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*** Natamus secretly has plates; not using them to tilt steak people October LC/NC NSFW *** *** Natamus secretly has plates; not using them to tilt steak people October LC/NC NSFW ***

10-25-2016 , 05:34 PM
I'll take the Pepsi challenge on Vegas v. South Florida strip clubs any day, no contest.
10-25-2016 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by CigarDan
Apparently NJ requires that their gentleman's clubs not be nude and are BYOB (or at least that is the explanation given to us by the establishment's owner, who did provide shots for my group when he figured out we were all Army guys from out of town)

Whole place was staffed by mail order brides gone wrong, all eastern Euros and 1-2 asians, and there was definitely prostitution going on in the place.

(thick Russian accent)"You want put it inside 200, you want it mouth 80, you want with hands 50"
I told her she needed to be looking for moose and squirrel.
forgot to mention, this was 2007, things may have changed in NJ since then.
10-25-2016 , 06:30 PM

And now something we hope you'll really like! *** Natamus secretly has plates; not using them to tilt steak people October LC/NC NSFW ***
10-26-2016 , 09:18 AM
**** you wesdnenay
10-26-2016 , 10:39 AM
10-26-2016 , 11:00 AM
Two more weeks of this. Are we not entertained?
10-26-2016 , 11:03 AM
Stay tuned for the sequel, opening Nov 9th.

The Concession Holdout: Election Trumpaloo.
10-26-2016 , 11:10 AM
I keep pinching myself thinking it's all a dream. The Don is the gift that keeps on giving.

Will there be final speeches on election night?
10-26-2016 , 11:18 AM
If he doesn't win it's clearly some evil NSA Obama coup obv
10-26-2016 , 11:24 AM
Trump's speech will be very short: "Thanks Obama"
10-26-2016 , 12:58 PM
Looking at this weekends match ups. If there is a time to bet on the Jets it has to be this week. Want to take the Saints to beat the Seahawks but may just go with Brady and Co. Spread bet this week but I'll hold off till Sunday morning b4 placing the bet.
10-26-2016 , 02:00 PM
Make them spillmaks Majik!
10-26-2016 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
"Gotta get back to work. I think it'll be fine. I won't be gone long."

lets drive around the town and smoke weed
10-26-2016 , 02:36 PM
funny wednesday ha ha ha ha so funny
10-26-2016 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Make them spillmaks Majik!
What else am I going to do on a Sunday? Play poker?
10-26-2016 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran
lets drive around the town and smoke weed
10-26-2016 , 02:53 PM
If your goal is to lose money, betting on the Saints sounds reasonable
10-26-2016 , 02:55 PM
Old man beat Sammy in table tennis today. Sammy went to buy lunch for old man. Sammy saw weird guy with headphones walking and singing real loud in the street. Weird guy was singing in German. Sammy's first thought was to knock him out with a punch to the nose. Then Sammy remembered Morph said he was travelling. Morph sings in German. Morph likes weird music. All Germans go to Denmark. Sammy did complex calculations in his head. Sammy came to the conclusion that there was a more than 50% chance, that the guy was Morph. Sammy doesn't want to knock Morph out. Sammy let him go. Sammy got lunch for old man. Old man ate shrimps and smoked eel.
10-26-2016 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
No Germans in their right mind voluntarily go to Denmark
10-26-2016 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
That doesn't really exclude Morph
10-26-2016 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
That doesn't really exclude Morph
may be the first non aids thing you have said sammuel
10-26-2016 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
Old man beat Sammy in table tennis today. Sammy went to buy lunch for old man. Sammy saw weird guy with headphones walking and singing real loud in the street. Weird guy was singing in German. Sammy's first thought was to knock him out with a punch to the nose. Then Sammy remembered Morph said he was travelling. Morph sings in German. Morph likes weird music. All Germans go to Denmark. Sammy did complex calculations in his head. Sammy came to the conclusion that there was a more than 50% chance, that the guy was Morph. Sammy doesn't want to knock Morph out. Sammy let him go. Sammy got lunch for old man. Old man ate shrimps and smoked eel.
Thanks Sammy, but it wasn't me. I'm sad to say that I never visited that great country of yours.
I can't wait to change that someday to "join waters".
10-26-2016 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
If your goal is to lose money, betting on the Saints sounds reasonable
Defence challenged for sure. Pends on what the spread is. If the seahawks are 10 point favs, I don't think they'll cover. Definately not if it's 14. Have to wait for the numbers say.
10-26-2016 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Thanks Sammy, but it wasn't me. I'm sad to say that I never visited that great country of yours.
I can't wait to change that someday to "join waters".
Enough with the piss-jokes, it's not funny to us Danes. Many kids have been sick because of bading and drinking your German piss. Also Sammy does not believe you haven't been to Denmark. All Germans go to Denmark at least once a year.

edit: ok maybe once a year is a bit much, but you guys spend 14mill nights in Danish hotels every year. Add to that all the campers, summer house owners/renters etc. That's a lot of Germans pissing in Sammy's water.

Last edited by Sammy2bullets; 10-26-2016 at 03:30 PM.
10-26-2016 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
All Germans go to Denmark at least once a year.
Lol. I've been once for like 30mins as a kid on a boat trip. It's often not worth it just for releasing your bladder
