Originally Posted by LucidDream
What a stupid mindset to have. Who cares if you have a daughter and she enjoys sex and having sex with lots of dudes....women are human beings too and also enjoy sex. It just shows a lack of understanding about women in general....which can def be blamed on the way society frames women but perpetuating a nasty social stigma that forces women to hide the fact that they enjoy sex from most of the rest of society....including their own BF sometimes and then the guy is shocked when she cheats(which is insanely hard to not do over the course of a long relationship anyway).
Barring super religious nutty girls you need to understand there is no such thing as some girls that are good girls and some girls who are sluts. There is only girls who are at different periods in their life. There is nearly 100% guarantee that if you have a daughter that is remotely good looking she will go through a period in her life where society would regard her as a slut and same can be said for your gf, that's just how it is.
Another tool posing as a whiteknight feminist to conceal his true views.
1. My post had absolutely nothing to do with slut shaming.
2. You clearly read your own slut shaming views into my post.
3. My post was about the dynamics of male relationships and how much of a beta I'd feel like paying for another man's dinner only to have him nail my daughter at MY HOME hours later.
4. Your follow up post confirms your slut shaming views. Your arbitrary number of more than 4 sexual partners in your example of what society would deem a slut is more a reflection of you than society.
Spew your fake feminist drivel elsewhere.