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The Stars rng is destroying my poker career The Stars rng is destroying my poker career

11-04-2009 , 12:03 PM
IMO pretty fked up someone who has "VERIFIED COACH" under his name makes an ONLINE POKER IS RIGGED thread. He should have that "VERIFIED COACH" removed just because of this thread IMO
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by realsheesha
I'm looking I can't find one too close by.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by realsheesha
IMO pretty fked up someone who has "VERIFIED COACH" under his name makes an ONLINE POKER IS RIGGED thread. He should have that "VERIFIED COACH" removed just because of this thread IMO
I don't think he ever suggested it was rigged, just that he was running like ass.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by realsheesha
IMO pretty fked up someone who has "VERIFIED COACH" under his name makes an ONLINE POKER IS RIGGED thread. He should have that "VERIFIED COACH" removed just because of this thread IMO
Funny. I guess I'm incapable of coaching b/c i've whined about running bad after 3 months. I definitely should have this title stripped from me. You've shown me the light , I'll ask the mods to remove my title.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-04-2009 , 05:06 PM
change your city name to some weird German city name and your run bad problems will be solved. just change it back when you cashout and deal with running bad "ie normal" for a day or two.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-04-2009 , 06:44 PM
another hero trying to sustain an independent lifestyle relying on poker , get a ****ing job if you can't get used to variance.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-04-2009 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by mugenjin
Funny. I guess I'm incapable of coaching b/c i've whined about running bad after 3 months.
Pretty much, yeah. If your reaction to standard variance (and you're not even running that bad) is to plead for sympathy and contemplate quitting, then your approach to the game is fundamentally ******ed and you really do have no business coaching anyone. Success in those games is about as difficult as tying your shoes, and the only reason the games aren't jam packed all the time with 95% regulars is solely because of the effect of variance. It is THE defining characteristic that distinguishes it from other, lower paying but likely more difficult jobs and I don't even know why you need someone to point this out to you.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-05-2009 , 12:17 AM
Success in those games is about as difficult as tying your shoes, and the only reason the games aren't jam packed all the time with 95% regulars is solely because of the effect of variance
Yeah , I'm #6 on the leaderboards and have over 23k games played b/c my attitude sucks , I can't deal with variance , and I excuse all my poor play as just bad luck.

You ppl are funny.

And yeah , this runbad is just so standard , so standard that I hadn't experienced anything like it in the 18 000 games prior to this.

My approach to the game is fundamentally ******ed ... god you're such a douche.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-05-2009 , 02:07 AM
You are one of the best players at this level and the person I hate being on my left the most. Just remember how much equity they keep shipping you and the only way to see it is in the long run. Keep bashing and run better (just not against me

/nut hugging
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-05-2009 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by mugenjin
Yeah , I'm #6 on the leaderboards and have over 23k games played b/c my attitude sucks , I can't deal with variance , and I excuse all my poor play as just bad luck.

You ppl are funny.

And yeah , this runbad is just so standard , so standard that I hadn't experienced anything like it in the 18 000 games prior to this.

My approach to the game is fundamentally ******ed ... god you're such a douche.
Whoa if I knew you had one of those spinning Sharkscope stars, I wouldn't have said anything. That's amazing, can I touch it?
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-05-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by mugenjin
Yeah , I'm #6 on the leaderboards and have over 23k games played b/c my attitude sucks , I can't deal with variance , and I excuse all my poor play as just bad luck.

You ppl are funny.

And yeah , this runbad is just so standard , so standard that I hadn't experienced anything like it in the 18 000 games prior to this.

My approach to the game is fundamentally ******ed ... god you're such a douche.

Yes you do Mr. Wannabe-Poker-Pro-I-am-so-good-because-i-can-beat-the-******-stakes
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-18-2009 , 02:27 PM
How r you running now? November graph plz anyone?
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-18-2009 , 02:55 PM
yea update?

im actually interested
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-18-2009 , 07:44 PM
Maybe he is on a life heater and doesnt want to stop playing even for a minute
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-18-2009 , 07:45 PM
Steven that you???
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 12:15 PM
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 12:46 PM
I don't get it .... you're making money aren't you ... and there will be some 'rb' too, no ?

I've always enjoyed when pro's start complaining about variance. Can you be pro and not know of it? ... if it is variance, then ride it out ... if it isn't, then start patching those leaks

Now go get 'em
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by dionysian
you have probably just lost a step. you're losing your edge. just be glad i haven't hit $16s yet. just started getting back into poker after a year off and going to be working up from $6.50s... i'll be with you shortly, stealing what little remains of your EV. you've had a nice run, though.
lol...listen to this guy...I hope OP crushes you and empties your pockets, when you hit the $16's.
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 01:37 PM
So you play 15$ sng's and your worst month ever was a $1.1K month.


The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by mugenjin
I've had multiple 3600$ + months , don't think you can do that at 25nl.
yeah you can ... thts like 150k hands for someone with a good wr
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 02:02 PM
I'm with ya OP, something is up!!

May-Aug graph

Sep-Nov graph

lol just kidding really. I think either variance hit me or I was on a heater. It can't have anything to do with me sucking. haha
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 02:08 PM
dude you play for a living and only play ~1500 sngs a month?????

start playing 200 (5000-6000 a month) sngs a day and variance will go away!!!!! trust me!
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 03:50 PM
didnt see it anywhere so ill say it.

ROI means nothing. Its the hourly that counts.

The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 04:07 PM
2brains u know my boy bowman in myrtle beach?
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
11-19-2009 , 04:43 PM
The Stars rng is destroying my poker career Quote
