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NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor

12-05-2011 , 01:49 PM
Eliminating proposed payroll tax benefits for employers main change so far, may just be negotiating tactic:
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:18 PM
praying cat seems appropriate at this point

NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:21 PM
One Time
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:39 PM
Just for some perspective........check out how hard some Congress crazies with no understanding of the internet are going to bat with their anti-file-sharing legislation. They are proposing a massive draconian law placing the search engines and hosting providers in the same place UIGEA placed the thier proxy cops. Their justification is the revenue one of those places we can't mention on 2p2 pulls in in advertising via popups, and almost nonexistent GOVERNMENT revenue on online sales of media supposedly "stolen" from the sites. We can debate how many peole would actually buy which pirated products somewhere else if file-sharing died. The DoJ would also be able to instruct blocking on their say so, almost theway the Patriot Act allows them to instruct telecoms companies to do illegal wiretaps.

What is the difference you ask? A united industry. Star media talent, distributors, and producers are aligned and giving massive sums of money to lobby. They have concentrations in certain Congressional districts where Ds and Rs both know which side they have to be on. Contrast this with poker. Every potential winning Congressional area is at odds with the other. The industry sections think or dream to eat the whole pie and shut the rest out. Every big name poker pro is too chicken **** to go all in for poker advocacy. And 99% of the American player base could care less.

Guess who has more chance of getting their bill attached as a rider, even though piracy will easily evade and circumvent most enforcement measures in ways poker can't. It makes one sick.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 03:09 PM

reid talking on senate floor
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 03:19 PM

Server Error in '/' Application.

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c-span epic fail
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 03:25 PM
feels more like a wild empty dream than a legit sweat.

but whatever...*blows on hands* daddy needs a new pair of shoes...come on!
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:01 PM
Kyl talking about the payroll tax cuts now
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:11 PM
Kyl not in favor of extending the payroll tax cuts is a pretty bad sign.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:14 PM
Those cuts are almost certainly getting extended
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:15 PM
Kyl just wants a way to off set the costs.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:19 PM
Hes such a ***
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by betty345
Those cuts are almost certainly getting extended
I agree with this, but I think it's pie-in-the-sky optimism to think poker comes along for the ride.

"Yes fellow senators, I am in favor of extending these tax cuts that predominately benefit working-class citizens. (Please quote me on that part! ) However, some of our fellows (and fellowettes) are trying to sneak in online GAMBLING (gasp) for our people under the pretext of 'paying for it' along the way! Hopefully something can be done about this travesty."

I suppose hope never killed anyone, but this is runner-runner royal flush draw vs made quad aces...
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:26 PM
Yeah, imho this isn't even sweat worthy.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by knn05
Yeah, imho this isn't even sweat worthy.
that very well may be. but i'm glad this thread is turning into a Reid Rail for attachment opportunities cause if we're just posting hopeless meaningless **** now, then the entire thread is just as hopeless and meaningless, and therefore easier to bin after a few of us get a little too vitriolic with our public statements of contempt for these ****ing clowns.

for titles of the real sweat thread, if there is one, i'm thinking 'Reiding Railroad', but i feel like it's too far of a walk for not that great of a pun. and **** puns anyway, wtf am i doing thinking of puns. asterisks with 5 stars in the corner is what everybody's gonna be looking for anyway.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
that very well may be. but i'm glad this thread is turning into a Reid Rail for attachment opportunities cause if we're just posting hopeless meaningless **** now, then the entire thread is just as hopeless and meaningless, and therefore easier to bin after a few of us get a little too vitriolic with our public statements of contempt for these ****ing clowns.

for titles of the real sweat thread, if there is one, i'm thinking 'Reiding Railroad', but i feel like it's too far of a walk for not that great of a pun. and **** puns anyway, wtf am i doing thinking of puns. asterisks with 5 stars in the corner is what everybody's gonna be looking for anyway.
Sometimes, in poker, you just have to trust your Reid.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 09:15 PM
sick reid.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 10:36 PM
kyl can't reid
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:15 PM
Try to reid between the lines.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:18 PM
I wouldn't reid too much into this. I doubt the first thing Republicans and Democrats will agree on is online poker.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by LastLife
I wouldn't reid too much into this. I doubt the first thing Republicans and Democrats will agree on is online poker.
rs and ds alreidy agreed on online poker.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by IDrinkUrMilkShake
even if Reid attached online poker it would only be so it could be rejected and he could milk it for more $$$. trust me boys, online poker is a very long and very expensive journey from this point. best scenario is when the democrats control the presidency and both houses again, whenever that might be. the democrats are not republicans they never get anything passed. the republicans never compromise.
I reidy don't like you.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:43 PM
Ok let's stop the politarding guys.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-06-2011 , 12:07 AM
So has Reid said whats in the compromise yet?
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by IDrinkUrMilkShake
try Reiding the thread imo
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
