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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

02-08-2015 , 05:40 AM
Libertarianism is taking fiscal conservatism to a crazy extreme.

Fiscally conservative and socially liberal is just classical liberalism.
02-08-2015 , 05:45 AM
im in a awkward situation right now and dont really know how to handle the situation. And sorry for my not so good english, its not my native language.
So i started going to university about 5 month ago and made a lot of friends pretty quick. Theres pretty much 3 other girls and 2 other dudes + me who have been going out together a lot, spend most of our free times together etc. The first of the 3 chicks has a boyfriend but somehow i managed to hook up with her and had sex like 3 ore 4 times with her in december and january...after that she told me that we cant meet anymore and she dropped out of our " group".Wednesday night i was out with the 2 other girls of the group and somehow the night ended in a threesome with the three of us ... All of us were really drunk and they just started talking about wanting to experience a 3some blah so it somehow ended with all of us three in the bed. Problem now is that the sex was god damn awful and that was pretty much my fault cause i was so ***** drunk and didnt really manage to give them a good experience....Neither of the two girls has texted me since then and i dont really know what do to right now. I dont care if i hook up with these two again ore not, i pretty much just dont want to "loose" them after i already messed up with the other girl. I like both of them a lot on a friendship basis and dont wanna do any mistakes now.

Not sure if my point is understandable...qutie hard for me to explain the whole situation properly in english.
02-08-2015 , 08:19 AM
Text them to do something fun in a group setting. Be a confident man and act like nothing happened. It's only going to be more awkward if you are awkward about it.
02-08-2015 , 09:11 AM
I would send a group text to both of them saying something along the lines of....hey we we're really drunk the other night, I realize we had a very drunken and awkward threesome. I really like you both a lot as friends and don't want any of us to be awkward about what happened just because we were all really drunk

Then I would wait for them to reply. They will invariably either text each other or call each other to discuss how to handle this text before they respond to you.

This is an unavoidable situation though. You can't just pretend like something like this didn't happen and I think in general being passive aggressive and not addressing things that are creating a weird/awkward vibe in your relationships will just destroy them in the long run.
02-08-2015 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
I would send a group text to both of them saying something along the lines of....hey we we're really drunk the other night, I realize we had a very drunken and awkward threesome. I really like you both a lot as friends and don't want any of us to be awkward about what happened just because we were all really drunk

Then I would wait for them to reply. They will invariably either text each other or call each other to discuss how to handle this text before they respond to you.

This is an unavoidable situation though. You can't just pretend like something like this didn't happen and I think in general being passive aggressive and not addressing things that are creating a weird/awkward vibe in your relationships will just destroy them in the long run.
I don't hate this idea but if I was going to text them I would text them both the same message but not in a group text.
02-08-2015 , 10:10 AM
"passive aggressive" is a terrible summary of "act like it was no big deal"
02-08-2015 , 11:58 AM
Threw a party last night. Spent a couple hours talking to and kissing a girl. Told her I would invite her out this week.

Should I talk to her today, tomorrow or...?

Thinking about inviting her out to dinner and drinks, what is the optimal timing? Both the day and time. I'm thinking wednesday/thursday around 9 pm.

She is a cute 18 year old semi-hipster.
02-08-2015 , 12:03 PM
You're over thinking it--just text her whenever you want and suggest a day/time that works best for you. Doesn't matter if you text her today or tomorrow and I doubt Wednesday vs Thursday matters. I guess more people are out Thursdays so maybe a little more party atmosphere but whatever.
02-08-2015 , 02:03 PM
What scroll said, also probably would not invite her to dinner though I guess if you are in the US you may not have a choice?
02-08-2015 , 03:00 PM
Talked to her, invited her to dinner. Still haven't decided what restaurant to go to. Wednesday evening. She said yes and told me she had a good time last night.

Will post an update on Thursday.

Thanks for the replies.
02-08-2015 , 04:26 PM
Met up with a girl I met at a bar a long time ago. She's 26, HS teacher. Got blown but she has some weird catholic upbringing guilt around sex so we didn't do more but it's like 100% we're doing it next time we see each other. Idk if I've ever had a girl like me as much as her we had a long conversation at her place where I could see her becoming infatuated. She left a hickey... my first hickey in years.

Only other notable thing to mention is we left bars and she came later and since I know the bouncers well from going out I sniped her and her friends out of the line and got to come in. Pretty powerful move to do tbh

Double date was meh. The girl was super quiet and reserved so we split up from them. My phone died but turned it on this morning and got drunk texts from TB at 3am
02-08-2015 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
"passive aggressive" is a terrible summary of "act like it was no big deal"
You can act like it was no big deal without ignoring the fact that it happened. Just play it off as something that happened when everyone was wasted and that's that. Acting as if it never happened tho is going to be the elephant in the room everytime the 3 of them hang out.

Passive aggressive wasn't really the right description of this exact situation but ignoring awkward situations, pretending as if there isn't something that's on everyone's mind, and just being "alpha" or a "confident man" about it isn't a great play imo. All 3 of them know this happened, it's on everyone's mind and the girls have probably already talked about it amongst each other. There is no reason not to call it out for exactly what it was which was a really drunken and awkward threesome. People drink a lot, things it out and it won't be awkward anymore.
02-08-2015 , 07:36 PM

I think it's better to address it without being explicit.

Something like "a group text to both of them saying something along the lines of....hey we we're really drunk the other night, I realize we had a very drunken and awkward threesome" imo opens up the door to more potential awkwardness, especially if they want to just pretend like it didn't happen and go on as normal.

I prefer something like "phew, crazy night the other night, maybe a little too much tequila! <funny emoticon!> want to hang out at jim's party this weekend? That'll probably be a little less crazy!"

Basically something that acknowledges it, but gives them the option whether to discuss in more detail or not.
02-08-2015 , 09:48 PM
I like that better too actually.

I just wouldn't awkwardly avoid it when they're all thinking about it or they may very well start awkwardly avoiding him like the other girl did.
02-08-2015 , 10:47 PM
This may be too little too late,but in regards to the busted threeway, was it as bad as he thinks?
I agree to not avoid the girls,but talk to them in person, it will sound so much better in person to address the awkward sex.
Maybe the embarrassment is just from having a threeway, not the satisfaction from it.
Who knows,maybe they are willing to do it sober as a redo.
So,talk to them,texting can look really impersonal in this spot.
02-09-2015 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by JonhCarroll
Talked to her, invited her to dinner. Still haven't decided what restaurant to go to. Wednesday evening. She said yes and told me she had a good time last night.

Will post an update on Thursday.

Thanks for the replies.
Always name a specific time and place. Add an anecdote on why you chose that place
02-09-2015 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
This may be too little too late,but in regards to the busted threeway, was it as bad as he thinks?
He is not the one who thinks it was bad -- if I read it cirrectly the girls told him it was bad and his fault.
02-09-2015 , 10:38 AM
Not how I read it at all
02-09-2015 , 10:56 AM
Actually you're right. I reread it and in my previous reading I somehow went from they were talking about experience ... to it was god damn awful and my fault but missed that there is two sentences between those lines.
02-10-2015 , 05:12 AM
Nah they didnt told me it was bad, its my opinion but im pretty sure it was bad I texted with them a bit casually now but didnt adress thee thresome topic yet. I will see them in person in university on wednesday and decide there if im going to adress the this topic in one or the other way or just ignore it
02-10-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
so....closer to 2% since you still have to filter out uglies.

luckily these people are clustered in certain areas.
02-10-2015 , 01:00 PM
Top 1% checking in. Plus I'm 6'4.

Where's the line for my free model-quality pussy?
02-10-2015 , 01:16 PM
Seems dumb, all the nerdy computer programmers are included
02-10-2015 , 01:20 PM
I am offended to not be included due to not having a degree.
