people most of the time Life is short, harsh and depressing. And (IMO) there is no paradise, heaven, virgins, Nirvana, whatever, on the other side. We are here for a while, and we die, and that is that.

I personally have no problem with anyone recognizing they are a square peg in a round hole and choosing to find happiness by moving across the world to a place where they are basically a default higher social status on account of being taller, having more skeletal
Muscle and larger penis than the vast majority of the indigenous population.

Find happiness where you can And F the haters I say.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-04-2016 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
so are you.
Bad form
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-04-2016 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
For most people most of the time Life is short, harsh and depressing. And (IMO) there is no paradise, heaven, virgins, Nirvana, whatever, on the other side. We are here for a while, and we die, and that is that.

I personally have no problem with anyone recognizing they are a square peg in a round hole and choosing to find happiness by moving across the world to a place where they are basically a default higher social status on account of being taller, having more skeletal
Muscle and larger penis than the vast majority of the indigenous population.

Find happiness where you can And F the haters I say.
you godm damn right mate. its chant down babylon season.

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Bad form
usually i'd agree but when it comes to mihklol that is pretty close to a compliment for a guy like him.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-04-2016 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Bad form
To be fair it was following a very racist post. (Not to mention a post which displayed a lack of understanding of genetics.)
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-04-2016 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
For most people most of the time Life is short, harsh and depressing. And (IMO) there is no paradise, heaven, virgins, Nirvana, whatever, on the other side. We are here for a while, and we die, and that is that.

I personally have no problem with anyone recognizing they are a square peg in a round hole and choosing to find happiness by moving across the world to a place where they are basically a default higher social status on account of being taller, having more skeletal
Muscle and larger penis
than the vast majority of the indigenous population.

Find happiness where you can And F the haters I say.
I'd say having a master's degree in econ and being lucky enough to have English as a native language coupled with actually trying to learn Chinese goes a ****ton further toward giving me the default higher social status than any physical attributes. They are Asian; they love $$ and educational attainment more than muscles or penis.

Also, jesus guys I'm only 27...
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-04-2016 , 11:15 PM
I was talking about Syndrom. Your only 5'10". Doesn't really count.

Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-05-2016 , 05:49 AM

You read that incorrectly.


Given that I also engaged in geoarbitrage to flaunt my prestigious USA#1 priv (Being born poor and black in America is still basically 1%er life so w/e.) I can't really bash on Emoken too hard. I think many people take an easy way out instead of focusing on why they are in a predicament and how they can rectify. Maybe they decide that having sex with women is too difficult and being morbidly obese is okay (gobboboy). Or are okay just being very fat and not super fat (YTF).

I don't really care what people. Just that most people are very lazy and never bother to improve themselves resulting in being unhappy.

Luckily none of us are brown people living in the Punjab ostensibly retaining membership in a cult. Allahu akbar.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-05-2016 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05

I don't really care what people. Just that most people are very lazy and never bother to improve themselves resulting in being unhappy.

Luckily none of us are brown people living in the Punjab ostensibly retaining membership in a cult. Allahu akbar.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-05-2016 , 08:34 AM
You guys are like... so negative, man. Let's be chill.

I went hiking at a pretty rad mountain with a pretty rad temple called Lingyan Shan the day after my failed leg session. So it's a good thing I didn't actually try that day. Because my quads/knees would have been fuuuuckkkkeeedd on the way down from the mountain.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-10-2016 , 12:08 AM
Evoken: "So how many times have you done this surgery? like SIX HUNDRED (jokingly)"
Dr. Kim: "No, much more than that.
Evoken: "....????~~!!"
Dr. Kim: "Yeah I've been doing this for 12 years and most of the surgeries I do are gynecomastia surgeries. Nowadays I do one or two operations every day 6 days a week."

Evoken: "Hey nurse lady, how long until I can lift and play sports? like 4 weeks? 6?"
Esoul: "LOL, no you'll literally be back to bench pressing in 2 weeks"
Evoken: "But the internet said blah blah blah!"
Esoul: "It's BS, you're good."
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-10-2016 , 12:26 AM
Ya man the surgery doesn't seem very hardcore you'll be crushing it very soon gl
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-10-2016 , 02:06 PM
Those are the kind of surprises you want on surgery day.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-20-2016 , 08:01 AM
17 days of no lifting plz kill me. I'm supposed to take the staples out of my nipples on Friday+Saturday; 2 will come out on Friday then the remainder the next day. They gave me a tool to do so. I'm scared as ****. My chest feels fine though and I'm confident I can return to very light sub 50% benching like...right now, but I'd really like the staples out comfortably before I go do anything at all. I just don't want to worry about suddenly tugging against skin the wrong way from general activity/lifting and blood explosion or complications with the staples.

I know you all must be appreciating this not at all gross visual. A very important post I'm making here.

so yeah tentatively Sunday/Monday for my return. I'll do some ultra light full body stuff the first week just re-acclimating then go back to my tried and true 4 day split.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-20-2016 , 09:09 AM
Didn't realize they'd use staples. On your nipples.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-20-2016 , 09:23 AM
Don't be an idiot and rush rehab... if it takes 17 days or 27 days, it's nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-20-2016 , 09:58 AM
^ yeah I'll avoid any direct pec work, pressing, or vertical pulling for at least 4 weeks. But I do plan to return to lower body lifting, curls, tricep+shoulder isolation exercises, and horizontal pulls soonish. I may ask the doc about removing the staples a bit early.

Yeah I didn't realize they'd staple my nipples either. I know the technology exists to get stitches that dissolve and I'm gonna politely ask if, god forbid, I find myself on the operating table again.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-20-2016 , 12:01 PM
taking staples out seems super easy, try doing self catheterization now that **** isnt fun
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-21-2016 , 09:22 AM
^Yeah I'd wanna be put under general anasthesia just to avoid that tbh.

Ok so I mis-interpreted what the English lady said. My staples were supposed to be out the 19th, 10 days post op NOT 10 days after my blood bags came out. So the 20th I was already a day late and took them all out last night. First one was quit a stubborn little bastard and I was freakin out b/c it kinda hurt and I thought it was going to be that difficult for all 8 of them+the 2 near my serratus. After the first one though, they all came out easily and I didn't feel a thing for most of them. The second the last one was a blood explosion, but I couldn't feel anything.

I did 5 pushups just now. It felt really hard! Not painful, but yeah the area just feels weak and numb still. No direct chest work beyond benching the bar at least until a week from Saturday, possibly 2 weeks from that.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-21-2016 , 09:31 AM
Oh yeah check out this badass ultra quick and shockingly filling protein+peanut butter "pudding" recipe I accidentally discovered just cruising youtube for bbing meal prep strategies

starts at 8:50. The rest of the video is going to be potentially enraging to people who put any effort into cooking, but the pudding snack is legit. LJL pre-packaged rice. lol@ his seasonings. LOL at anyone who eats low sodium anything but like 12-24 hours away from a competition or weigh in.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-21-2016 , 10:14 AM
I thought that was more disgusting than the nipple staples.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-21-2016 , 10:48 AM
Did you actually make it then? It was pretty damn good, but I imagine it's highly dependent on the whey protein and PB combo you use. BSN takes good just by itself tbh.

Or perhaps you mean his truly revolting pissening barely beyond Genova level cooking?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-25-2016 , 01:17 AM
I lifted kinda

FS: 95x10, 135x10, 185x10

DB curls:14kgx10x5
V-pushdowns: 20x12x5

BB rows: 115x10x3

HBBS didn't feel good on my chest. Popping my chest out and stuff felt uncomfortable. I was not at all winded from 185x10, shockingly. Last time I took a long layoff (the patellar tendon days... god what a terrible 2 years that was) I remember being gassed just from 135x10 warmups, but I guess this time around I live in China and do a fuucckktttonn of walking around. Shockingly though, I still had some residual left quad pain. So I guess I'll just keep taking it very slow/maintenence level squatting. When I do start this mock bodybuilding prep, I will just do boring stuff for squats and not chase numbers at all. Thinking weightx10x5 timed and move up weight only if I can get it under 20 minutes, focus on tempo and TUT and bounce less etc.

I looked really bad like a week ago because I had the compression vest on at all times besides showering and laundering. Now I have it more like 12 hours a day and even before lifting I immediately started looking better. I think I've got a really good starting point for this dieting phase. I've also discovered I ****ing love sweet potatos and my ricecooker will be probably unused for the big 12 week cut. Also found a place that has cheap+sanitary (lol) red meats like flank and chuck steaks that I can work my latino magic on to make semi-tender. I like my dieting foods; the main struggle will be complying with a cooking schedule and bringing meals with me when I go places for several hours. I am unlikely to cheat because of craving/emotion, but more because I'm hungry and just want something NOW and healthy options aren't available and I'm too impatient to go cook.

Okay so yeah good cool yeah great k.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-25-2016 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Oh yeah check out this badass ultra quick and shockingly filling protein+peanut butter "pudding" recipe I accidentally discovered just cruising youtube for bbing meal prep strategies


starts at 8:50. The rest of the video is going to be potentially enraging to people who put any effort into cooking, but the pudding snack is legit. LJL pre-packaged rice. lol@ his seasonings. LOL at anyone who eats low sodium anything but like 12-24 hours away from a competition or weigh in.
Is it really necessary to eat that "clean" all the time to keep an aesthetic physique? Why are bb diets so low in fat?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-25-2016 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Is it really necessary to eat that "clean" all the time to keep an aesthetic physique? Why are bb diets so low in fat?
1.) To keep that guy's physique, **** no. To get down to legit stage lean, yes. Even if you're on boatloads of roids and gh? Ues, but there's variance in how much wiggle room you have even if you are on these substances. Natural ectos like me have a lot. A guy who has a fatboy bodytype will have close to none. Black guys and younger dudes tends to have more wiggle room (sorry SS). Given that I started weight training at 5'11 135, I definitely can get away with a lot more ****. If KC tried to diet, even if he were on the exact same roids, he wouldn't be able to get away with much ****. But he also would put on strength+size more easily to compensate.

How do I know this? listening to a ****ton of bodybuilding podcasts where prep coaches talk about how much variance they see in dieting success between different clients and correlational characteristics. Have their been peer reviewed studies? No. Does that preclude it from being true? No.

2.) Because guys on roids suffer a lot less (it's still bad) from restricting fats. If you restrict carbs, performance goes down as it's very hard for the body to keep glycogen stores up and you tend to have less energy. And "poor pumps in the gym".

Naturals suffer a lot more from restricting dietary fats. I mean the enhanced guys still have some hormonal effects, they just don't need to worry about the effects on testosterone levels.

Some geared bbers still choose to use a low carb approach. High carbs got really popular because most of the pros must use high carb diets since they are supplementing with insulin as well as AAS. If your carbs are too low and you're taking large amounts of insulin, you can literally die! But of course they don't say this when they are interviewed about their diets in the muscle magazines. It's kind of silly not to, because insulin is legal otc in the western world.

Basically, if you're an enhanced bber looking to get into contest shape, you can eat protein and fats or protein and carbs, but you're going to have to restrict one or the other. If you're a natural bber, you have no choice but to restrict carbs and eat proteins+fats.

Low fats+high carbs = better performance, worse hormonal health, worse satiety. Higher fats+low carbs = worse performance, better hormonal health, better satiety.

bleh who cares you guys are just gonna say "lol whatever if you're on roids you can just eat a whole large pizza every day and get ripped LOL".
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
07-25-2016 , 12:21 PM
1) Think you should specify what you mean by "clean" This is something the tards **** up all the time.
2) Good points. I think you could probably actually do that with a pizza. You wouldn't have the size you do, but there should be enough protein in a meatlovers + roids. I mean... CountryRoads?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
