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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-15-2013 , 04:17 PM
Henry is right. If you have money/power and good social skills it shouldn't be hard to get laid at all
01-15-2013 , 04:20 PM
The NHL success rate thing goes back to my original point weeks ago that guys have it so much harder than girls. Taking Henry's word for it, if the NHL guys have a 100% success rate that means that girls sleep with him if he's famous. It's hard to get famous, as that is only a small percentage of the country.

On the other hand guys will sleep with a large variety/array of really hot girls, hot girls, cute, girls, average girls, and below average girls.

Yet Henry will argue how much easier guys have it. The NHL player did nothing besides a girl wanting to brag to her friends next morning at brunch that she hooked up with an NHL player.

So Henry's rationale is to be gifted as a DJ, musician, or athlete and then have it easy.

Yet, that really applies to the people that frequent this website.
01-15-2013 , 04:21 PM
And the fact he's likely jacked and rich...
01-15-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
lol isnt henry in his late 30s now and also in a relationship? that seems pretty good reasoning as to why he mgiht post a lot/be more reclusive.
Yes but the relationship more than the age is the factor. Being in your late 30s does not mean you can't pick up hot twenty-somethings.
01-15-2013 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
So Henry's rationale is to be gifted as a DJ, musician, or athlete and then have it easy.
No. I said those people are at 100%. I said guys are at 33%. That is a huge difference.

Yet, that really applies to the people that frequent this website.
Given the direction poker has gone I agree it is likely a minority but even in this fairly small group there was a second poster who I know has a very high success rate. He is not a DJ, musician, or athlete yet I would easily wager any amount that if he choose to try he could pull an 8+ at least 75% of the time.
01-15-2013 , 04:44 PM
He is an obvious troll, saying that NBA players, good ones at that, have <80% success rate is hilarious. I've seen some of the bulls players at clubs and girls literally throw their panties and bras at them.
01-15-2013 , 04:51 PM
It is not particularly easy for a guy in his late 30s to get a girl in her mid 20s. That's another myth. I know older friends who have had girls stop hooking up with them once they realized their age. A 25 year old girl fits in with a 30 year old. But not a 40 year old. The 25 year old would have some sort of issues if she was seriously dating somebody 15 years older than her.
01-15-2013 , 04:53 PM
All you are doing is continually proving my points though. The famous guys have the high percentage of sex rate. Below average, average, above average, and the best girls get sex whenever they want. You say guys are at 33%. That's a poor average. Those below average/average/above average/top notch girls get 100%, if they want.

So do you retract your statement from weeks ago or not?
01-15-2013 , 04:54 PM
You think going out three times and picking up once out of those three is bad?

Obvious troll.
01-15-2013 , 05:18 PM
somehow i think he actually believes everything hes saying...
01-15-2013 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
You think going out three times and picking up once out of those three is bad?

Obvious troll.
Well in comparison to your sick game 33% doesn't look that great.

I'm not even annoyed at you or your lies, I'm annoyed at people that believe the statements you type and the persona you have.

How can anybody believe that 100% comment?

They should be intelligent to know that you are an out of touch recluse that doesn't get, nor has ever gotten hot girls. Anybody with a brain can tell your weird, introverted, and awkward socially by the way you type and handle yourself on here.
01-15-2013 , 05:22 PM
Pretty sure a psychiatrist would know when to use "you're" and when to use "your".
01-15-2013 , 05:25 PM
Is it ok to text girl I havent seen in 2 plus years to see if she wants to go for drinks. I moved away and am back in city I went to school/grew up in. Her last message to me was to let her know when I'm back in town. I'm only here for one night.

With No notice ahead of time or any contact besides an occasional fb message can't expect much huh?
01-15-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by PaulieWlnuts
Is it ok to text girl I havent seen in 2 plus years to see if she wants to go for drinks. I moved away and am back in city I went to school/grew up in. Her last message to me was to let her know when I'm back in town. I'm only here for one night.

With No notice ahead of time or any contact besides an occasional fb message can't expect much huh?
Is it ok? Well nothing will happen to you if you do and you don't live there now so not like you are concerned about reputation.

If you goal is to have us estimate the odds that anything comes of it then we'd need a lot of information so it is much easier to just do it and see what happens.
01-15-2013 , 05:35 PM
If you got no other/better plans, I'd go for the Hail Mary.
01-15-2013 , 07:56 PM
Yea, seems like a freeroll
01-15-2013 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by PaulieWlnuts
Is it ok to text girl I havent seen in 2 plus years to see if she wants to go for drinks. I moved away and am back in city I went to school/grew up in. Her last message to me was to let her know when I'm back in town. I'm only here for one night.

With No notice ahead of time or any contact besides an occasional fb message can't expect much huh?
What's there to lose?
01-15-2013 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by PaulieWlnuts
Is it ok to text girl I havent seen in 2 plus years to see if she wants to go for drinks. I moved away and am back in city I went to school/grew up in. Her last message to me was to let her know when I'm back in town. I'm only here for one night.

With No notice ahead of time or any contact besides an occasional fb message can't expect much huh?
01-16-2013 , 02:44 AM
Having been a bit of lurker on this thread for a while, Henry really knows what he's talking about when it comes to women/dating/picking up, all that kind of stuff. I agree with almost all of his posts in fact.

Those of you who are convinced that he or anyone else average looking can't have super sick success rates with getting laid with hot girls either have no clue how to attract women themselves, or don't know anybody that does so on a regular basis. Id say I have a pretty good understanding and do know people who have sex with hot women whenever they want and aren't exactly Brad Pitt.

Fwiw, if I had an interesting dating dilemma that I might not want to share with friends I would genuinely be tempted to pm Henry for advice because I think he's got very sound judgement and knows what he's talking about when it comes to women.
01-16-2013 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
They should be intelligent to know that you are an out of touch recluse that doesn't get, nor has ever gotten hot girls. Anybody with a brain can tell your weird, introverted, and awkward socially by the way you type and handle yourself on here.
Someone wake me when he's gone again.

A few people in this thread have met Henry and his girlfriend (I am not one of them).
01-16-2013 , 04:46 AM
my success rate is 100% always, forever, since day one
01-16-2013 , 10:27 AM
So, did gcg pay Mullen wrt the bet? I missed the endgame
01-16-2013 , 11:55 AM
I've read something in this thread that basically said that going out (clubs/bars) in jeans is weird/awkward/unusual/ a no-go. Why so?

Is that some american thing? What do you wear when hitting the club?
01-16-2013 , 12:03 PM
Jeans are definitely acceptable in typical student places and they can look good. In very nice smart venues however, dress pants are just going to a far superior choice.
01-16-2013 , 12:24 PM
I've spent a lot of time in Europe and jeans were far less acceptable there than in North America. The decay of dressing well started in North America and spread to Europe.

There was a time were wearing jeans was not acceptable -- period. Most places would not allow you in wearing jeans. With the introduction of the $300+ designer jean the restriction declined and now it is pretty much extinct.

That being said you should never wear jeans to any nice venue and even to other venues it is a sub-par choice. By this I don't mean to say it is uncommon-- it actually is very common-- but that just means that the majority of people don't put effort into their appearance. This is a great opportunity for guys to get an advantage.

As to what to wear -- dress pants and either a dress shirt or a shirt that I'm not really sure what the official name is but you'll know them when you see them. With dress shirts there is a difference between the shirts you were to work and formal events and shirts you were to go out. The difference is subtle but it is there.
