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The Stars rng is destroying my poker career The Stars rng is destroying my poker career

12-08-2009 , 07:58 AM
So, u could at least keep us up to date... how was november going for u?
u already at mcdonalds at frying pen, or still ordering bigmacs?
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by polytropo
How r you running now? November graph plz anyone?
Originally Posted by Mackenzieee
yea update?

im actually interested
Originally Posted by polytropo
Originally Posted by polytropo
So, u could at least keep us up to date... how was november going for u?
u already at mcdonalds at frying pen, or still ordering bigmacs?
OP's results since Nov 1st..

The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 10:15 AM
Hes back soul crushing again nice to see.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 11:09 AM
play 200 a day and variance will go away. ship ship.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 11:21 AM
Whatever happens just don't give up. I suck way worse then the op and so do 90% of sng players. Good luck op.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
short term stuff borders on the almost mathematically impossible!
Genius ITT!

Was that a level?
Didn't read past that line.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jack 0' Clubs
Genius ITT!

Was that a level?
Didn't read past that line.
spastics ITT
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-08-2009 , 11:33 PM
Hello Jaakko,

Thank you very much for contacting us and allowing us the opportunity to
address your concerns.

The fact is, our software produces a shuffle that is completely random,
which favors no player over any other. The methods we use ensure complete
randomization of the cards, and complete unpredictability of the cards to
come. You can see the description of these methods at:

In addition, we analyse hands dealt daily to see if there is any
statistically significant variance from expectation.

We even gave the software source code to two independent analysis companies,
BMM International and Cigital, who reviewed PokerStars' shuffle and found it
to be fair and random. You may read about these analyses at:

We have dealt over 36 billion hands, and have freely given out individual
real money hand histories any time somebody has requested them. Not once has
anybody found any indication that our shuffle is not 100% random, and many
who have undertaken such studies have posted their findings to the Internet.
You can find two of them here:



Regarding your question about cutting the deck, you forgot to also mention
burning a card. In brick and mortar poker rooms, physically shuffling the
card, cutting the deck, and the use of a burn card helps to prevent illicit
actions on the part of the dealer, and/or to prevent the use of a marked
deck. If a marked deck is in use in a card room, a burn card ensures that no
player can see such markings and know the next card to come before the betting.

Such actions are not required in an online poker room.

Quite obviously, a real deck of cards is not used in an online card room, so
instead of a physical shuffle, PokerStars has developed the most
sophisticated Random Number Generator (RNG) in the industry to perform our

Additionally, since online cards cannot be marked, cutting the deck, and
employing a burn card is not necessary, and as such PokerStars does not use
the practice.

Please note that the absence of a burn card in online poker does not change
the randomness of the shuffle or the next card to appear. The fact that you
cannot see the cards before they are dealt should not affect your decision
to play in our games, as the next card off the deck is as random (if not
more so) than in any live card room you have ever played in.

As an illustrative example, I recently played in a live game at a local card
room, and the (physical) deck of cards was being shuffled by an elderly man
with arthritis in his hands. Basically, the best he could do was cut the
cards in half as his arthritis prevented him from performing any kind of
"proper" shuffle. In the end, the other players had to offer to do it on his
behalf in order to get a correct shuffle.

This type of thing does not occur online, as the RNG ensures a perfectly
random shuffle EVERY time.

You may wish to read more about our shuffling techniques and the security of
our shuffle on these two web pages:

Regarding your suggestion that there should be a required industry standard
for RNGs I have to say that I completely agree. However, rest assured that
at PokerStars you are in safe hands which is why we are the market leader.
If ever there is an industry standard it will likely be based on the
PokerStars RNG.

I hope this information helps you to understand that PokerStars' games are
fair. We value all of our players, and take the integrity of our site very


PokerStars Support Team
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-09-2009 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
OP's results since Nov 1st..

The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-09-2009 , 12:18 AM
If this is a genuine rant then the one person who knows how much variance there is in those SNG's is you. Also, confused with everyone else how you play for a living but only <2k sample each month. Seem's fishy to me.

Since your back on the grind and doing well I can only assume this thread was a hidden attention whore post or brag post about something or other.

Regardless, best of luck OP.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-09-2009 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by InFlamesWeTrust
If this is a genuine rant then the one person who knows how much variance there is in those SNG's is you. Also, confused with everyone else how you play for a living but only <2k sample each month. Seem's fishy to me.

Since your back on the grind and doing well I can only assume this thread was a hidden attention whore post or brag post about something or other.

Regardless, best of luck OP.
It was a rant about Stars' totally **** rng what don't you get???????????
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
12-09-2009 , 06:23 AM
^^^ I think it was just a general bitch about variance. We all want to do it from time to time. I don't think OP doubts the randomness of the RNG for realz.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
