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POG Politics Thread POG Politics Thread

05-03-2018 , 02:08 PM
So what do we think happens after Trump impeachment proceedings begin? Seems pretty clear parties will just further entrench themselves. Unless there is a really obvious thing to impeach on.

Five thirty-eight had some chat on if Trump should answer Mueller questions. Don't see how anyone could answer yes to that.
05-03-2018 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Or just rail the grab bag draft and bash my totally awesome picks.
This is also a fun POG activity
05-03-2018 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
The question for me is: what on Earth are they doing in their accounting departments?
Yes, of course.

US medical billing has a specific code set aside for spacecraft related injuries:

That's pretty niche.
05-03-2018 , 05:35 PM
Not proud of it but I made my semi-regular capitulation and went to look up what lordJVK is railing about on twitter these days; turns out he's on youtube railing about being banned from twitter.
05-03-2018 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Not proud of it but I made my semi-regular capitulation and went to look up what lordJVK is railing about on twitter these days; turns out he's on youtube railing about being banned from twitter.
He has a new account - @slysneak

He's, unsurprisingly, still an idiot.
05-03-2018 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Not proud of it but I made my semi-regular capitulation and went to look up what lordJVK is railing about on twitter these days; turns out he's on youtube railing about being banned from twitter.
aw dammit, now Im going to have to watch one of his terrible videos to find out what stupid thing he did to get kicked off twitter.
05-03-2018 , 05:50 PM
First video "Is George W. Bush a radical leftist?"

Which is backed up by a tweet "It’s less a cultural revolution and more a revoking of the attempted one that was imposed on us from the top down by the New World Order led by the Bushes, Clintons and Tony Blair."

Remember when he first came here and claimed to be a liberal?
05-03-2018 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
He has a new account - @slysneak

He's, unsurprisingly, still an idiot.
With some pretty bad ratios apparently!
05-03-2018 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
First video "Is George W. Bush a radical leftist?"

Which is backed up by a tweet "It’s less a cultural revolution and more a revoking of the attempted one that was imposed on us from the top down by the New World Order led by the Bushes, Clintons and Tony Blair."

Remember when he first came here and claimed to be a liberal?
This man is a university professor.
05-03-2018 , 07:43 PM
I'd rather listen to birdman drone on about communism than watch a single video from lolord
05-03-2018 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
First video "Is George W. Bush a radical leftist?"

Which is backed up by a tweet "It’s less a cultural revolution and more a revoking of the attempted one that was imposed on us from the top down by the New World Order led by the Bushes, Clintons and Tony Blair."

Remember when he first came here and claimed to be a liberal?
I'll be honest; I completely bought it for a little while.
05-04-2018 , 03:26 AM
Look who the CBC decided to interview about Trump:

05-05-2018 , 01:53 PM
Happy 200th Birthday Karl Marx!

05-05-2018 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Happy 200th Birthday Karl Marx!

I always prefered him over Groucho.
05-05-2018 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by e_holle
I always prefered him over Groucho.
Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife. -GM
05-05-2018 , 05:51 PM
Gotta love this weeks Elon Musk vs Warren Buffett jousting

Elon Musk on the Tesla earnings call made a jab at Warren Buffett calling moats around companies quaint and that to be successful companies need to innovate.

Then Buffett in his annual report said that the moats around See's Candy are holding just fine.

Just now I saw a tweet from Musk:


Last edited by Mark_K; 05-05-2018 at 05:57 PM.
05-06-2018 , 04:34 AM
Well I for one am reassured that we've handed over running the developed world to this bunch of technofetish manchildren. What could possibly go wrong.
05-07-2018 , 04:01 PM
in the current pog draft game, i drafted obama as the goat serial killer. i probably should have consulted birdman before i picked

it's just that no other serial killer won the nobel peace prize. at least not that i could think of

i don't think jeff dahmer won the nobel peace prize
05-07-2018 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
in the current pog draft game, i drafted obama as the goat serial killer. i probably should have consulted birdman before i picked

it's just that no other serial killer won the nobel peace prize. at least not that i could think of

i don't think jeff dahmer won the nobel peace prize
to be fair, Obama did win in a weak field. I mean, who else was it going to be. Putin? Jill Stein? Chavez?
05-08-2018 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
in the current pog draft game, i drafted obama as the goat serial killer. i probably should have consulted birdman before i picked

it's just that no other serial killer won the nobel peace prize. at least not that i could think of

i don't think jeff dahmer won the nobel peace prize
Select Peace Prize Winners (recent first):
Yasser Arafat
Aung San Suu Kyi
Henry Kissinger
Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt

These are just the ones I know about.
05-08-2018 , 06:17 AM
wow! that's quite a list! jfc
05-09-2018 , 12:30 PM
This latest scandal seems like it could be the worst.
05-09-2018 , 01:56 PM
What did Obama do now? More spying then denying it and prosecuting whistle blowers?
05-09-2018 , 01:59 PM
Congrats to Trump on getting the North Korean hostages released.
05-09-2018 , 02:22 PM
Congrats to Trump on getting the Iranians super pissed at the US!
