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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

03-20-2010 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by realestate
are there cliff notes?
-Prop bet
-Hey there's something fishy about this
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 01:22 PM
Just wait for the judges, they have the database and will raise questions when neccessary. Congrats OP. Sick sweat near the end, but I wonder how many of the original bettors would lay the same odds again.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 01:57 PM
Anyways, thanks guys, I'm really really tired and I have an intercontinental flight to catch in a second so ima give a brief update.

Long story short, down 1.5k first 10k hand stretch, upswung 3k second 10k hand stretch, and then dropped till BE for the last couple thousand hands stretch. Got lucky towards the end when actually stuck 3BI or so, AA > AK, QQ > AK twice or something, and ofc the infamous QQ v T7 hand.

Here are some more comprehensive screenies:

in b4: chip dump, cheater, gtfo

also in b4: lol nit 5.2% 3bet
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:03 PM
nice work, i just dont understand why you didnt fold every hand except maybe QQ+, after you were up 1,5k and just ~5k hands to go. wouldnt be such an exciting finish, huh?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by snowworm
nice work, i just dont understand why you didnt fold every hand except maybe QQ+, after you were up 1,5k and just ~5k hands to go. wouldnt be such an exciting finish, huh?
what can you say, I was stupid, also run bad ldo.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:06 PM
Just an FYI, it needs to be 30k hands exactly (according to the terms of the bet I think). So from the point where to bet started, the first 30k hands played. When the margin of error is 8bb, 17 hands can make a difference.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
Just an FYI, it needs to be 30k hands exactly (according to the terms of the bet I think). So from the point where to bet started, the first 30k hands played. When the margin of error is 8bb, 17 hands can make a difference.
First, I wanted to go over by 30 hands or so in case Stars/HEM missed out some HH for w/e reason.

Second, if I ended 30037 hands with 8bb, that should mean I end 30000 hands with more than 8bb.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:12 PM

are you ****ing kidding me???

i havnt had a 5k period where i ran over 54% w$sd let alone a 30k sample where i won 60 ****ing percent

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:27 PM
how do you think he won this bet?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:40 PM
how many fpps you get bro?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by blackgerbil1
how many fpps you get bro?
Rake*0.30/0.016 @ supernova rate
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:50 PM
Has anybody considered that OP could actually be a victim here? What if the chip dumper did intentionally dump the chips, but without OP's knowledge. Planning to later on send a PM to OP with a friendly 'request' for $ or even something like poker lessons. After all, he just basically gave OP $10,000. And if OP refused, the little dumper could threaten to mention in a thread that he dumped the chips because he wanted OP to win (or some other more creative reason, but one that likely would not receive more than a slap on the wrist from Stars), but has now realized it was unethical and wants to come clean.

It'd be pretty sick but these forums have shown to have more than their fair share of people willing to put aside ethics for a quick buck.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:57 PM
ummmmmmmmmmmm ya lol
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dire
Has anybody considered that OP could actually be a victim here? What if the chip dumper did intentionally dump the chips, but without OP's knowledge. Planning to later on send a PM to OP with a friendly 'request' for $ or even something like poker lessons. After all, he just basically gave OP $10,000. And if OP refused, the little dumper could threaten to mention in a thread that he dumped the chips because he wanted OP to win (or some other more creative reason, but one that likely would not receive more than a slap on the wrist from Stars), but has now realized it was unethical and wants to come clean.

It'd be pretty sick but these forums have shown to have more than their fair share of people willing to put aside ethics for a quick buck.
Haha, don't give people ideas...
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gary_Neville
First, I wanted to go over by 30 hands or so in case Stars/HEM missed out some HH for w/e reason.

Second, if I ended 30037 hands with 8bb, that should mean I end 30000 hands with more than 8bb.
if he isn't being clear to everyone, i believe this is because he folded the last ~100 hands or so so its impossible for him to have won anything in the final 30 or so.

Originally Posted by coordi

are you ****ing kidding me???

i havnt had a 5k period where i ran over 54% w$sd let alone a 30k sample where i won 60 ****ing percent

good find. glad someone pointed this out rather than his AI equity, because he clearly ran veeeery well to pull out this win for anyone who still thinks the betting line was ridic.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 03:40 PM
I'm awake and currently importing the hands. I'll PM jalex, wcgrider, and wraths to see if anyone wants to help.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Disox
Lol @ people thinking OP got chip dumped..
It was villain's first hand at the table and OP just happened to have QQ vs him in the very first hand. How the hell do you expect OP to signal villain during the hand to make it clear to villain that he has a good hand??..
Chip dump theory just doesn't make sense, since if he was chip dumping he would indeed just 4bet/fold obv..
OP obv won this bet, no doubt about it, gg.
Was it really villain's first hand at the table? Cuz that doesn't really correspond with the pm he sent.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 04:19 PM
It was not his first hand at the table. Gary had actually 3bet breez 1 minute before the T7o hand went down.

I've invited jalex, wcgrider, and wraths unanimous to participate in the HH review. Waiting on their responses
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
It was not his first hand at the table. Gary had actually 3bet breez 1 minute before the T7o hand went down.
It was the first hand on that table. He only played 1 hand on table Ginevra w T7o. The previous hand ur talking about occurred on table Laomedon.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:15 PM
I feel very confident that Gary_Neville is the winner of this bet. He finished 30k hands with a profit of $19.50. I also feel confident that there was no chip dumping that took place. In order to look for this I did two things.

1) I looked at the vs Players tab in HEM and obviously looked at who he won money from and paid specific attention to the hands that got to show down and his opponents cards. Looking at this I found no indication of chip dumping.

2) Again I looked in the vs Players tab and sorted the results by # of pots lost (vs that opponent). I checked opponents who Gary_Neville lost few pots to and won money from. Again there was no indication of chip dumping here.

There were 30,060 hands that were played after the time stipulated had begun. So I had to manually delete 60 hands. The graph is that of the first 30,000 hands after time had begun. If there are any questions please feel free to PM me.

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:27 PM
ggg WD
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:38 PM
I had somebody at 1/2 fold to a preflop all-in 150bb deep getting 4:1 earlier today

Somebody coming off a downswing at 10nl, sitting with most of his roll and shoving T7 really isn't that unusual. It's also not unusual that he'd leave right after that (obviously?)

There are bad players at 1/2 believe it or not. A lot of them. And winning microstakes players that jump up with most of their roll at 1 table are probably the most spewy demographic of all

Gary is Asian.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:38 PM
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 06:36 PM
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-20-2010 , 06:51 PM
Good job sir, well done
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
