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05-25-2018 , 10:48 AM
though I do vaguely recall a case from law school holding that government enforcement of an otherwise unconstitutional rule itself is a constitutional violation

re: the NFL fine decision
05-25-2018 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Interesting. So what about the Twitter ruling? You think it was a bad ruling?
Having not read the decision itself, not being familiar with the details of case (other than that Trump blocked certain people from tweeting in response to his policy tweets), and not being anything close to a 1A expert,

it seems fine to me. Trump makes policy pronouncements on his twitter feed. He shouldn't be able, in his continuing capacity as a government actor, to ban speech issued in direct response to said pronouncements.

And there is definitely 1A precedent for treating public figures different from the hoi polloi.

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 05-25-2018 at 11:06 AM. Reason:
05-25-2018 , 11:01 AM
Do we have a neat little meme/phrase, comparable to "whataboutism", to capture the argument that "if so-and-so did that, they would be crucified"?
05-25-2018 , 11:07 AM
05-25-2018 , 11:09 AM
I still want a better term for nudging since apparently that's used for something else. Using arguments of similar situations to nudge people's opinions based on the initial thing being "obviously" correct. It's like analogies but different. Hmmm. Maybe a play on simile.
05-25-2018 , 07:31 PM
This story about ICE separating infants from their parents seems like an unspeakable abomination, if it’s true.
05-25-2018 , 07:34 PM
05-25-2018 , 08:29 PM
Yep, should have never been allowed to happen
05-26-2018 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
This story about ICE separating infants from their parents seems like an unspeakable abomination, if it’s true.
i thought it was about pig farmers and baby piglets
05-26-2018 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
This story about ICE separating infants from their parents seems like an unspeakable abomination, if it’s true.

True, by design, directly from the man. Trump supporters must be so proud.
06-04-2018 , 11:26 AM
Cake ruling is out and by all accounts not very exciting.
06-04-2018 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri

I for one am glad y'all avoided Clinton and her pay to play system.
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Gotta rush into the thread and talk about gay cakes though.
06-04-2018 , 11:48 AM
06-04-2018 , 12:07 PM
I didn't realize that kokiris and ianaws posts were directed at me. With all of the bs that has been spewed about Trump it is hard to take a single bbc article seriously especially when it is only citing sources familiar with the matter.

The cake case however is interesting and received much previous discussion in this thread (although the decision isn't). Hopefully that is OK eyebooger.
06-04-2018 , 01:21 PM
The only discussion the cake thing got was pwns trying to redirect a bunch of other conversations to the cake thing and then getting ignored.
06-04-2018 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I didn't realize that kokiris and ianaws posts were directed at me. With all of the bs that has been spewed about Trump it is hard to take a single bbc article seriously especially when it is only citing sources familiar with the matter.

The cake case however is interesting and received much previous discussion in this thread (although the decision isn't). Hopefully that is OK eyebooger.
Can't speak for IANAWW, but I think the *crickets* post was directed squarely at you.

You just seem very, very selective about what you come into this thread and talk about.
06-04-2018 , 02:17 PM
Wolves have to be selective
06-05-2018 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Cake ruling is out and by all accounts not very exciting.
grandstanding ideologues ****ed it up, but I think the court's message was pretty clear
06-05-2018 , 07:32 AM
the opinion sought by RWers was signed by only 2 justices (the Thomas concurrence)
06-05-2018 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
grandstanding ideologues ****ed it up, but I think the court's message was pretty clear
What was the message?

I was hoping that they would try to define art some..i.e. the baker is an artist but the hairdresser is not. And that they would get into some of the issues raised during oral arguments and they punted on those.

As far I can tell there is no message other than that they don't want to mess with it.
06-05-2018 , 12:45 PM
The message was that Colorado screwed up by invoking the baker's Christianity in their argument and preventing him from using it as a defense and thus violating his own rights. Its very clearly outlined in the ruling that the ruling deals with this specific case and only this specific case, and any further cases that don't display the unforced error of Colorado will likely fall in favor of the discriminated and not the discriminator.
06-05-2018 , 12:55 PM
Seems like they just kicked the can. They have a standard of sometimes going specific rather than broad. Surprised it went 7-2 regardless.

The workers rights case seemed more important.
06-05-2018 , 01:03 PM
06-05-2018 , 01:05 PM
I found a disturbing article I thought you guys might like.

Remember this the next time you want to quote Wikipedia to substantiate your worldview!

Is no place safe???
06-05-2018 , 01:06 PM
Interesting. I kinda enjoy the wild West of wiki.
