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***The OFFICIAL 2013 Stars Regulars Thread*** ***The OFFICIAL 2013 Stars Regulars Thread***

02-22-2013 , 01:50 AM
Agree with alextrev, ishipkq, you're a POS.
02-22-2013 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
Agree with alextrev, ishipkq, you're a POS.
didn't you get coaching from twoshae or am i wrong about that?
02-22-2013 , 03:30 AM
think hes calling ishipkq a POS
02-22-2013 , 03:34 AM
I gave up a long time ago on trying to convince people the benefits of table starting. 90% of regs will solely be bum hunters unless stars makes some drastic changes to their games. It doesn't really bother me anymore. The part that does naw at my face is the blatant disrespect I receive from some regs. Recently damadave time banked me all the way down with the nuts or 2nd nuts. I asked him why and he said because he hates me. He wouldn't give me an answer as to why he hates me. There are also 6-7 guys that won't get up from their seat and leave when the table breaks and they are sitting on my right. It gets aggravating when I have 18 tables up and some leech forces me to change tables even though I'm the one sitting in trying to start them. Klasun has berated me in the past because I called him out for breaking all the tables. flying smile and maxmeister both sit at my new tables and sit out.
I don't ask for anything in return for providing tables to bum hunters. But it really blows my mind when certain guys who rely on me to play poker also disrespect me. I almost feel bad for how pathetic they are.
It's bad enough that stars doesn't recognize how we provide 100x more value to their site then other regs. The least they could do is start protecting us from the campers, 4 shorties each opening 2 tables and refusing to play etc etc. The people who start tables should NEVER miss a table. It's ludicrous to think otherwise.
02-22-2013 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by placenta
didn't you get coaching from twoshae or am i wrong about that?
Not that this is at all relevant to me calling ishipKQ a POS at all, but...

No, I was considering getting HU coaching from him/another coach so I could start tables at 2k. This hasn't gone down.

However, I do agree with a some of his views (though not so extreme to think that any average reg can become a $1mil+/year crusher at NLHE these days haha)
02-22-2013 , 04:32 AM
horse probably cannot get any more dead but it would be awesome if person sitting in could somehow voluntarily kick the one sitting out at his table, assuming they're HU obv.
02-22-2013 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
4bb/100 is not that good.
Excellent, I'm off to battle Giev now I know he's not that good.
02-22-2013 , 06:09 AM
Who are we kidding here, almost noone has a winrate of 4bb+ longterm at 5/10+. Most guys at midstakes even are happy if they can eek out a 1bb edge and live of that + rakeback. For highstakes it's obv gonna be even harder, so you really need to be v good to beat highstakes 6max games for 4bb+.
02-22-2013 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by king10clubs87
I gave up a long time ago on trying to convince people the benefits of table starting. 90% of regs will solely be bum hunters unless stars makes some drastic changes to their games. It doesn't really bother me anymore. The part that does naw at my face is the blatant disrespect I receive from some regs. Recently damadave time banked me all the way down with the nuts or 2nd nuts. I asked him why and he said because he hates me. He wouldn't give me an answer as to why he hates me. There are also 6-7 guys that won't get up from their seat and leave when the table breaks and they are sitting on my right. It gets aggravating when I have 18 tables up and some leech forces me to change tables even though I'm the one sitting in trying to start them. Klasun has berated me in the past because I called him out for breaking all the tables. flying smile and maxmeister both sit at my new tables and sit out.
I don't ask for anything in return for providing tables to bum hunters. But it really blows my mind when certain guys who rely on me to play poker also disrespect me. I almost feel bad for how pathetic they are.
It's bad enough that stars doesn't recognize how we provide 100x more value to their site then other regs. The least they could do is start protecting us from the campers, 4 shorties each opening 2 tables and refusing to play etc etc. The people who start tables should NEVER miss a table. It's ludicrous to think otherwise.
+1, I spent the last few days trying to start games and it's a pain in the ass to follow all the guys that sit out when I sit down and open a new table (and two ppl actually started grimming me on purpose when I followed them, pretty disgusting).

really hope stars will cap (non-dealt) tables soon...
02-22-2013 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
Who are we kidding here, almost noone has a winrate of 4bb+ longterm at 5/10+. Most guys at midstakes even are happy if they can eek out a 1bb edge and live of that + rakeback. For highstakes it's obv gonna be even harder, so you really need to be v good to beat highstakes 6max games for 4bb+.
TwoShae is basically saying you can play high stakes and make 1MM a year - you only have to be top 5 at grinding online NLHE in the world in an industry with lots of other very smart people who have been studying and playing NLHE full-time for years. Also as pointed out, zerosum game.
02-22-2013 , 12:07 PM
Its interesting to think about where your edge comes from. Fpr most people its obvious-- the fish.

I have never played full time. My IQ is < 150, and I don't even know how to use Cardrunners EV. I have gotten coaching once for about 6 hours. The difference between me and most other people, I would guess, is on the 1-10 for drive and competitiveness, I'm a 15 on both. I also have a knack for pattern recognition and numbers. I don't think you need to be top 5 to make 600k-1MM. You likely do have to put in the kind of hours you would at a "normal job". I think that is the problem for most people. Obviously if you're still a student or something else that is a 40+ hour commitment per week then good ****ing luck because doing both well is very difficult.

On the bumhunter debate:
I lost a lot of money trying to move up to high stakes because I couldn't get games and was forced to play people like sauce and nutsinho just to get some 10/20 action in late 2009/early 2010. I also lost a bunch in my initial venture into heads up. ****, as I recall, I lost over $1,000 trying to move up to .25/.50 early in my career. I think the bumhunter mindset is "2/4-3/6 is good money, that's fine". I honestly just don't understand that. My goal is always to move up in stakes until I eventually walk away from poker to commit myself to whatever will become my life's work.
02-22-2013 , 06:26 PM
Two Shae this realization that you're having about why you've been successful and how everyone is capable of so much more than they realize is not something you can explain and truly understand intellectually. It's something you only know if you've experienced it so talking about it in depth is pretty much a waste of time.
02-22-2013 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE

I have never played full time. My IQ is < 150, and I don't even know how to use Cardrunners EV.
you realise anything over 140 is a very high score, so i don't really get the point you're trying to make.
02-22-2013 , 11:32 PM
I'm leveling anyway. I just want everyone to gambooool
02-23-2013 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by african princee
you realise anything over 140 is a very high score, so i don't really get the point you're trying to make.
hidden bragzzzzzz
02-24-2013 , 02:41 AM
Iship, point of starting a table is not to sit in for a few hands and leave after stacking ur OPP.
02-24-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by king10clubs87
I gave up a long time ago on trying to convince people the benefits of table starting. 90% of regs will solely be bum hunters unless stars makes some drastic changes to their games. It doesn't really bother me anymore. The part that does naw at my face is the blatant disrespect I receive from some regs. Recently damadave time banked me all the way down with the nuts or 2nd nuts. I asked him why and he said because he hates me. He wouldn't give me an answer as to why he hates me. There are also 6-7 guys that won't get up from their seat and leave when the table breaks and they are sitting on my right. It gets aggravating when I have 18 tables up and some leech forces me to change tables even though I'm the one sitting in trying to start them. Klasun has berated me in the past because I called him out for breaking all the tables. flying smile and maxmeister both sit at my new tables and sit out.
I don't ask for anything in return for providing tables to bum hunters. But it really blows my mind when certain guys who rely on me to play poker also disrespect me. I almost feel bad for how pathetic they are.
It's bad enough that stars doesn't recognize how we provide 100x more value to their site then other regs. The least they could do is start protecting us from the campers, 4 shorties each opening 2 tables and refusing to play etc etc. The people who start tables should NEVER miss a table. It's ludicrous to think otherwise.
all of those are just true words and there is even no room for debating, imo!
02-24-2013 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Nice_2_Beat_U
yes, stars should really implemet a KOTH system for 6max as described by Sh@i'tan:

it's so tilting these days that everyone can just open 20tables across 4 stakes and have a decent chance to get a rec once in a while without any intention to play a single hand of HU/3handed

(@ YourMyATM24/7: you are out of your mind if you actually believe it's fine to sit out at my table just because mihic111 is sitting out there aswell... stars made clear that once three ppl are at the table you have to sit in or gtfo! oh, and nice indirect threat with suggesting to tell you that in vegas face to face, is that how you usually solve arguments?)

It's so frustarting, he does that pretty much every time he plays...
02-25-2013 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Nice_2_Beat_U

It's so frustarting, he does that pretty much every time he plays...
This guy is a ****ing cancer.
02-25-2013 , 08:05 AM
it shouldnt be hard for pokerstars to make sure this kind of behaviour is forbidden and guys who do it get punished..

table camping and waiting only for fish is against TOS
mail it to stars and he gets a warning first (im sure he got warnings before)
then if he continues this **** pokerstars should enforce serious punishments (starting with a week ban or something)

this is scummy behaviour by anyones standards
02-25-2013 , 09:05 AM
sit down to his right on every single table
02-25-2013 , 10:11 AM
^^ this.
02-26-2013 , 10:01 PM
Dealer: A new game will start in 10 seconds
Dealer: StivenDoDo, it's your turn. You have 8 seconds toact
Dealer: Hand #94704806043: StivenDoDo wins pot ($20)
Dealer: Hand cancelled, bets returned
alextrev1111: ahh wtf
alextrev1111: why u grim me

wtf is up with these guys, giving me the Sh*ts
02-27-2013 , 12:18 AM
Yea stivendodo has done it about 5 times to me and got real defensive when I called him out for it acting like he did nothing wrong.
02-27-2013 , 06:58 AM
Grimming is against TOS, report to Stars and he will get warning/ban
