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POG Pub September 2019 - I, For One, Welcome our New Fall Overlords (NSFW, WTF, TL;DR) POG Pub September 2019 - I, For One, Welcome our New Fall Overlords (NSFW, WTF, TL;DR)

09-14-2019 , 08:21 PM
09-14-2019 , 11:13 PM
man, i been so spoiled all my life by san francisco summers where it's often 55 and howling winds and fog so thick you can't see, and everything is dripping.

this LA desert is hot af. and my bedroom is an oven. my house is terribly insulated or something. idk, but it gets so damn hot in here. way hotter than outside right now. all the windows and doors are open.

its been 7 months since we had a cool day.
09-14-2019 , 11:23 PM
Um, we had a cool day 2 days ago.

And you said you have an A/C unit. So wtf???
09-14-2019 , 11:48 PM
JFC MAN! 86 is not cool! i mean like where the high for the day is in the 50s

and my AC gives me anxiety
09-14-2019 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
JFC MAN! 86 is not cool! i mean like where the high for the day is in the 50s

and my AC gives me anxiety
You're not getting much sympathy when on Thursday it was upper 70's with 40% humidity.
09-15-2019 , 01:03 PM
Filthy, I've been mistaken for a woman twice in my life. Both times were in a golf club, and both were some old dude grumbling about me for some reason or other. Allegedly the culture of the sport differs from country to country, but in England it's the stuffiest piece of crap going. Trump likes it, FFS.
09-15-2019 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Filthy, I've been mistaken for a woman twice in my life. Both times were in a golf club, and both were some old dude grumbling about me for some reason or other. Allegedly the culture of the sport differs from country to country, but in England it's the stuffiest piece of crap going. Trump likes it, FFS.
from what i understand golf culture here is ridic stuffy too. but LA is probably the least stuffy place for it. also i'm pretty highly inoculated against stuffy

in other news. my casino has a promotion where you play 25 hours and get a $25 gift card to arco gas station. i have 24 hours aorn, and today is the last day. but i don't feel like going in.

what would markk do?!?!

it's 15.3 mile commute, and a little over an hour roundtrip on a sunday. maybe 90 minutes
09-15-2019 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
what would markk do?!?!
Not have put himself in a position needing just one hour on the last day.
09-15-2019 , 02:03 PM
As played, don't bother going in unless you would go in without the gift card incentive.
09-15-2019 , 02:08 PM
lately my solution to everything has just been to get drunk. so i'll think i'll have some wine, watch some tv, and decide later

btw, im in a fairly heated argument in the ootv general tv thread. some new netflix show had some cops botching a rape investigation. and i've only watched part of one episode, so as usual, idk what i'm talking about
09-15-2019 , 02:42 PM
ahhhhh.... nice and drunk. and everything is fine
09-15-2019 , 09:42 PM
so i went in. 45 minutes there. 55 minutes back. they told me i needed a little over 2 hours, not just one hour like i thought. but when the woman swiped my card to see how many players rewards points i had on my card, her eyes almost popped out of her head, and she said "oh! rich guy!" lol! and she called her co-worker over to look at my balance lol!! *sigh* what a ****ing degenerate.

so i played 3 hours to get my $25 arco gas card. i won $998

my head is killing me. i think i'm gonna do no alcohol for a while.
09-16-2019 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
any golfers in the pub?

im thinking of taking up golf. i only played a total of 18 holes in my life, and i went to the driving range twice. i was pretty good considering i never played. but that was 25 years ago.

towards the end i thought i did better if i only used a 3 iron and a putter, and maybe a driver for the opening shot? probably. i forget. but switching clubs all the time messed me up cuz i didn't know how hard to hit the ball.

so golf clubs are expensive. i was thinking i could get just a 3 iron and a driver(is that what it's called? 1 wood? the one that makes it go really far) and a putter. that would be waaaaay cheaper, right? and easier to carry. do the golf courses make you have a bunch of clubs? could i just walk around with no golf bag and 3 clubs? or just use whoever's clubs i was with? i mean why do we each have to have our own set of clubs? are we allowed to share?
There are several POG golfers, and if you find you enjoy the game there is a golf forum.

Golf can be expensive, but it does not have to be. You do not need to have a full set of clubs, when I was a kid beginner sets of six or seven clubs were common. When I travel and will be walking I frequently take about that many.

You will want a driver (1 wood, though nobody calls it that any more). The newest ones are $500 or more, but you can definitely channel your inner Mark K and get a perfectly good used one for 100 or less.

You will also want a few irons. 5, 7, 9, sand wedge would be a fine place to start. Again, no harm in buying used. It may not be as easy to find a partial set like that though. 3 irons aren't real common any more.

If you feel like adding one more club, a 5 wood or 3 hybrid might be a good gap-filler.

And a putter.

Anyway, the idea of the different clubs is so that you don't have to think as much about how hard to swing. If you swing the same speed you'll figure out quickly how far each club goes.
09-16-2019 , 08:51 AM
thanks booker!

seems crazy to me to have different clubs so you don't have to think about how hard to swing wtf
09-16-2019 , 09:04 AM
Golf is a lot of fun if you don't take it seriously. Just assume you will suck and go with it.

You can get away with 3 clubs but just go ahead and get a set. Get a little hand cart for the clubs and walk the course. It will be great exercise.
09-16-2019 , 09:11 AM
Find a par 3 course if you're gonna hobo it up like that, better suited for that type of thing. I golfed a lot as a teenager, we'd spend all day out there in the summer, good times and barely elitist at all back then in that environment. It was cheap too, 3 or 4 bucks for greens fees. It's ridiculous now, even shitty public courses are 20 or 30 bucks I think. I haven't played since the early 90s but my mom still plays almost every day, very active in leagues etc., that and bridge are her big old-lady things.
09-16-2019 , 01:07 PM
I've got a spare set, filthy. Just come and pick it up
09-16-2019 , 01:10 PM
Golf is a good walk spoiled.

I used to play off 8 but took a few years off to focus on the finer things in life and get no enjoyment from playing now as I'm so bad
09-16-2019 , 03:23 PM
No. Golf sucks if you suck. Everyone posting here seems moderately good.
09-16-2019 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
No. Golf sucks if you suck. Everyone posting here seems moderately good.
I gave up because I needed to play pretty much weekly in order to keep my standard up. That's fine when you're a student and have nothing better to do, but it takes up like 4 hours a game, and I have like -3,50 hours per week of time to myself as it is.
09-16-2019 , 03:33 PM
i have about 50 hours of free time a week
09-16-2019 , 03:57 PM
VR golf!
09-16-2019 , 05:16 PM
My goal in golf is to find more balls than I lose.
09-16-2019 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
No. Golf sucks if you suck. Everyone posting here seems moderately good.
Golf sucks if it pisses you off that you suck. If you don't care so much, it's great. If you think you're going to be Tiger Woods playing once a week or less, yeah that's not happening. If you feel you must play the back tees, yeah, that's going to suck. Play an easier course and play the forward tees, it's a lot more fun.

It is also possible to improve at golf if you want to and are willing to devote a little time and/or money to doing so. Up to you.

I care less and less about the fact that I'm mediocre (and getting worse, my handicap has gone from 6 to 11 this year), it's just nice to be outside. Fresh air (maybe not as big of a plus in L.A.), a little light exercise.
09-16-2019 , 05:41 PM
if par for the course is 27. i'd guess i could do somewhere around 50
