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Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update) Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update)

05-29-2007 , 04:04 AM
Some prefer blondes others brunettes. I am a redhead man myself.

Thats a clean bkgr but I want some sort of table. I can't give you a legit reason why - kinda like with the redheads.
05-29-2007 , 04:42 AM
Change up them seat boxes.

*Seems lots of people like 5.4M - I shouldnt of put those red/blue backs on THAT deck. lol. I will redo that deck sometime - with something else in place of the Mehndi backs.
05-29-2007 , 04:48 AM
Change up them seat boxes.
??? What da ya mean ??? Is that a suggestion for improvements?

Oh, I think I know what you mean. Somehow customize the box to something smaller/ more streamlined??? Well, in that case, all I need would be for someone to get rid of the top part that makes the box look 3-D, just make it look like a 2-D front, keep colors and everything else as is. Can you do that Fozzy???
05-29-2007 , 09:25 AM
I could prolly make some (similar) backs to those. I wouldnt want to cut/paste them. But I can try and get close to that look.

In fact, I have some I made for another requester, that are very similar.

Hopefully he is still reading this thread. I forget who it was, but I just made this Red a bit darker than the last preview. .

No promises on how soon I will do it - but i wrote it on my "to-do" list. Keep in mind, that there are quite a few requests on my list.

hiiihaaa. i was the requester, fozzy71.
thought u have forgotten me.
05-29-2007 , 10:27 AM
7.3 with black spades and bright backs.
05-29-2007 , 11:44 AM
7.3 with black spades and bright backs.
I know thats what you wanted. I was working on the yellow spade version, so those went up first. I will replace the 7.3K on wiki with solid backs today or 2moro.

The guy above your post wants the same thing - only dark, solid backs.

I just re-sized these real quick. Havent tested them yet. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Version 7.3 - Standard Backs

05-29-2007 , 11:48 AM
Somehow customize the box to something smaller/ more streamlined??
There are a few on the Wiki page, that i colored for myself. There are A LOT of them in the first 40 pages of this thread somewhere. I havent taken the time to post more at the wiki.
05-29-2007 , 11:52 AM

hiiihaaa. i was the requester, fozzy71.
thought u have forgotten me.
How does the red look - i made it a bit darker.??

Hadn't forgot. I have 5 or 6 decks on my list that need some sort of tweak/mod. lol
05-29-2007 , 12:42 PM

hiiihaaa. i was the requester, fozzy71.
thought u have forgotten me.
How does the red look - i made it a bit darker.??

Hadn't forgot. I have 5 or 6 decks on my list that need some sort of tweak/mod. lol
I added links to pages (in threaded view) to mods by Gregg777. He made a ton of image variations back in december and it'll flood the page if we try to post them on there. He made some mods for the seats.
05-29-2007 , 12:47 PM
Yours are RT only, I am working with original. Didn't find anything that tickled my fancy in the earlier posts. Gave it a shot myself, but...

If I only could come up with a way to make and save parts of the graphic file as none opaque, problem would be solved. Any hints???
05-29-2007 , 12:49 PM
it`s fine fozzy71.
thank u very much.
05-29-2007 , 12:57 PM

!!! Ty ty ty. PM sent, $50 coming your way. Thank you so much, these are really, really nice.

-a nonymous
05-29-2007 , 02:03 PM
CLbordalt2-Everlong.jpg and CLblackalt-Everlong.jpg are my two main choices now. I set up all 6 designs so I can just right-click if I want to change, and made my plain dark grey layout the 7th. I changed the seats to pngs of the same image, I think I'll be able to remember where to click well enough.

If anyone wants a copy of all 7 to save time, just let me know and I can send my Backgrounds folder to you.
05-29-2007 , 02:38 PM
To all of you who are working with creating various mods for various sites: Just surfing the web for other reasons (no, not porn - just kidding there, of course it was porn - no just kidding again, anyway...) I happened to stumble upon this program:

A free picture and photo manipulation program with photoshop qualities that has received really strong reviews from professional users and reviewers.

If you already knew about it, never mind this mail, if you've never heard of it, hope it can come in handy for you...
05-29-2007 , 08:10 PM

!!! Ty ty ty. PM sent, $50 coming your way. Thank you so much, these are really, really nice.

-a nonymous

Where's the love? I had one guy offer to send me $10 - And apparently I can't get p2p transfers.

Guess I should make tables instead of cards. It seems to pay better.
05-29-2007 , 08:47 PM
it`s fine fozzy71.
thank u very much.
Here you go.

Version 7.3Dark

I didnt test it - so please let me know if there are any issues (transparency, etc)

GL @ the Tab's.

05-29-2007 , 09:59 PM

!!! Ty ty ty. PM sent, $50 coming your way. Thank you so much, these are really, really nice.

-a nonymous

Where's the love? I had one guy offer to send me $10 - And apparently I can't get p2p transfers.

Guess I should make tables instead of cards. It seems to pay better.
I doubt many people even consider how long it's taking you (or how long it took you to learn how in the first place) to make custom requests for them, which is unfortunate.

I think table mods fall under the category of "I'd like it to look better, but I don't want to put any effort into it and I don't want to pay anything" for most people.

P.S. I don't see how anyone could hold it against you for charging if you wanted to do that... certainly understandable considering how many requests you've received.
05-29-2007 , 10:03 PM
thanks but I am seriously really happy with 5.4 and the paizley backs. the only thing I think has potential of getting better is the font itself. but i on't have any better suggestions.
Do you like the KEM Pantheon back? I wanted to try them out. Haven't played with em yet. Still looking for THE font.

Hope they change my luck. Just donked off (my QQ v KK, etc lol) 2 buy ins a half hour.

05-29-2007 , 10:59 PM
I doubt many people even consider how long it's taking you
My Cards folder is 275MB of .PNG and .PSD. And I deleted all of my PSD files that I made in April.

I haven't tracked my hours. I wouldn't want to even know.

P.S. I don't see how anyone could hold it against you for charging if you wanted to do that... certainly understandable considering how many requests you've received.

I learned a lot whenI started reading forums here. And when I started at FTP a few months back, I got a lot of cool mods from here. I also requested my share of things.

I have never asked anyone to pay me - Although I have joked about it a few times. In the future, if I were to get any requests for a "from scratch" deck, I will probably be requiring payment.
05-30-2007 , 01:01 PM
ty 1000x fozzy71.
05-30-2007 , 02:20 PM
you can seriously STOP now fozzy. there is no topping 5.4 with the paizley backs.

Everlong's right. 5.4M is damn near perfect. Any chance you could make those with dark grey spades?
05-30-2007 , 04:06 PM
I had a bizarre table idea; imagine this crop circle but wth the -ftp logo instead

05-30-2007 , 06:09 PM

for RaceTrack but with a slightly altered classic table

05-30-2007 , 07:03 PM
Really nice.
05-30-2007 , 08:58 PM
Everlong's right. 5.4M is damn near perfect. Any chance you could make those with dark grey spades?
Not "exactly" sure I understand you. Could you please be a little more precise/clear?

Do you mean like my 5.0C on the Wiki Page ? But a even darker gray for the spades? Or the same color gray, but put the backs from 5.4M on them? Or do you mean to keep it yellow with darker gray suit marks?

Not tryin to be a smart butt. I put custom backs on by request last night for my very good friend - send them to him - and he says they were the wrong backs. He was a bit vague when he told me which backs, and I assumed I knew which ones he meant. I ended up wasting about 30-60 minutes makin backs he didnt want.
