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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

04-02-2013 , 02:21 AM
hey goofy, been researching bitcoins lately?
04-02-2013 , 02:54 AM
No, how many years ago was it (they were at like $30) that you said they seemed like a safe investment that would go up forever?
04-02-2013 , 03:58 AM
anyone else read kick2dantes thread in travel about him and his adventures with asian hookers. i find it quite fascinating. he has a unique writing style.
04-02-2013 , 05:55 AM
I have been spending the last year working towards setting up a good career. I've made some physical improvements as well, though I need to lose at least 20 lbs while eating well to maximize appearance(around average).

Haven't had success with women. I'm not too confident interacting with women and well behind the curve experience-wise in escalation/dating/sex.

The confidence and some of the social ability will come with further self improvement and going out more, but my fear is that I'm spending a lot of time on my school/career which will be boring to talk about, and won't have enough else to say to keep a conversation going.

How should I best spend my time outside of school/career/gym/sports? I'm already planning to put some towards poker to get some cash coming in. What should I do with the rest of the time to improve/become less boring?

1. Put all spare time into making money/going out when I have enough time+money

2. Put some time into free/less optimal social situations. I'd probably feel more comfortable here, but girls tend to be less attractive and alcohol isn't usually involved. Could be an opportunity to get a little success in a less daunting setting and hope to build on it going forward.

3. Put time into reading/watching stuff that would be interesting to talk about. Could be intellectual, pop culture, or sports(to build male friend circle). Though I'm not certain it would help my chances to get laid I would enjoy some examples of all of these.

I should be making a decent amount more when I start an entry level job next year,and I'll likely be moving to a new social scene at that point so I could use my college and my internship towns to experiment.

My last semester is fall and I'll have some cash to go out maybe 3x a week, though not enough to truly ball out/buy a new wardrobe or sick place or anything. I live alone in a studio close to a lot of the bars near campus.

04-02-2013 , 07:20 AM
Do fun things (go to concerts, sporting events, comedy shows etc)
Pick up a wide range of hobbies, even if not seriously, at least to the extent that you can discuss them una somewhat knowledgeable manner.

The more conversational strings to your now you have the more likely you will have something entertaining to say no matter the conversation.

You really don't need to be knowledgeable about anything, just hve a surface level knowledge/experience of a lot of things and you'll be fine. For example I don't watch a lot of tv but there are always shows in common. You can always compare travel stories.

Even hobbies which I want to take up which I haven't started yet (scuba, surfing, golf, salsa dancing etc) I have enough knowledge abou from my desire to get into them that I can at least carry a conversation when things pop up
04-02-2013 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
No, how many years ago was it (they were at like $30) that you said they seemed like a safe investment that would go up forever?
Never implied it would go up forever, I implied they would go up and eventually find a leveling value, right now its exponsentially increasing(at like 105$), meaning its probably gonna crash soon, but i reckon longterm it would never level at a spot below 30$.
04-02-2013 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
I would do a combination of slowly buying more clothes,(suitable for young professional), saving and going out at a level you are satisfied with(once a week, 3 times a month, whatever).

Dont put too much weight in the fact confidence just merely comes with getting healthy/in shape and decent income, a lot of people have this and still lack confidence, especially with girls. However, that is still very important, and can be a decent factor in making you more out going or whatever.

Dont worry about being behind the curve in regards to dating/sex, its not nearly as big as a deal as most inexperienced people think.
04-02-2013 , 11:51 AM
Work can be fulfilling because doing something that you are good at can be fulfilling. Work can also be interesting, and that's a pretty good combination.
04-02-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Never implied it would go up forever, I implied they would go up and eventually find a leveling value, right now its exponsentially increasing(at like 105$), meaning its probably gonna crash soon, but i reckon longterm it would never level at a spot below 30$.

Bitcoins will probably go up until the Euro/other foreign currencies stabilize. Only reason I didn't jump on it at $80 a few weeks ago is I don't think there are any leveraged trading sites, and thus a good amount of money is needed. And only a few sites are legit.

Last edited by GusJohnsonGOAT; 04-02-2013 at 02:31 PM. Reason: And everyone is bullish. Probably will level off around $130-$140 in a few weeks.
04-02-2013 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Work can be fulfilling because doing something that you are good at can be fulfilling. Work can also be interesting, and that's a pretty good combination.
Work absolutely can be fulfilling. I see the buildings I design being used by people and it makes me feel like I'm making a contribution to society.
04-02-2013 , 09:51 PM
Am in a group for a grad class with cute girl and her roommates (who also happen to be cute). She's always been kind of quiet - I thought of pursuing her over the summer in a class we had together but never ended up doing it. (I guess I should mention a good reason I didn't was because three of her roommates are going to be working for the same accounting firm as I am, and it would be pretty bad if we went from being friends to...not friends. Oh, and her dad was my audit professor and really admired me as a student. Minor detail?)

Anyway, tonight when I was going back and forth playfully with her and her friend, she said I was a "piece of work," which kind of surprised me because usually she's not so outgoing.

When we stood up to do a PowerPoint presentation later her friend mentioned not wanting to be alone on one side of the front of the room and came over to stand with us. Then the girl of interest moved where her friend was and asked me to join her so she wouldn't be alone either.

We talked about what we were doing for our day off tomorrow (not in any way to suggest we do something); she mentioned work and said it was good for me that I still worked at blah blah place. She also asked what city/town I lived in ..not sure why.

Oh, and earlier today she had told me to sit with her and her friends when I had my things at their table in a lounge area but was sitting off in a chair to the side.

One of the earlier classes we talked about "date night" at this bar in town that (apparently) has surprisingly good mexican food. I'm pretty sure her date was/is her friend(s) and there wasn't any direct implication of anything otherwise, so there's a good chance it could just have been conversation, but I'm not sure. Her friend (who I sort of flirt with but definitely wouldn't be compatible with from either of our perspectives) mentioned how she hadn't seen me out around the bar(s) this semester (since I don't really drink and have been studying for the CPA).

Anyway yeah... don't know what to do. It seems like even if I'm not reading into something that's not there it could be really dangerous..
04-02-2013 , 10:18 PM
I think this would be a great opportunity for a group outing. Get a group of your friends to go on and invite her and her friends.

Flirt. Find out if shes interested.

04-02-2013 , 10:38 PM
Thanks, that seems like a decent plan. I assume that would consist of playing it by ear and inviting her and her friends along one night when I know my friends are doing something? And trying again some other day if logistics get in the way?

I actually went out and wound up in the same booth as her and her friend at a bar last semester, but nothing special really came of it... But it probably shouldn't be rocket science if I put in a little effort.
04-02-2013 , 10:51 PM
You should organise to go out with friends to a bar this weekend and invite her and her friends. Don't leave it up to someone else.

You don't know if she even likes you yet, remember that.

Take her out, buy her drinks, and make it clear that you like her while still being a tonne of fun to be around. Then over the next couple of days say you had fun and ask her out on a date.
04-02-2013 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by tsuchiura
But it probably shouldn't be rocket science if I put in a little effort.
Super simple stuff
04-02-2013 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
You don't know if she even likes you yet, remember that.

Take her out, buy her drinks, and make it clear that you like her while still being a tonne of fun to be around. Then over the next couple of days say you had fun and ask her out on a date.
Yeah, I guess it's not knowing that she likes me that makes me hesitant to let her know that I'm interested in her. If she's not interested in me it could just be awkward at school and work for a long time and not be worth it..

I'll definitely think about it don't think there are any safer ways to go?
04-02-2013 , 11:39 PM
It isn't like you are handing her a note with Yes, No, Maybe. You do tit for tat negotiations. Way before it becomes clear that you are interested she'll be at a stage where she thinks you might but isn't sure. If she is also interested she'll give you an opening and you walk though it. If she isn't interested she'll signal that as well and then you stop escalating and she either thinks you were not interested or that you were and got the signal and behaved like a mature cool guy.

Most situations of unilateral interest don't lead to things being awkward. That only happens when you come on way too strong, maintain persistence even after being signaled no, or freak out and deal with rejection like an ass. As long as you don't do any of those three things you are fine.
04-02-2013 , 11:41 PM
haha, just looked at her twitter account and found that they've mentioned me the past couple of weeks we've had class!

last week other friend tweeted and girl i like re-tweeted:
@GirlofInterest @FlirtyFriend Honestly with [tsuchiura] in our group with these comments... we are like #[ClassGroup] the dreamteam
04-02-2013 , 11:43 PM
then this week (just now), girl of interest tweeted:

Team [girly wine drink with funny name] #represent @Girl3 @FlirtyFriend #[my name] #[reference to H20 i dont get]
04-02-2013 , 11:51 PM
eek, this one from last week (written by third friend) isn't so pleasant

@GirlOfInterest @Friend3 I'm gonna go ahead and say that tsu is controversial #****starter
i mean i shouldn't have offered to tutor my classmate after he ****ed up on a presentation, but w/e

oh, that comment must have been about something else, since this preceded it:

@girl of interest @flirty friend tsu just asked if kid x needed tutoring #burn
edit: but girl of interest replied to the post about my being controversial with

#dramaqueen #rebelwithoutacause #reckloose
maybe it's safe to say she's not into me?

Last edited by tsuchiura; 04-03-2013 at 12:03 AM.
04-03-2013 , 12:07 AM
lol wtf is this ****? lol twitter; WOAT except for news/parodies.

Seriously, get off her twitter. It's going to tell you nothing. You look really pathetic and desperate right now. I fear this will be exuded from your behavior when you are actually with them.
04-03-2013 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by tsuchiura
Yeah, I guess it's not knowing that she likes me that makes me hesitant to let her know that I'm interested in her. If she's not interested in me it could just be awkward at school and work for a long time and not be worth it..

I'll definitely think about it don't think there are any safer ways to go?
That's why the safest way to go is to go out in group situation. Don't spend the whole night with her, but send out some feelers. If she's keen then she will let you know with positive reinforcement.

It won't be awkward unless you do something dumb. At this stage we don't know if she knows that you like her.

Don't be forceful or obsessive. Keep it casual and fun.
04-03-2013 , 12:37 AM
Thanks.. sorry for the awkward twitter posts, it was painful for me too and I know it makes me look foolish posting all about it.

I guess it doesn't matter what she thinks of me, but I should probably think a bit more before I talk if I come off as a drama queen or a controversial reckloose...seems bad.
04-03-2013 , 12:39 AM
i see a potential for a three or even a foursome here. dont let us down tsuchira. lol

but seriously u know what to do. ignore twitter, stop over-analysing, and just do it.
04-03-2013 , 08:00 AM
Random approach the other day: I had seen this girl a few times in the quiet area of the library and thought she was gorgeous (asian), but wasn't going to approach in that situation. Saw her eating by herself in the student center on Monday and figured this was my opportunity. She was looking through some art book, so I sat down at the table next to her, she made eye contact and I asked her what she was reading. Yada yada yada we talked for a couple minutes about what we're in school for, she complimented my shoes, I asked her if she wanted to get a drink some time. Her: "Sure!". In and out in about 3 minutes with her number and a tentative date. Texted her that night and set up plans for next Tuesday night. Will provide TR.
