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POG Pub September 2019 - I, For One, Welcome our New Fall Overlords (NSFW, WTF, TL;DR) POG Pub September 2019 - I, For One, Welcome our New Fall Overlords (NSFW, WTF, TL;DR)

09-28-2019 , 09:37 PM
i'm looking for a place to live, and the search isn't going well
09-29-2019 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i'm looking for a place to live, and the search isn't going well

Any place east of Downey Ave, north of Stewart and Grey (or Firestone if picky), west of the 605 freeway

I lived in the townhouses at Texas St and Downey Ave.

Lots of options
09-29-2019 , 02:04 AM
i made an appointment to see a place today, and when i got there no one was there.

the other place i wanted to see was somehow mistakenly listed in the neighborhood i wanted. really it was 15 miles away! i wasted ~20 minutes on it, and actually made an appointment to see it before i double checked and the guy told me it was in ****ing west ****ing hollywood.

i'm not picky about neighborhoods. i just can't deal with this commute. so i need to live closer to the casino.

i'm bad at talking to people and making appointments and filling out papers
09-29-2019 , 03:19 PM
I dunno what good rover design looks like, but I got this puppy to Duna. Next stop eve!
09-29-2019 , 04:28 PM
lol. Why's the surface pink?

How did you get it there and land?
09-29-2019 , 04:35 PM
It's the Duna pole, by night
09-29-2019 , 04:38 PM
I always use the big rover wheels.

Where's the headlights and all the science experiments?

09-29-2019 , 04:53 PM
And this is how I get it places
09-29-2019 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Tappletalk just raised
I'm also being personally targeted.
09-29-2019 , 05:23 PM
Jesus, turns out I'm getting the vanilla stuff
09-29-2019 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
I love you.
I knew it. I’ve always known it.

Now if only Gabe will admit it too...

Last edited by Crossnerd; 09-29-2019 at 07:19 PM. Reason: Hope this makes you laugh <3
09-29-2019 , 09:51 PM
Untitled goose game>whatever space game you guys are always on about
09-29-2019 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i'm looking for a place to live, and the search isn't going well
Move to Calgary, Alberta. A couple of my cowrokers (who are also a couple) are transfering to the Calgary airport. They are getting a great, and new, apartment for C$1600 per month. Great view, near the casinos. Gym, and a common recreational area with pool tables and a poker table. Apparently, there are people in the building who are playing on a regular basis. The male half of the couple is salivating at the opportunity.

Downside for you is the temperature drop vs SoCal. But the poker is good. I know, though, that you don't want to move so far from your family.
09-29-2019 , 11:40 PM
mars isn't far away enough from my family

but im skeptical about how the good poker is, even if canada would let me live there, which i doubt.

do they even play 5/10 in alberta? LA is amazing. right now there are probably 7-10 5/10 games running, AND higher games.

plus, i don't think are many models in alberta.

it is beautiful there though right? and you have healthcare, and you don't invade countries, and you don't have shooting sprees.

but you do do a little genocide.
09-29-2019 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
you don't have shooting sprees.
09-29-2019 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
mars isn't far away enough from my family

but im skeptical about how the good poker is, even if canada would let me live there, which i doubt.

do they even play 5/10 in alberta? LA is amazing. right now there are probably 7-10 5/10 games running, AND higher games.

there is 5/10, but that is out of my league, so I have no details.
plus, i don't think are many models in alberta.

there are, but not as ubiquitous as in SoCal.

it is beautiful there though right? and you have healthcare, and you don't invade countries, and you don't have shooting sprees.

but you do do a little genocide.
Mostly in the past, though.
09-30-2019 , 03:14 AM
i went to an nfl game for the first time. i expected to be hot and uncomfortable, to stand in long lines for bathrooms, to have people screaming in my ear, to have a view limited to exactly one angle and see much less of the game than i could on tv, to pay an obscene amount for a beer, to have to fight through a ton of people to get to/from the stadium and around the stadium, and my expectations were 100% met. i know i sound like grumpy cat, but i don't understand why people do this. we invented tv. it works perfectly. at least the dinner after was great.
09-30-2019 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by iversonian
i went to an nfl game for the first time. i expected to be hot and uncomfortable, to stand in long lines for bathrooms, to have people screaming in my ear, to have a view limited to exactly one angle and see much less of the game than i could on tv, to pay an obscene amount for a beer, to have to fight through a ton of people to get to/from the stadium and around the stadium, and my expectations were 100% met. i know i sound like grumpy cat, but i don't understand why people do this. we invented tv. it works perfectly. at least the dinner after was great.
What do you think of college football? All the above is still true but they also were some of the greatest experiences in my life.
09-30-2019 , 05:56 AM
Sport is the greatest popular delusion of the age. Y'all can like whatever you want to like, but it's basically idiotic to really care about the performance of a bunch of millionaires with no more than a passing interest in whatever town they happen to play for this week.

Rocketry, on the other hand...
09-30-2019 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
A rare J.D. sighting!


hey hey bigger!

Originally Posted by kioshk
I just might do that! I really liked the Boston area the last time I was there, way back in 1982. I was a salesman back then, worked in and around the infamous Combat Zone area for 2 weeks, saw a night game at Fenway etc. It was wicked awesome as y'all say up there.

I went to school right near the combat zone, for some reason we liked to check out the sights

Originally Posted by eyebooger
I went to a wrestling show.
09-30-2019 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by iversonian
i went to an nfl game for the first time. i expected to be hot and uncomfortable, to stand in long lines for bathrooms, to have people screaming in my ear, to have a view limited to exactly one angle and see much less of the game than i could on tv, to pay an obscene amount for a beer, to have to fight through a ton of people to get to/from the stadium and around the stadium, and my expectations were 100% met. i know i sound like grumpy cat, but i don't understand why people do this. we invented tv. it works perfectly. at least the dinner after was great.
When I moved to Tampa I decided to go to a couple of Bucs games. I was able to get decent seats for the first one I went to. I'm pretty sure this is because the Bucs season ticket holders really don't want to go to the games. This theory is supported by the fact that there are usually more opposing jerseys worn at the games than bucs jerseys.

It was pretty much what I expected, as you say. But, I was struck by the difference in perspective. It really looked like a bunch of guys playing football just like I did when I was a kid. On TV it looks so much different.

The second game I got front row 50 yd. line seats. Couldn't see much of anything. TV cameras and people in front of me the entire time.

I've been to a ton of UT (college) games. They are a lot more fun. The band playing songs and the cheers and all make it a lot better experience. Plus the tailgaiting and the fact that when I got to the game I was usually pretty lit made it much more enjoyable.
09-30-2019 , 10:02 AM
People don't go to football games to watch football.
09-30-2019 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Eric
People don't go to football games to watch football.

Exactly. If watching football is your priority, tv is a million times better. Going to a game is about the rest of the experience.
09-30-2019 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Exactly. If watching football is your priority, tv is a million times better. Going to a game is about the rest of the experience.
the traffic, the exorbitant expense, the drunken screaming idiots, the nostalgia for days of roman games. sponsored by usa military
09-30-2019 , 10:33 AM
The car guys found the issue with my deflating tyre. It was a cracked valve, just like the pub predicted 9 months and 2 services ago.
