For the criminalization of AIDS, we have...
DWetzel: It is both the presence and acceptance of AIDS that has degraded POG culture over the years. We might see AIDS as a harmless diversion from our serious lives, but think about how it has changed our youth! The children revel in diseased marshes, toiling away their independence for dependency on nothing more than erosion.
Even us veterans of POG have come to accept AIDS, and that's a foresight for which we should be eternally ashamed. How can this be allowed, when it's in complete divergence with our future prosperity? How can there be a bright tomorrow in a world where AIDS is allowed to spread?
For the legalization of AIDS, we have...
TheBrokenATM!: LOL dwetz u pussy.
U just ***** suck can't get any aids.
Must be sad.
You already lost. You can't win. Hahahaha.
We now go the moderators for a decision on this furious debate.