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7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread 7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread

08-04-2015 , 03:57 PM
i like %chance to vig based on postcount

less than 10 posts- 100% vig; 25 posts-75%; 50- 50%

something like that
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:01 PM
Votes from post 11107 to post 12126
Night in 4:59:52

4 Weatherguy Viggorous (71), Adam33 (16), MoViN.tArGeT (70), lenC (29)
3 filthyvermin Bloobird (35), Captain Luffy (28), Charry (47)
2 theknightsofneeee monstrman (25), filthyvermin (4)
1 Charry chrja (47)
1 MoViN.tArGeT theknightsofneeee (72)
1 Viggorous baudib1 (81)
8 not voting 27ninjabunnies (50), Effen (44), iLician (0), Lissa2 (51), Montecore (76), Puzzles (0), Stork.. (72), Weatherguy (39)
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:02 PM
lol vote counter
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
I'm confused. Didn't you post that you peeked bunnies v? I distinctly remember this. What's the problem?
I fake peeked kruse and then told everyone it was a lie.
Everyone ignored and no one looked for my peeks.
Village fails and they LOLbatm
I had last laugh cuz I saved kruze and my peek was clear. Therefore I double lock clear peek two people.
One was a soul read
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:03 PM
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:03 PM
I'm not home

The vote counter is your mod now
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:04 PM
How about that villager alliance?
My god I'm good I'm reading villagers. I didn't let one wolf in I believe?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
You may be conceptually right, but I rather doubt anyone saying "Hard claim I was granted my wish, QB is a wolf" on d1 of a game would have resulted in anything different.
Kinda weird since in this game, some people were doubting the Insanity peek, but theoretically a wolf could make a counterclaim, or claim their wish was granted and they got a night action, and call the other person a liar.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
lol WG

neutral doesnt mean you pick a side,

neutral means you try to acheive your own wincon.
I know
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:06 PM
yeah the wolf peeks outed two of the wolves who were (from what I can tell) less likely to get caught soonish otherwise

iirc how insanity was being read when he was peeked

definitely wasn't at the top of the poe

and having it be something sent to players means it gets narrowed down to one of two instead of one of one
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:07 PM
Having 3 masons is really strong, incidentally, I think people overlook the importance of them. When you have like a seer, backup seer (which I understand having) and a JOAT and then people who peek a wolf via wish (the wishers are basically lock clear, too), that's a lot.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
I'm not home

The vote counter is your mod now
I for one welcome our new overlords
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:08 PM
and there was a lot that could be determined from qb's reads.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
good times
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Kinda weird since in this game, some people were doubting the Insanity peek, but theoretically a wolf could make a counterclaim, or claim their wish was granted and they got a night action, and call the other person a liar.
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
Originally Posted by baudib1
some people were doubting the Insanity peek
****ing pixie dust
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
You're a sub. You are >>>>rand to sub for a wolf who slanked or had an emergency. You just do your best with limited time and don't complain. Otherwise next time you "In" the signup thread.

Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
Lol. It was funny gamer

Oh btw LOL baudib, up there with one of ur worst games.
Guess what was present in all 3? Reading Batm wrong.
It's a sign.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:10 PM
I pretty much expected this game was going to swing heavily one way or another. Just kept thinking of cool powers I wanted to include.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
I know
and yet...
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!

Lol. It was funny gamer

Oh btw LOL baudib, up there with one of ur worst games.
Guess what was present in all 3? Reading Batm wrong.
It's a sign.
Actually, I think the game we were wolves with Gad and Dwetzel was pretty bad for both of us.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:14 PM
Stuck mistakes were made but game was awesome and can't wait for the mCU 2.
Thanks for amazing Rand. Much love
My fav mod of '15 tied with Benneh...
*no hard feeling Benneh
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:14 PM
Maybe u right lol.
I forgot the game but we were outed quick iirc.
Oh well
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
I know
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:17 PM
I think the wish granting thing should be limited to maybe three per team and/or kind of limited via a JOAT mechanic (one vig related, one peek related, one ITA related or something like that)

Unlimited modpeeks is kind of a lot
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Maybe u right lol.
I forgot the game but we were outed quick iirc.
Oh well
on paper should have been a great team. Dwetz almost carried.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:18 PM
I will say that seeing this has, again, slightly rekindled my interest in at least designing the crap out of Toon Mash 2 (working title: Battle Of The Generations), though I'd never be able to meaningfully mod it so I'd need some poor schlub willing to dedicate a week to daytime modding and probably another poor schlub dedicated to processing NAs

but if all that were to happen, I promise it would be totally awesome and such
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
