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10-02-2014 , 11:24 PM
Making some poison arrow/desecrate trap guy. Should be different playstyle than I'm used to.
Path of Exile Quote
10-02-2014 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
It's almost time to officer Jackitos, since I think pockey and I are pretty much the only ones on everyday.

We have quite a few inactives. I'm enjoying the game enough that I don't see myself quitting unless the new league sucks.

Of course, as I say that: I won't be on Friday due to date with the wife and Saturday, I'll be on late, since I have prior all day plans.
I've been inactive for awhile. Really like the game and like hanging out with you guys and all that, but having a newborn kinda kills my free time, and PoE is a massive time sink on my life... I get addicted too easily.
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I've been inactive for awhile. Really like the game and like hanging out with you guys and all that, but having a newborn kinda kills my free time, and PoE is a massive time sink on my life... I get addicted too easily.
wow, you've got priorities wrong dude
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
Making some poison arrow/desecrate trap guy. Should be different playstyle than I'm used to.
To follow-up:
I'm leveling with spectral throw, and the build will only have me leveling with int/hp/es/dot nodes until 44-49 ish. I need a certain amount of points before it recommends the switch to using the main skills. Lol at much damage spectral throw doesn't do with any ias/damage mods.

I hit level 20, and I just switched to a shiversting. Making some progress, but it's nothing like when you're actually spec'ed for damage. I figure, I'll grind to max level in normal and then make the switch, whether it be at 40 or 44. I'm scared to imagine how bad ST is going to be in cruel. It can't be much worse than having 90% of my damage nodes.

I think if all else fails and I end up hating this build, it'll be easy to use my refund points to change her into a wander or something with EB/AA.
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 11:21 AM
Welcome to my blog.
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10-03-2014 , 01:25 PM
I support the jack officer movement!
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
I support the jack officer movement!
Already booted you
Gg no re
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 05:06 PM
What's the deal with races? Why is there no season right now?
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by johnbeans
What's the deal with races? Why is there no season right now?
Probably working on the new expansion. Maybe will do races when season is over to help there lull
Path of Exile Quote
10-03-2014 , 06:57 PM
I'm worried they're mismanaging resources, on the beyond league they admitted themselves they had very short time to create something, I'd do races since I don't want to play beyond but for some reason the break got this long
Path of Exile Quote
10-04-2014 , 09:57 AM
Races are vital for the game IMO
Path of Exile Quote
10-05-2014 , 10:15 AM
Made a post on reddit about an idea of staggering the challenge leagues. It's not going to much visibility, because the first few votes were downvotes, but what do you guys think?

It could looks something like this: [1]
As the challenge leagues come close to ending a lot of players end up quitting and just waiting for the new challenge leagues to start. By staggering the start times of the leagues there will always be a new-ish league for players to join. Getting bored of Beyond? Hop into the new Rampage league. Thoughts?
edit: I realize they put a ton of work into the game with each release of the new challenge leagues. The model I suggested is just a basic outline. You could have breaks to help with transitions between these leagues just like there are now. The main idea is that a the player base routinely dies down towards the end of the challenge leagues and picks up again when the new ones start. This seems far from ideal from both a player and business perspective.
I feel like staggering the start times of these leagues could help significantly in maintaining some play time consistency by drastically reducing the downtime players feel between new leagues.
Also, I think by staggering the leagues many players who only play HC would be more willing to play SC as the league they're mostly invested in is winding down and vice versa.
Path of Exile Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:04 AM
I forgot that I don't like playing trappers.
Respeced this chick into fireball witch. More of my style because I just click and don't have to pay attention.

Playing a noob friendly, so it doesn't look like there is crit or anything special about it. It has me getting EB, but doesn't look like MoM. I'll be running AA at some point.

Maybe need to get a CoD or something, who knows
Path of Exile Quote
10-09-2014 , 07:39 PM
Picked up a cute little wand, kind of pricey, but it was a nice upgrade.
Path of Exile Quote
10-10-2014 , 10:16 PM
I forgot PoE was a Steam game too. So I decided to make a new account and start fresh, only later realizing I could have linked my account to Steam, which I think I did way back when, as I already had PoE installed on Steam with hours logged, who knows.

I tried Beyond (the hardcore league) managed to get to 22 before dying. I played a few other characters in that league to 15~ish before dying as well. My computer and also my skill isn't good enough to keep playing the hardcore stuff. It's fun, but too frustrating ultimately for me.

Now , I'm playing on Standard League with a Templar. I just hit level 65 and I'm almost done with Act Three Merciless. I'm using the skill - incinerate in a four-link staff and it seems pretty powerful, I haven't had too much trouble so far. Right now I have 2k life/2k energy shield/600 mana and my incinerate says it does 1.7k DPS. I probably made a terrible build, but, it's fun so far. I probably need more damage mitigation, so I'm starting to take the armor+energy shield nodes and probably the life+energy shield nodes too. I use the following auras - determination and discipline and hopefully soon I can use a third as well, since I've grabbed a lot of the reduced mana reserved nodes and I've been leveling up my reduced mana gem.

I've been selling most things I pick up to the vendors after I identify them and then I've been reselling the alteration orbs for chaos orbs in trade chat. Seems to be working well. I just got my resists near capped from some new gear and I'm about to make another run at beating Piety and Lunaris Temple. It seems to be projectiles from the dudes who shoot like 100x bullets at you from their chests or whatever, that really kills me. Not sure what resists I need to counter that. I haven't made it through level 3 Lunaris yet. This 10% exp loss which I forgot about is starting to be a real pain in the ass.

Overall, I'm glad I took the advice of you guys and started fresh, I still decided to stay on Standard after my brief adventures into Beyond League. However starting over fresh was certainly the right choice, so thanks.

Mashxx, I sent you a friend invite on Steam, my steam ID is basically my 2p2 name. Should be easy to see it's from me. I'll get at you within Path of Exile to get a 2p2 guild invite too. Thanks.

I mostly play solo as I have a ****ty PC, but, if anyone is around level 65 and wants to play together on Standard let me know. My characters name is "OhOhOne".

Last edited by Ahutz; 10-10-2014 at 10:28 PM.
Path of Exile Quote
10-10-2014 , 11:15 PM
Shoot Jackitos a friend invite also. I can add you.

Tooltip dps doesn't matter. It's not a true show of the damage you do. As long as things are dying easily, your build is fine
Path of Exile Quote
10-10-2014 , 11:34 PM
Well. Can add you tomorrow. I went to bed.
Path of Exile Quote
10-12-2014 , 07:41 PM
I'm a little salty.

Never ****in fails.

Acquire 50ish regrets to respec my toon, because I wanted more damage. Spend over 2 exalts on items to help with the respec. Die to ****in frost unique mob.

Can't wait for this ****ing league to be over. I seriously hate the mechanic of it.
Path of Exile Quote
10-12-2014 , 07:44 PM
I have currency still, but just annoyed.

Out of ideas on what to make. =/
Path of Exile Quote
10-13-2014 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
Can't wait for this ****ing league to be over. I seriously hate the mechanic of it.
Well, you definitely got heart
Path of Exile Quote
10-13-2014 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by mashxx
Well, you definitely got heart
Ain't no quitter, SON!

Still not sure what I wanna do build wise.

Never made a CoC guy or CI or summoner.

Definitely not making a melee, well.. maybe, but Jesus melee sucks in beyond. Too dangerous
Path of Exile Quote
10-13-2014 , 09:53 AM
I'd love to play melee, but it's so inferior, my max block templar which I made in Ambush was fine though, but something like molten strike marauder is too risky

some fast hitting dw would be great too probably to play
Path of Exile Quote
10-13-2014 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by mashxx
I'd love to play melee, but it's so inferior, my max block templar which I made in Ambush was fine though, but something like molten strike marauder is too risky

some fast hitting dw would be great too probably to play
I feel that with 2hers sucking right now, you have to play max block melee or you're forced to lightning coil it up. And I dunno, I played a few max block toons. I wish I weren't so against reave. I don't think I enjoyed the way it worked, I can't remember. I got this sweet 350+ dps elemental 1h sword that I'm dying to try out, but I don't wanna level just to use it
Path of Exile Quote
10-23-2014 , 02:32 PM
I r a little excite.

Liking elemental ST. Just trying to figure out what to do. I have almost all of my damage nodes, and there is mainly just life nodes left.

DPS is getting close to being topped out at 75-76.

I'm wondering what I can do to up my damage, looks like using super gear! Or dropping resolute technique for some crit chance
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