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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-10-2011 , 07:06 PM
08-10-2011 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by The-fryke

And LKJ, while you do make some valid points, you are trolling GCG more than Gus was trolling you, I can at least understand why he snapped.
Originally Posted by The-fryke
really want someone to meet GCG because I feel like this could all be settled with a 5 minute meeting. He's either a normal guy who has no filter when typing and has less fear of breaking social norms than most people, or a delusional creep. Im at about 50/50 on the odds at the moment (I was probably 60/40 before todays posts, and it does vary), im sure a lot of people are closer to 0/100.
I still lean towards normal guy with no filter not giving a **** what a bunch of guys on the internet think.

Originally Posted by TBobLP
i agree...guess ill move on but keep lurking
People nitpick and argue because of lack or TRs please post.

Originally Posted by LKJ

Beyond that, I believe you've said yourself that you haven't followed the thread closely; I'm under the impression that you jumped in and started reading closer at some point and at that point in time it came across to you like GCG was under an unfair level of attack. I don't think you have the broad perspective of his entire body of behavior over time, and instead I think you jumped off from an initial idea that wasn't of the highest accuracy and that all of your reading since then has been biased toward supporting that point.

I know your intentions are good, but if you see him as any kind of victim (even though I see that you don't support his insane tirade), you've been duped by someone who tries desperately to have it both ways.
I follow the thread pretty closely. I think you nitpick him pretty hard but he also does get way too defensive for people giving constructive criticism.

Last edited by Dr Pepper MD; 08-10-2011 at 07:10 PM. Reason: well done LKJ i honestly dont know how you do that every time.
08-10-2011 , 07:10 PM
lkj, great choice of images to make it clear how insane the peggy > joan crowd is
08-10-2011 , 07:12 PM
Thank you.

MM spoiler
I'm also glad that the blonde on the right is gone. Not a good character or hot.
08-10-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
lkj, great choice of images to make it clear how insane the peggy > joan crowd is
just started watching mad men so i feel i can now weigh in. How the hell can anyone find peggy attractive is beyond my scope of comprehension. It's mind bottling actually.
08-10-2011 , 07:13 PM
I said it before, I'll say it again: I bet she kisses with a ton of gratitude. Points for that.
08-10-2011 , 07:17 PM
Peggy is attractive in the sense that she's clearly not some airhead crazy girl, but actually thinks her way through the day and kind of half understands what's going on in a man's (Don, mostly) mind. Ish.
08-10-2011 , 07:19 PM
Wow I went to do some life trolling and this got nasty. That was completely uncalled for.
08-10-2011 , 07:22 PM
Yeah, I don't totally see Peggy as devoid of attractiveness as some seem to, but it's only on rare occasion here and there that I find myself digging her at all.

Also I think she (the character) needs to get over herself since she clearly thinks she's better than the other girls who haven't worked her way up and it was a total lucky accident that her "basket of kisses" thing somehow propelled her career to unexpected heights.
08-10-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah, I don't totally see Peggy as devoid of attractiveness as some seem to, but it's only on rare occasion here and there that I find myself digging her at all.

Also I think she (the character) needs to get over herself since she clearly thinks she's better than the other girls who haven't worked her way up and it was a total lucky accident that her "basket of kisses" thing somehow propelled her career to unexpected heights.
I've seen one episode which is where I'm drawing my opinions from.
08-10-2011 , 07:25 PM
GCG is officially invited to Henry/Mittens/Thremp Meetup Part 2 this fall (and I'm re-inviting myself ldo).
08-10-2011 , 07:26 PM
Yeah, I actually just rewatched the first episode the other day and she looks pretty hideous in that. She gets better at times. (She actually honestly gets worse than that at times.)
08-10-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by calm
GCG is officially invited to Henry/Mittens/Thremp Meetup Part 2 this fall (and I'm re-inviting myself ldo).

but if this a real thing, I need a date chosen quickly (mid Oct or later).
08-10-2011 , 07:39 PM
I strongly support a second meet-up. I still feel I ****ed up the last one and want a second shot.

Going to go back and read the posts I missed as I was too pissed at GcG's attack to remember if there was anything I was suppose to address.
08-10-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by furyshade
Is it something you could PM people or are you afraid of it spreading?
I deleted what I wrote. Then got a PM asking for it. Wrote a ****ty rushed version of it because I had to be somewhere at 6pm. Don't like the rushed version and not sure if I feel like putting the effort into writing a good version.

Originally Posted by PtMx
I find it hilarious that this guy mimicked you so actively based only on meeting you 1-2 times, though it's somewhat impressive that he was actually successful at it. Since you don't want to share the whole story I won't pry too much, but was the clothing change (and consequent improvement in how people perceived him) the biggest catalyst for the transition?
It was one of two things. The second one though is the reason I can't write the TR because it is fairly identifying

Originally Posted by furyshade
Not trying to rag on Henry here, I just feel that it would be really unfeasible for anyone in the age range of this thread to pull off this sort of lifestyle change without living way beyond their means.
The guy I have been talking about was a student. He worked at the same time as going to school. His spending was close to what I quoted. Likely 20-25% less and yes it is hard but he had savings from working and having no life before and his spending to income level was unacceptable by any financial planners opinion but he managed to do it.

People under estimate how easy it is to make money if you just work hard. Take the number of hours a typical guy spends playing video games or watching TV and multiply it by $14.
08-10-2011 , 08:14 PM
anyone else find it funny that peggy is a bigger slut than any of the other female chars
08-10-2011 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I deleted what I wrote. Then got a PM asking for it. Wrote a ****ty rushed version of it because I had to be somewhere at 6pm. Don't like the rushed version and not sure if I feel like putting the effort into writing a good version.

It was one of two things. The second one though is the reason I can't write the TR because it is fairly identifying

The guy I have been talking about was a student. He worked at the same time as going to school. His spending was close to what I quoted. Likely 20-25% less and yes it is hard but he had savings from working and having no life before and his spending to income level was unacceptable by any financial planners opinion but he managed to do it.

People under estimate how easy it is to make money if you just work hard. Take the number of hours a typical guy spends playing video games or watching TV and multiply it by $14.
Bolded is something I really wanna work on asap. At this point while going to school I'm gonna try and still wokr 40 hours a week if not more. Gonna start saving a lot
08-10-2011 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I deleted what I wrote. Then got a PM asking for it. Wrote a ****ty rushed version of it because I had to be somewhere at 6pm. Don't like the rushed version and not sure if I feel like putting the effort into writing a good version.

It was one of two things. The second one though is the reason I can't write the TR because it is fairly identifying

The guy I have been talking about was a student. He worked at the same time as going to school. His spending was close to what I quoted. Likely 20-25% less and yes it is hard but he had savings from working and having no life before and his spending to income level was unacceptable by any financial planners opinion but he managed to do it.

People under estimate how easy it is to make money if you just work hard. Take the number of hours a typical guy spends playing video games or watching TV and multiply it by $14.
I guess it depends a lot on workload/classes, but I'm doing engineering as well as running a fairly time consuming student group and doing research (some money but like 3k a semester total).

If you had a light workload I could imagine being able to do that but in my experience piling a standard job on top of what I already do would just make me burn out. I've already started to feel it this summer working on 3 research project (some lighter than others)+student group has just sapped all motivation/energy from me.

It may be worse in engineering because the burn out factor is so high but I can't imagine trying to work close to full time and do all the **** I'll have to do next year. I understand I'm not a standard case but you can see how time can be taken up by things other than watching tv/video games for someone in college.

Also $14/hour*40hours*4weeks=$2240 a month, still would be cutting it close, especially if you need to pay for things like rent or food.

Again, clearly his situation was somewhat unique, just saying that there are plenty of kids, likely the majority, for whom this is just no feasible to do under any circumstance.
08-10-2011 , 09:20 PM
an extra 2240 a month is a lot of money, assuming you plan on eating and paying rent anyway thats all spending cash. One of my only regrets in college is spending so much time dicking around in my room just watching tv or browsing 2p2, even if I worked just 10 hours a week at the rec center or bookstore I could have come out after my 7 semesters with over 10K more than I have now.
08-10-2011 , 09:23 PM
$14/hour is easier said than done to get. I was making a lower hourly than that at a desk job at BP after graduating undergrad (at first anyway; more than that after my first raise).

If we're talking about students, plenty of the only jobs available are going to pay easily less than $14.
08-10-2011 , 09:25 PM
agree 14 is a stretch for a student, 10-12 more reasonable at least to start
08-10-2011 , 09:28 PM
Yeah 14 an hour would be awesome right now, and would enable to me stash away a lot of money this year since I live with a roommate.

but I dicked around way way too much last year and look back and wish i would have worked like 10-20 hours some where
08-10-2011 , 09:47 PM
Im pretty sure all the on campus jobs and any other jobs I could get around school pay minimum wage which is like 7.25 before tax right?
08-10-2011 , 09:49 PM
Depends on what state you're in.
08-10-2011 , 10:01 PM

I built in a decent about of extra room because I like to be certain when I say something. Most guys could do it for less. Some would need more. I went with a safe number with a good safety margin.


The minimum wage here is $10.25 so $14 is pretty standard. The only jobs that pay $10.25 are coffee shop attendants and maybe Walmart and that is if you are new. It wouldn't be hard to get $16-20/hr for some physical work. Even waitstaff that have a lower minimum wage make good money -- a female sever will make $22+/hr and since most of it is cash they don't pay tax on. I figure males make less but not much less.

That is also likely overstating my numbers because Canada pays very well at the low end and then pays much less to professionals.
