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Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Moving to Buenos Aires discussion

07-15-2011 , 11:48 AM
By ass time, I mean we're getting ass implants to fit in. Cheers Evil, thanks for the warm welcome!
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-15-2011 , 06:54 PM
Just left BsAs after about a month. If anyone is looking for a great restaurant with a good mix of Americans and Porteños you should definitely check out The Office at the corner of Arévalo y Arce in Las Cañitas. Amazing food for a reasonable price and extremely friendly staff. They also deliver.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-15-2011 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by chronichighcard
Just left BsAs after about a month. If anyone is looking for a great restaurant with a good mix of Americans and Porteños you should definitely check out The Office at the corner of Arévalo y Arce in Las Cañitas. Amazing food for a reasonable price and extremely friendly staff. They also deliver.
nice. I've been wondering about that place.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-15-2011 , 11:42 PM
yeah that place is legit. best burgers in the city, very good wings and cheap beer.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-16-2011 , 12:10 AM
Yeah, no worries about it. Im pretty sure Monday or Tuesday is half price night all night for drinks and food. (You can get a huge burger and fries for about 15p) Also if you talk to the right person on the right night you can find the best bananas in Argentina.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:31 PM
Can someone give me cliffs about what an American planning on moving to BA should know as far as getting a visa goes?
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-18-2011 , 05:27 PM
yeah, you need a credit card to pay the $140 or so tourist visa fee when you land. that's for 90 days and you won't have to pay again for 10 years. to stay legal you need to leave the country every 90 days. most of us do it by going to uruguay.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-18-2011 , 05:47 PM
Thanks for the quick response.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-20-2011 , 08:02 PM
How would you guys rec. I get my computer and 3 30 inch monitors to ba? Shipping will be quite expensive, but it's probably pretty expensive to buy electronics there... Anyone have 30 inch monitors they're trying to sell?
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-20-2011 , 11:42 PM
Never ship any electronics into the country. 3 30's geez that might be tough. The only way I can think that won't be super expensive would be to make some custom roller case that holds all three. Put labels with your editing company's name on them and hope you don't draw a motivated customs worker.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 12:11 AM
lol at 3 30s. Wtf.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 11:26 AM
anyone have poker chips I can borrow for a very small stakes tournament in Recoleta? If you want to come, more than willing! Have interest in the BA Expat forum. let me know.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 03:30 PM
Can't edit above message but don't need chips anymore.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by imakefrush
Never ship any electronics into the country. 3 30's geez that might be tough. The only way I can think that won't be super expensive would be to make some custom roller case that holds all three. Put labels with your editing company's name on them and hope you don't draw a motivated customs worker.
What do you mean by "editing company?"

And what would be the worst thing that happens if I put them into a suitcase and bring them in (let's say I brought 2 instead of 3) and I get a tough customs guy? I assume a fine...?

Is it possible to buy these monitors in BA? Do they cost an absurd amount?
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 05:53 PM

If you decide to bring your own monitors you might have to convince the customs guy that you plan on takingb them with back when you leave Argentina. If he thinks you're planning on selling them you'll have to pay tolls/taxes(the English word for it escapes me right now). Trying to explain the customs worker that you play poker for a living is going to be difficult because he probably won't understand it, while saying that you work for/have your own production company, or some other easily understandable and plausible explanation, might have better chances of success. He most likely isn't able to speak English, so saying something like "hago peliculas" is much easier than saying "juego poquer en el internet" and then explain how the **** that works and why you need 3 monitors for it.

No fine as far as I know for bringing stuff into the country with the intention of selling it, only the taxes.

For prices on electronics you can check or google "electronics argentina" or something like that. If you're from the US I think I've read here in the thread that electronics are much more expensive in Argentina.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 08:07 PM
Speaking about electronic goods...

Anyone here coming over soon or knows someone who is? I would like to ask for a favour, if possible.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-21-2011 , 10:49 PM
I am... PM me.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-22-2011 , 01:31 AM
you def. want to bring all electronics you can think of

sounds like you'll have to buy monitors out here
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-22-2011 , 06:35 AM
23 July 2011
Is there any PLO in Puerto Madero?
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-22-2011 , 07:01 AM

Anyone have any suggestions for a good walk I can do in an afternoon (i.e. a few hours) that will give me a decent sense of the city and a few of the various barrios? Gonna be here for a few months, and feel like I don't really have a sense of a city until I've explored it walking, but I don't really know where to start with BA. Thanks!
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-23-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by rodekio

Anyone have any suggestions for a good walk I can do in an afternoon (i.e. a few hours) that will give me a decent sense of the city and a few of the various barrios? Gonna be here for a few months, and feel like I don't really have a sense of a city until I've explored it walking, but I don't really know where to start with BA. Thanks!

Hey rodekio,
Check out BA Free Tours (google it?) they have a facebook and just work off of tips. They have 2 different tours every day. One starts at 11, the other at 5pm. The 5pm is the one I've done so far. It is the "Aristocratic Tour" throughout the barrios of Retiro and Recoleta. It is like a 2.5 hour walking tour, lots of fun and awesome tour guides. Their blog/facebook have great things to do in the city as well. GL!
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-23-2011 , 12:45 PM
Yeah, or if you are looking for something more macro, there is an open air bus tour where you can hop on and hop off. Those things are always a great way to see a city.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-23-2011 , 03:03 PM
You can also go to downtown and walk arround the street Avenida de Mayo,its very nice and it will say a lot about the city.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-23-2011 , 05:21 PM
depending on where you are, you could walk into the city on something like santa fe/libertadores and walk out on corrientes.

something i used to enjoy doing was just randomly getting on the train and taking it somewhere on a warm sunny day.
Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
07-23-2011 , 06:14 PM
Hey all -

I'm going to be moving in a few weeks from USA, and I'm still trying to figure out what the best ways to fund an account are, and the best ways to withdraw... I've gotten some great help from a few people, but I'm mainly finding out what doesn't work. It'd be much appreciated if someone could PM me and give me an idea of what you guys are doing for banking... Hopefully I can reciprocate in some way once I arrive.

Moving to Buenos Aires discussion Quote
