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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

12-05-2010 , 09:41 PM
Might have been discussed itt before, but how many dates/ hanging out/ whatever before a girl wants to talk about the relationship status/exclusivity?

Not why I'm asking, but:
Vintage is practically married after like 4 weeks.
12-05-2010 , 09:42 PM

Don't let these guys bring you down. Keep giving that girl the cold shoulder until she takes you back to the stockroom and blows you.
12-05-2010 , 09:51 PM
I didn't realize WSOP had returned. I need to stop just skipping ahead.
12-05-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
atta boy

yeah but it might be worth getting rid of autism spectrum disorder michael.
yea and *** you too gcg

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Don't let these guys bring you down. Keep giving that girl the cold shoulder until she takes you back to the stockroom and blows you.
, I figured now she was playing hard to get. Maybe she wants me to work a bit harder to get her number.

In b4 henry17 says shes doesnt like you, she woulda given you her number if she liked you blah blah blah
12-05-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael

, I figured now she was playing hard to get. Maybe she wants me to work a bit harder to get her number.

In b4 henry17 says shes doesnt like you, she woulda given you her number if she liked you blah blah blah
ya and hes really old too and has no clue. just ramp up the aggression and she wont have a choice but fall for you. good luck!
12-05-2010 , 11:32 PM
clearly wsopmichael asked for a muse for christmas

and we all benefited
12-05-2010 , 11:42 PM

what we perceive as rejection or being ignored is usually just a clever system of communication known to only a handful of men. my dying grandfather dictated a translation onto a hand napkin when i was eleven and it's helped me ever since:

"i don't like you": i like you
"let's just be friends": i like you but don't know how to tell you
"you're starting to scare me": why are you dressed up like freddy krueger
"i'll give you my number later": meet me in the break room with charlie the copy guy for some hot DP action
"I'm calling the police": dress up as a police officer and come over at 3am

it sounds like she's just playing hard to get. don't give up!
12-05-2010 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by wackybrak

what we perceive as rejection or being ignored is usually just a clever system of communication known to only a handful of men. my dying grandfather dictated a translation onto a hand napkin when i was eleven and it's helped me ever since:

"i don't like you": i like you
"let's just be friends": i like you but don't know how to tell you
"you're starting to scare me": why are you dressed up like freddy krueger
"i'll give you my number later": meet me in the break room with charlie the copy guy for some hot DP action
"I'm calling the police": dress up as a police officer and come over at 3am

it sounds like she's just playing hard to get. don't give up!
12-05-2010 , 11:56 PM
i cant tell if that post is a level or not. But im preety sure shes playing hard to get, Girls dont like to come across as easy, plus i flirt by teasing and being rude to girls while also being very sensitve at times.
its obvious she likes me, all the signs are there we both know. It was only this week that really confirmed it for me. On friday she told me not to talk to her again, but when i showed up on saturday she was the one that initiated the conversation. I wasnt planning on saying anything to her but i had to respond to her cos it just looks awkard if i ignore her infront of everyone.

why must girls play mind games?? oh this love i found, i do detest
12-06-2010 , 12:13 AM
In the marginal off-chance you're not a gimmick, do you actually like girls or just get off on snubbing them and belittling them when they don't behave exactly the way you want?
12-06-2010 , 12:25 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm done with DG. She has been acting a little nutty lately, and some of the stuff, though small, has added up to completely turn me off. I don't really even wanna be friends anymore. Meanwhile, FG and I had a nice talk last night. I was getting extremely frustrated with her, but talking helped clear the air. I'm not longer frustrated and the situation is fine. She's definitely not the one, or anything like that, but she is cute and sweet and worth keeping around.

That said, over the past few weeks I've slowly developed a pretty big crush on this girl. Call her APG for almost perfect girl. This crush is on the stronger side of crushes, and lately (past week) I've really been into her. She is absolutely ****ing adorable and pretty cool. My initial crush on FG was bigger, but this crush is more well-founded. I was basing my crush on FG off of like 2 days, whereas I have known APG for a few months. Granted, I don't know her very well, and there is lots of room for her to suck.

We've never hung out; she's just in my social circle. I previously acted kinda dumb in front of her back before I realised she is almost perfect...based on this she probably thinks I'm a bit immature and not a gentleman. I don't have a great reputation among the people we hang out with, but those people suck and I am hoping she thinks the same, thus reputation hopefully won't hurt me.

I've been trying to find an angle to spend some time with her lately. We've never hung out, I always just see her around and we'll chat, sometimes for a minute, sometimes for like 30 minutes. So tonight I saw her and asked her for some quick help on school thing. She agreed, helped (it only took like one minute), and then immediately left. I had been getting good vibes, but after this, it's clear to me that she doesn't think I'm anything special.

I don't wanna give up cause unlike the others (where there was never any longterm potential) this girl is realistic relationship material. She isn't just hot, and she isn't just smart. She has many traits that I want in a girl - socially aware, intelligent, attractive, active, interested in some of the same things, seems to have a great personality. But I dunno what to do to win her over. I only get to see her in passing usually, and tonight would have been a perfect opportunity to get chatting and set up some plans or something, but she was either busy or didn't wanna talk to me. Any ideas?

In before Henry17 tells me to take the entire social circle out for drinks, GG tells me to get drunk and high and smash in the bathroom, and mild mental ******ation michael tells me I haven't got **** if I haven't got her number.
12-06-2010 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
i cant tell if that post is a level or not.
this is how I feel about every time you post and every time somebody replies to you. I mostly feel like there is no way you aren't a level but at times I am confused...
12-06-2010 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by ▬▬▬▬▬▬
this is how I feel about every time you post and every time somebody replies to you. I mostly feel like there is no way you aren't a level but at times I am confused...
I don't say this often.

but he is a level.
12-06-2010 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Jetto
I don't say this often.

but he is a level.
12-06-2010 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
I'm pretty sure I'm done with DG. She has been acting a little nutty lately, and some of the stuff, though small, has added up to completely turn me off. I don't really even wanna be friends anymore. Meanwhile, FG and I had a nice talk last night. I was getting extremely frustrated with her, but talking helped clear the air. I'm not longer frustrated and the situation is fine. She's definitely not the one, or anything like that, but she is cute and sweet and worth keeping around.

That said, over the past few weeks I've slowly developed a pretty big crush on this girl. Call her APG for almost perfect girl. This crush is on the stronger side of crushes, and lately (past week) I've really been into her. She is absolutely ****ing adorable and pretty cool. My initial crush on FG was bigger, but this crush is more well-founded. I was basing my crush on FG off of like 2 days, whereas I have known APG for a few months. Granted, I don't know her very well, and there is lots of room for her to suck.

We've never hung out; she's just in my social circle. I previously acted kinda dumb in front of her back before I realised she is almost perfect...based on this she probably thinks I'm a bit immature and not a gentleman. I don't have a great reputation among the people we hang out with, but those people suck and I am hoping she thinks the same, thus reputation hopefully won't hurt me.

I've been trying to find an angle to spend some time with her lately. We've never hung out, I always just see her around and we'll chat, sometimes for a minute, sometimes for like 30 minutes. So tonight I saw her and asked her for some quick help on school thing. She agreed, helped (it only took like one minute), and then immediately left. I had been getting good vibes, but after this, it's clear to me that she doesn't think I'm anything special.

I don't wanna give up cause unlike the others (where there was never any longterm potential) this girl is realistic relationship material. She isn't just hot, and she isn't just smart. She has many traits that I want in a girl - socially aware, intelligent, attractive, active, interested in some of the same things, seems to have a great personality. But I dunno what to do to win her over. I only get to see her in passing usually, and tonight would have been a perfect opportunity to get chatting and set up some plans or something, but she was either busy or didn't wanna talk to me. Any ideas?

In before Henry17 tells me to take the entire social circle out for drinks, GG tells me to get drunk and high and smash in the bathroom, and mild mental ******ation michael tells me I haven't got **** if I haven't got her number.
Try to focus the times you have to chat with her on her. Show interest in her, and try to focus on some things you have in common to have a reason to do things alone or in a more intimate situation

Last edited by Christophersen; 12-06-2010 at 01:00 AM. Reason: I don't give advice often, but when I do, its for gcg
12-06-2010 , 01:09 AM
hahaha i like the APG designation, though i personally wouldve left off the A. you gotta COMMIT and COMMIT HARD to that sort of thing. its like dropping in on a halfpipe.

things with FW1 might be coming to a head.. her and the latin ppl came to our party last night, and her friend was asking me weird stuff like "dude so when are u gonna do something serious about that?" along those lines. combined with 2 days ago FW letting it slip some stuff about her and her friend discussing FW2, and today like an hour after soccer FW texted me saying watsup why wasnt i there (i usually stay after myself once everyone else goes home) and then that she drove to the field but not to play just to talk... wouldnt be shocked to find myself in an exclusive relationship here soon, a la vintyvint.
12-06-2010 , 01:12 AM
if you guys were nice to wsopmichael you'd get to see pics of some of the girls like i do

GCG it sounds like you just really want a gf and are kind of forcing the issue. my advice would be to just let **** happen and not worry too much.
12-06-2010 , 01:18 AM
you mean dissociativeIdentityDisorderMichael
12-06-2010 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
hahaha i like the APG designation, though i personally wouldve left off the A. you gotta COMMIT and COMMIT HARD to that sort of thing. its like dropping in on a halfpipe.

things with FW1 might be coming to a head.. her and the latin ppl came to our party last night, and her friend was asking me weird stuff like "dude so when are u gonna do something serious about that?" along those lines. combined with 2 days ago FW letting it slip some stuff about her and her friend discussing FW2, and today like an hour after soccer FW texted me saying watsup why wasnt i there (i usually stay after myself once everyone else goes home) and then that she drove to the field but not to play just to talk... wouldnt be shocked to find myself in an exclusive relationship here soon, a la vintyvint.
I thought that things were FW1 were kinda dead in the water. Is this out of nowhere, or do I need to drink less?
12-06-2010 , 01:19 AM
hm? they were more just in the backseat, not necessarily dead in the water.

Last edited by zzthe3rd; 12-06-2010 at 01:27 AM. Reason: p.s. you can never drink too much. pps, drop the A!
12-06-2010 , 01:51 AM
GCG: From the info you provided it sounds like she isn't into you. You said that yourself in your post, actually, so you know she doesn't think you're anything special, but you're really into her so you want to try extra hard to impress her. That will not end well. Just back off and be cool. She probably won't give you a second look, but you never know, if you act normal and fun in her presence and don't act creepy for a while, she might.

I mean, if you just flat asked her out tonight, would she say no? You sound pretty sure she would say no. Just file her as "maybe later" and look elsewhere for now.

(If this is the kind of deal where if you never ask her out you'll regret it for the rest of your miserable life, then by all means ask her out and at least get closure on the thing. But please don't be stalkerish.)
12-06-2010 , 03:02 AM
I don't think I'll ever get sick of the <metadescription>michael meme.


Originally Posted by wackybrak
"I'm calling the police": dress up as a police officer and come over at 3am
is A++++
12-06-2010 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
hahaha i like the APG designation, though i personally wouldve left off the A. you gotta COMMIT and COMMIT HARD to that sort of thing. its like dropping in on a halfpipe.
Most of the time I want to hug you, but sometimes I want to slap you.

This paragraph made me want to slap you.
12-06-2010 , 04:34 AM
hahahahaha <3 lkj!
12-06-2010 , 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by wsopmichael
i flirt by teasing and being rude to girls while also being very sensitve at times.
I giggled uncontrollably at this line.

It must be a late night studying for finals.
