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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-15-2010 , 03:34 PM
I'm with tbe, she seems like she's not into him, just let it go.
07-15-2010 , 04:06 PM
It was sort of a weird spot. I was pretty sure if I asked for her number, she'd give it to me, but without much enthusiasm. I don't think that accomplishes much. But then if I just say bye, then I really have no shot anyway. I decided to be "normal" and took her hints, told her to have a good night and peaced. But I regretted it a little bit, cause I had nothing to lose, really. I've only once gone back to a bar and seen the same girl there. So I might as well have made an ass of myself and gone for it.
07-15-2010 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
But I regretted it a little bit, cause I had nothing to lose, really.
You can lose energy/time you'd be better off spending on a girl you have better chances with.
07-16-2010 , 12:46 AM
TR plus advice.

Still seeing girl A that I banged before, matter of fact just had a nice 2 hour session.

Problem girl A is nice and all, but I don't like her enough to stop looking elsewhere.

Girl B pops outta the blue, says we should get together to talk. Girl B is better in every way, but is not a sure thing. So obviously not ending Girl A early.

If in random convo Girl B asks if I'm seeing anyone what do I say? Btw I'm sure girl B is probably seeing people too, she's on PoF and is hot so can go on dates whenever. And she got back to me after a while ( we had met at a speedate )

A. Lie and say no
B. Say I've been on some dates.
C. some other option?
07-16-2010 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Mandor_TFL
If in random convo Girl B asks if I'm seeing anyone what do I say? Btw I'm sure girl B is probably seeing people too, she's on PoF and is hot so can go on dates whenever. And she got back to me after a while ( we had met at a speedate )

A. Lie and say no
B. Say I've been on some dates.
C. some other option?
What possible bad could come of just saying that you've got some stuff going on but nothing exclusive?

Truth is always best when possible, and it doesn't even seem like it harms you at all in this case.
07-16-2010 , 11:37 AM
Sunday, July 11 - A day in the life of ZZ

Oh how I wish I could have done this TR when it happened as I would remember much better, but alas, Sethy was again still bein a donk with biased bannings.

My Uncle and I went into central London for the day. As some of you may know, the World Cup final was on Sunday, so there were tons and tons and tons of people decked out in Holland and Spain Jerseys. Before we got the train back to his house I decided to stay in the central bit to catch the game.

Knowing nothing about where would be a good place to watch, I saw a gaggle of Dutch supporters and just followed them. On the way to the bar we passed a Spanish place, and I made a mental note to head back there if Spain won.

Needless to say, the Spanish took down the pathetic dutch and I basically sprinted 200 yards back to the Spanish Bar where the party was already underway. I clearly was not the only person who realized the best place to celebrate a Spain victory was at a Spanish bar, as there were people from all over who also came. Namely, a british girl. Unfortunately she was only ~6 but I have never hooked up with a non-American at this point and nobody I know IRL is bound to find out, so I wasn't too worried. After convincing her I was spanish she just started making out with me.

I had also met these two English guys who were in their 50s and we were having a relatively interesting conversation. The english girl comes back at some point during this and tries to start hooking up and I am like "rofl go away i already hooked up with you and i like my new friends more" at which point she turned around, pinned me on the bar, and gave me a handjob, which the 2 guys found to be the funniest thing they have ever seen and after many laughs and high fives we continued talking while she was doing this. rofl british sluts.

at this point one of the spanish girls who worked there and had a lip ring took an interest in me, and started asking if i was with the british girl. of course im not! i would never date such a harlot! i told her. she was maybe 6.5, but again - foreign, and with little to no chance of anyone ever finding out about it IRL, i had 0 issues. I told her to come outside for a smoke so we headed out and had some DEEP conversation.

By DEEP, i mean she spoke very terrible english and me very terrible spanish. who cares though? not ZZ, thats who. she went in to get some grappa shots (which the spanish bar handed out for completely free for about 5 hours post-game) and after taking them we made out for a bit. this time, it was all of her spanish amigos who found it hilarious and there were many cheers to go around.

enter: british girl. she did not seem too happy (im assuming she saw it but was too drunk/not paying enough attention to tell for sure), but I had just moved up half a point in hotness btwn them so my choice was not a hard one to make. i told her to go away but the lady doth protest too much. they were literally about to be at blows, which was even funnier because the argument was half english/half spanish and 2 of us had no clue what the spanish part actually was.

HALLELUJAH!! girl number 3 walks up. blonde 6.0, but she was uncharted territory so i made the snap decision to give her preference over spanish lip ring. she seriously just comes up in the middle of the first 2 girls arguing (or whatever it could be called) and looks at me and says "whats your name?" in some eastern european accent.

baller ZZ takes over and I have no clue why but I was certain this would work - I just kissed her. before saying a single word. in front of the other 2 girls. the silence that followed was AWESOME. the arguing brit/spaniard just sulk off or something and the girl (who ends up being bulgarian) smiles and says "i like you. lets get a drink"

she and i end up getting white wine (yeah i have no idea why) and by now im REALLY drunk so things get a bit hazy. stuffs that i remember are:
-kissing her at the most random times mid sentence, which she thought was brilliant

-her asking like 100 times whether or not i had a gf and never believing my denials

-her trying to get my email or phone number so that we could hang out again before i go home. i have bad handwriting in general, but when im drunk, just forget it. probably tried to write it 5 or 6 times, and im not sure that the last one was any more legible than the first. so i gave her my american phone number, which does not work over here, because my english phone had died so i couldnt look up its number.

after more hooking up, dancing, and another HJ on the dancefloor, her friends came by and got her. i havent gotten any email, and have no clue if she has tried my american phone number which i know was legible because it is obv not hard to write numbers as opposed to letters. so i fell in love with a bulgarian and will probably never see her again. furthermore, i never even got her name. or if i did, i was too drunk to remember it by the morning.

cliffs: euro girls are donks and i miss FW
07-16-2010 , 02:46 PM
lol zz you get banned all the time..
07-16-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
lol zz you get banned all the time..
haha he's banned again, nice tr though
07-16-2010 , 03:17 PM
random but just wanted to share this:

Its crazy how girls I had crushes on in HS, who were cooler and more popular than me (altho I wasn't a loser/emo/goth/outcast, just 1 "tier" lower in HS hierarchy) now look at me totally different.

1 girl who was 1 year older than me in HS and we didn't know each other at all/never spoke, I saw her 2 nights ago while back in my hometown. Still beautiful and gorgeous and after some FB stalking, a Delta Gamma to boot.

I was at a packed bar and walked over to a group of my friends. Chatted with them for a bit and when I looked up I saw her with a group of guy and girl friends and for the next like 10 mins we kept exchanging glances and she kept doing the "glance at me and quickly look away" thing but I was pretty sure she was interested.

I wanted to talk to her badly but I didn't have the balls to go over there because she was with a group.

Do I regret it now? Of course....
07-16-2010 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by losangelesliving
we kept exchanging glances and she kept doing the "glance at me and quickly look away" thing but I was pretty sure she was interested.
ok, she was definitely interested, you shoulda went over to her, i mean some people are afraid of rejection and its understandable, but no way on earth would she have rejected you.
07-16-2010 , 07:41 PM
zz is perma'd


Last edited by Karak; 07-16-2010 at 07:41 PM. Reason: not by me
07-16-2010 , 08:26 PM
for wat this time? 2347235234th offense in the SE forum?
07-16-2010 , 09:50 PM
lol handjobs and highfives
07-17-2010 , 12:03 AM
That banning is months overdue
07-17-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by losangelesliving
I was at a packed bar and walked over to a group of my friends. Chatted with them for a bit and when I looked up I saw her with a group of guy and girl friends and for the next like 10 mins we kept exchanging glances and she kept doing the "glance at me and quickly look away" thing but I was pretty sure she was interested.
not to shoot down your balloon but she could just be thinking wow i know that guy from somewhere but can't put my finger on it.

similar story though. when i was a freshman there was a junior in my math class that i thought looked so good. like stereotypical attractive highschool girl. i'm pretty sure she caught me staring multiple times because i was super quiet and would just watch everyone in class basically lol. (i later learned how to sleep or just skip class all together)

6 months ago or so a mutual friend of ours brought her to my house for a party. she was no longer unhealthily skinny and had shorter hair . they were one of the first to arrive and since i was still getting a ton of phone calls from people asking how to get there, etc. i came off well. i also invited 3 girls that were forsure into me. at one point i was sitting on the couch talking to one of the girls and next to her was this girl and she was talking to a guy. she then turns to the girl i'm talking to and asks if she wants to switch spots. which if a guy ever did that it'd be super awkward but girls can pull off whatever.

so mid conversation i'm now talking to her instead and she's like didn't we go to school or something together blah blah and we talked for a while. i got up to play pong and while i was walking to the table i had this moment where i was like wow the girl i used to think of when jacking off just hit on me.

Last edited by GoodGame; 07-17-2010 at 01:50 AM.
07-17-2010 , 01:53 AM
wow csb.gif
07-17-2010 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
That banning is months overdue
It is? Seriously?

As long as it's permissible to discuss...why is he perma'd?

That sucks, I loved that guy.
07-17-2010 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
wow csb.gif
it's 11pm on a friday and i'm on 2p2. i would have posted about the time i had the gaming winning hit when i was 12 if it was somewhat relevant

but obv you're just trolling me cuz there's a crap ton of non interesting posts itt to point out
07-17-2010 , 04:38 AM
i always thought getting banned on 2p2 meant u just make another account and don't get caught
07-17-2010 , 04:45 AM
hey good gmae

hope suck
07-17-2010 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

Your post made me laugh, even if you were celebrating the things that I found downright stupid about him.
07-17-2010 , 12:34 PM

"If in random convo Girl B asks if I'm seeing anyone what do I say? Btw I'm sure girl B is probably seeing people too, she's on PoF and is hot so can go on dates whenever. And she got back to me after a while ( we had met at a speedate )

A. Lie and say no
B. Say I've been on some dates.
C. some other option?"

07-17-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ

Your post made me laugh, even if you were celebrating the things that I found downright stupid about him.
LKJ gonna LKJ
07-17-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

"If in random convo Girl B asks if I'm seeing anyone what do I say? Btw I'm sure girl B is probably seeing people too, she's on PoF and is hot so can go on dates whenever. And she got back to me after a while ( we had met at a speedate )

A. Lie and say no
B. Say I've been on some dates.
C. some other option?"

You guys convinced me otherwise

As you can see I'm still not 100% comfortable with the idea.
