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*** All hail Augustus, Waffle's Olympics Baby! Denmark still losing *** August LC/NC NSFW *** *** All hail Augustus, Waffle's Olympics Baby! Denmark still losing *** August LC/NC NSFW ***

08-06-2016 , 06:57 PM
sammy pretending Im on his ignore list is amusing me, he cant live without me.
08-06-2016 , 07:07 PM
FranFran is scheduled for parole september 1, don't mess it up so close to the goal FranFran.
08-06-2016 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
You don't really win a silver medal - you lose fastest
I disagree. Olympics are diferent. Most other contests, like The Masters, Tour de France or Wimbledon, that is true. But in the Olympics you WIN Silver and you WIN Bronze. They carry that extra level of achievement.
08-06-2016 , 07:10 PM
Don't bring your logic into my teasing of the Sammy!
08-06-2016 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Sammy is definitively from a country with a bunch of 1st losers.
08-06-2016 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by 2pairsof2s
I disagree. Olympics are diferent. Most other contests, like The Masters, Tour de France or Wimbledon, that is true. But in the Olympics you WIN Silver and you WIN Bronze. They carry that extra level of achievement.
Sammy likes this Mr. 2pairs guy.
08-06-2016 , 07:14 PM
08-06-2016 , 07:20 PM
Okay if that makes you feel better Sammy
08-06-2016 , 07:28 PM

Sammy's gonna have advanced sex with a hot girl at 10am tomorrow. Sammy's winning.
08-06-2016 , 07:30 PM
So löl Denmark has lost again
08-06-2016 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
So löl Denmark has lost again
08-06-2016 , 07:39 PM
Game. Set. 1992!
08-06-2016 , 07:44 PM
Only Danes still care about that prehistoric game that was not even at the WC. BTW how did Denmark manage to not even qualify for a double löl 24 team Euro this year? Surely heavweights like Albania or Iceland or Northern Ireland were there
08-06-2016 , 07:49 PM
Calm down Mr. FWWM, it's for your own good!
08-06-2016 , 10:10 PM
A quick guide to the Summer Olympics:

08-06-2016 , 10:20 PM
Mr. King Fish being funny.

Lol @ "stabbing people for points" and "Team based hoof sphere"
08-06-2016 , 10:45 PM
Fidstar drinking Sammy unde rthe table.

Cadbury kid
08-06-2016 , 10:48 PM
Natamus is thinking going with some Irish whiskey or scotch tonight - suggestions?
08-07-2016 , 12:09 AM
08-07-2016 , 02:43 AM
i think aussie ass beat murica ass in assolympics tonight
08-07-2016 , 04:31 AM
Sammy's about to join his hot gf in the shower. Sammy will be showing her a new sex move he's been practicing. Have fun touching yourselves, nerds!
08-07-2016 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
Sammy's about to join his hot gf in the shower. Sammy will be showing her a new sex move he's been practicing. Have fun touching yourselves, nerds!
How did you practice the new sex move without her?
08-07-2016 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
How did you practice the new sex move without her?
Sammy learned from book, and practiced in front of mirror.

Gf was very impressed with Sammy's new skill. Sammy's is now clean and all relaxed. Gf going to friend's place, and Sammy will now begin his sunday drinking. Life is great.
08-07-2016 , 06:07 AM
Sammy beyond the nationalist teasing I'm very proud of you
08-07-2016 , 07:02 AM
Dude, whenever someone needs to stress how hot his gf is, she's always ugly. When someone needs to stress repeatedly how hot she is...
