Originally Posted by BombayBadboy
When you guys say you learned a language, how well do you actually speak it?
I usually say that when I understand the meaning of the phrases.
I understand English texts and can watch movies and series without subs, can talk and people understand but don't know almost any grammar when writing.
Spanish I don't talk but I understand almost everything when my Argentinian friend speaks to me and we can understand each other, same when going to other Spanish talking countries nearby Brazil, they mostly understand fairly well Portuguese and we can understand them well talking in Spanish, so we communicate each one talking one language. Can read too but don't write and don't speak.
Japanese I can understand somewhat what they are saying but without making much sense. Like I can identify which topic they are talking about. Can't read.
Italian I can understand somewhat depending on the topic if I am familiar, but can't talk many things besides porco zio, porca madonna, maledeta, figlia di putana, etc.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X1VIyZe3Ws, noo, didn't understand anything...
Last edited by LXThrottle; 12-15-2010 at 11:06 PM.
Reason: Maybe because isn't german?