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Sports Containment Thread: Sponsored by G.I. Joe Pavelski, Real American Superhero (ELIte) Sports Containment Thread: Sponsored by G.I. Joe Pavelski, Real American Superhero (ELIte)

10-10-2011 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
i am currently engaged in an exciting debate about using just a regular player who cant kick far when punting from short distances to avoid touchbacks
i think half-assing the kick is probably the best bet. like kicking it 15 yards on a line drive and letting it bounce for the rest.
10-10-2011 , 11:08 PM
that jahvid best run was basically the only thing that coudlve made me lose this week in fantasy and of course it happened. (i have stafford so even a pass TD wouldn't have been a big deal)
10-10-2011 , 11:11 PM
i need 15 more points from forte, not likely running behind the worst oline to ever take the field in pro football
10-10-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
i need 15 more points from forte, not likely running behind the worst oline to ever take the field in pro football
yeah forte is my last chance too. not looking good.
10-10-2011 , 11:31 PM
****ing best.
10-11-2011 , 12:14 AM
LIONS 5-0 Baby
10-11-2011 , 12:20 AM
I see that the Lions have relocated to Colorado.
10-11-2011 , 01:08 AM
BRONCOS 1-4 Baby
10-11-2011 , 12:20 PM
Fantasy raped me this week.

In one league the league owner got a ton of good trades from all his buddies, so hes a stacked team and I'm just going for 2nd. I played him this week and got raped, though I'm still in 2nd place.

Other leagues I was 1-3 headed in, now both 1-4.
In one league I lost by .6 points(I was up over 40 but they have Stafford and Johnson to catch up), we had the two highest scores in my league this week.

Other one I lost to the best team in the league, he had the 2nd most points scored this week, I was close but didn't quite get him; but I had 3rd most points scored this week.

They are all 10 team leagues, FML.
10-11-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
tell me what's wrong with the Texas example.
10-11-2011 , 01:23 PM
Team Tebow Crying is standing at 4-1 and #1 overall in a 14 team league.

U jelly?
10-11-2011 , 01:25 PM
10-11-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ

10-11-2011 , 01:37 PM
10-11-2011 , 03:41 PM
10-12-2011 , 04:46 PM
Saw this on Facebook today

"Lebron wants to join the NFL? He is the biggest joke to ever play professional sports."

haters gonna hate
10-12-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Saw this on Facebook today

"Lebron wants to join the NFL? He is the biggest joke to ever play professional sports."

haters gonna hate

Ryan Leaf tho
10-12-2011 , 05:27 PM
10-12-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Haha, you're so wrong.

We already seen what Tebow can do once he comes in the game. Did you watch the 4th quarter Sunday? He did EVERYTHING he could to lead Denver back. The only reason he can't become a pro bowler is his team holding him back.
10-12-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
Haha, you're so wrong.

We already seen what Tebow can do once he comes in the game. Did you watch the 4th quarter Sunday? He did EVERYTHING he could to lead Denver back. The only reason he can't become a pro bowler is his team holding him back.

10-12-2011 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Ryan Leaf tho
I shouldn't bite but I will.

People have gotten totally lazy with this Ryan Leaf thing. He's like so many other bust QBs at the top of the draft, and for some reason they pick on him like it was a really unique thing. It wasn't.

He was terrible, but I just wish they wouldn't act like he was the only one who got picked that high at QB and gave zero (or more like negative) value back to their team. JaMarcus Russell went a pick higher than Leaf, has never done a thing right, and somehow doesn't get mentioned. Akili Smith went 3rd and was equally worthless. I know he was a jackass when he was a kid, but I don't see how that makes him a bigger bust. Huge investment + no return = equal bust. There have been a number of situations like this over time.

He has been humiliated at length and nearly committed suicide. Every mean thing ever said about him was deserved, but he's paid what he's owed, life has totally humbled him, and it's clear to me that he's a changed man. He'll obviously never have a prominent football career, probably not even as a coach or personnel guy or whatever, and I don't even feel bad for him on that...but as a human being I root for him. It's almost 15 years later. He's in his late 30's and I hope that the rest of his life is successful.

(Yes, my bias as a WSU fan is clear and I won't deny it, but I stand by what I say.)
10-12-2011 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5

Surprised you have a gif of him laughing and not videos of the constant successes throughout his career.
10-12-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I shouldn't bite but I will.

People have gotten totally lazy with this Ryan Leaf thing. He's like so many other bust QBs at the top of the draft, and for some reason they pick on him like it was a really unique thing. It wasn't.

He was terrible, but I just wish they wouldn't act like he was the only one who got picked that high at QB and gave zero (or more like negative) value back to their team. JaMarcus Russell went a pick higher than Leaf, has never done a thing right, and somehow doesn't get mentioned. Akili Smith went 3rd and was equally worthless. I know he was a jackass when he was a kid, but I don't see how that makes him a bigger bust. Huge investment + no return = equal bust. There have been a number of situations like this over time.

He has been humiliated at length and nearly committed suicide. Every mean thing ever said about him was deserved, but he's paid what he's owed, life has totally humbled him, and it's clear to me that he's a changed man. He'll obviously never have a prominent football career, probably not even as a coach or personnel guy or whatever, and I don't even feel bad for him on that...but as a human being I root for him. It's almost 15 years later. He's in his late 30's and I hope that the rest of his life is successful.

(Yes, my bias as a WSU fan is clear and I won't deny it, but I stand by what I say.)

Sorry, but this post is completely wrong.

Whether or not you want to admit it or not, Ryan Leaf is without a doubt a bigger bust than other QBs who went at the top of the draft (Couch, Akili Smith, Alex Smith, Russell). Leaf also had the misfortune of being coupled with Peyton Manning and the giant media circus around who would go #1 or #2, etc (although Manning was generally the consensus #1 anyway). Peyton basically being the greatest QB ever contrasted with Leaf's massive failure doesn't help his case of being the biggest bust ever.

But, the bottom line is, Leaf was a far bigger bust than someone like JaMarcus Russell even though Russell went 1 and he went 2. QBs are picked at the top of the draft a lot because of the need for QBs - sometimes there will be far better prospects in the draft but the QB will be picked high because of team need. Leaf's NFL expectation was expect to far exceed the Akili Smiths's, Alex Smith's, and other bust QBs at the top of the draft in the last 15 years.

Leaf is also a scumbag, loser, and treated the media horribly. He dug his own grave.
10-12-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by mullen

Sorry, but this post is completely wrong.

Whether or not you want to admit it or not, Ryan Leaf is without a doubt a bigger bust than other QBs who went at the top of the draft (Couch, Akili Smith, Alex Smith, Russell). Leaf also had the misfortune of being coupled with Peyton Manning and the giant media circus around who would go #1 or #2, etc (although Manning was generally the consensus #1 anyway). Peyton basically being the greatest QB ever contrasted with Leaf's massive failure doesn't help his case of being the biggest bust ever.

But, the bottom line is, Leaf was a far bigger bust than someone like JaMarcus Russell even though Russell went 1 and he went 2. QBs are picked at the top of the draft a lot because of the need for QBs - sometimes there will be far better prospects in the draft but the QB will be picked high because of team need. Leaf's NFL expectation was expect to far exceed the Akili Smiths's, Alex Smith's, and other bust QBs at the top of the draft in the last 15 years.

Leaf is also a scumbag, loser, and treated the media horribly. He dug his own grave.
Obviously the Manning comparison isn't helpful, but it's totally irrational for anyone to spin that into him being a bigger bust. If he was picked ahead of Manning then sure, it's another Sam Bowie deal if not worse, but that didn't happen. What on earth should it matter to his value that a person who went ahead of him turned out to be maybe the greatest of all time? I don't see people running around killing Andre Wadsworth, who without looking I'm pretty sure was #3 that year. This whole lazy tendency to keep pointing to Leaf would make so much more sense if he was picked just ahead of another top prospect who turned out to be an elite player, but that didn't turn out to be the case.

Leaf's expectation isn't his fault. He played one amazing college season and people anointed him as a future elite QB. People who go THAT ****ing crazy over one college season, or worse yet over a combine performance, get what they have coming to them. It's crazy for other people's poor assessments to continue to contribute to the derision of Leaf 15 years later.

Leaf WAS a scumbag and loser 15 years ago. I've got no argument against that, nor any desire to argue against that. Young Ryan Leaf brought on the humbling the world gave him.

But somehow we've sat back and let the media portray his actual potential wrongly, and then frame the Leaf story as "oh damn, he could have been Brett Favre if he was less of a jackass" when people turned out to be completely wrong about him. That's a pretty sad statement on the media, but the media is a huge mafia so that's nothing new (Exhibit A: Mike Gundy). I didn't sympathize with Leaf at the time, as he wasn't even a remotely sympathetic character...but 15 years later it has simply become an indoctrinated/socialized thing to keep citing Leaf as unique among huge top pick busts, and many of those supporting reasons are the faults of other people and thus totally irrational reasons to keep busting his balls.
10-13-2011 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Obviously the Manning comparison isn't helpful, but it's totally irrational for anyone to spin that into him being a bigger bust. If he was picked ahead of Manning then sure, it's another Sam Bowie deal if not worse, but that didn't happen. What on earth should it matter to his value that a person who went ahead of him turned out to be maybe the greatest of all time? I don't see people running around killing Andre Wadsworth, who without looking I'm pretty sure was #3 that year. This whole lazy tendency to keep pointing to Leaf would make so much more sense if he was picked just ahead of another top prospect who turned out to be an elite player, but that didn't turn out to be the case.
The point is the media created a hype that Leaf/Manning was a huge debate. I think the Colts GM said he wasn't sure who he was going to pick until draft day. Lots of people thought it wouldn't matter because both were destined for greatness. The huge contrast between Manning being the GOAT QB, awesome guy, commercially marketable against Leaf being arguably the biggest bust ever, horrible guy, and total scumbag adds to this - but this is all Leaf's fault, not the media's.

Originally Posted by LKJ
Leaf's expectation isn't his fault. He played one amazing college season and people anointed him as a future elite QB. People who go THAT ****ing crazy over one college season, or worse yet over a combine performance, get what they have coming to them. It's crazy for other people's poor assessments to continue to contribute to the derision of Leaf 15 years later.
Leaf's expectation was brought about by his physical attributes and performance on the field. I guess if he intentionally blew more throws or was born 5 inches shorter his expectation would've been less.

Originally Posted by LKJ
Leaf WAS a scumbag and loser 15 years ago. I've got no argument against that, nor any desire to argue against that. Young Ryan Leaf brought on the humbling the world gave him.

But somehow we've sat back and let the media portray his actual potential wrongly, and then frame the Leaf story as "oh damn, he could have been Brett Favre if he was less of a jackass" when people turned out to be completely wrong about him. That's a pretty sad statement on the media, but the media is a huge mafia so that's nothing new (Exhibit A: Mike Gundy). I didn't sympathize with Leaf at the time, as he wasn't even a remotely sympathetic character...but 15 years later it has simply become an indoctrinated/socialized thing to keep citing Leaf as unique among huge top pick busts, and many of those supporting reasons are the faults of other people and thus totally irrational reasons to keep busting his balls.
People thought he could've been the next Brett Favre, and while that may be a little outside the truth, it's not totally ridiculous. His potential was definitely there - but he had huge character flaws. I agree that the media sucks, but who are you to determine (at the time) that their assessment of Leaf was totally unwarranted? How many skeptics doubted Leaf's talent at the start of the draft?

A quick wiki shows as little as 3 years ago he's a drug addict who was arrested on bulgary and fraud charges. He was dismissed from his coaching position for soliciting drugs from a player.

It's not unfair that Leaf isn't lumped in with the other mediocre/bad QB busts of the past 15 years. He had the highest expectation of any of them and blew it - therefore he deserves to be known as the biggest bust of all of them. Your argument hinges on the fact that he didn't deserve the high expectations, but at the time nearly every football expert believed otherwise. It's easy to say he didn't deserve them when he was out of the NFL in 4 years in the biggest trainwreck of all time.
