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Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update) Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update)

05-26-2007 , 12:55 AM
You know when you resize your decks there is anti aliasing
No clue.

I have heard/seen that phrase - but have no clue where,when, or with regard to what. I would love to be able to figure out what I am doing wrong though, so I can learn the proper method.

I am a total PS noob. Never had a class. I went to school for Auto-Body Design - AutoCAD, CATIA, UG, etc.
05-26-2007 , 01:07 AM
You'll figure it out eventually, it's hard to explain. I'm not even sure it's what's causing the problem.

Anyway, Uno 1.1:

up on the Wiki page.

I got rid of the suits so it could be used for Omaha games and without Full Cards. I redid Cards0 to make it less blurry, but the other ones are just resized and sharpened versions of Cards3. I tested it for a bit and it worked fine on all sizes.
05-26-2007 , 01:24 AM
You'll figure it out eventually,
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I have made a gazillion decks over the past month or so, and havent learned much.

I just tried your uno cards0 and cards6 - and didnt get the transparency issues that I get with mine. Is there any chance I could look at 1 of your cards3.PSD files? Maybe I can see what I am missing. I will share my PSD files, like you had asked previously.

What process do you use for making the other 6 files? make the cards3.png, and then re-size that file? That is what I do - and use the "Resample Image: BiCubic" option.

I am using PS7.0 - I think I have a copy of CS or CS2 around somewhere.
05-26-2007 , 01:36 AM
I also use 7.0, haven't really done any photoshop stuff in a long time, and 7.0 met all my needs for the occasional tweaks.

I don't even know where the Resample Image option is. I just used Unsharpen Mask.
05-26-2007 , 01:47 AM
You use the Unsharp Mask to resize the files? I don't understand, obviously. I have never used the Unsharpen Mask command.

When I make a deck of cards - i make a .psd file with a lot of layers. When finished, I Save As a .png. I then open my cards3.png - and Image > Image Size command. Enter new dimensions, and at the bottom left corner, the "Resample Image" option has a drop down box - the default is Bicubic.

Anyone want to beta test these SmallButton_Off/On files??

05-26-2007 , 01:50 AM
oh, yeah, that's how I do it also. "Resample Image - Bicubic" has always been checked by default.
05-26-2007 , 02:31 AM

Would u like to swap (via email) a cards3.psd with each other? Maybe I can see what is different?
05-26-2007 , 03:02 AM
I can email you the PSD of how I would modify your Card0.png file (it's an extra layer).

Here is the end result of Card0.png for 5.0:
05-26-2007 , 03:13 AM
Looks nice. I sent u a PM.

I need to figure out how to add that layer (or whatever else),to fix it at the cards3.psd point in the process. That way,when I resize the other 6 files, they will all look top-notch.

TY again, for all your help.
05-26-2007 , 03:21 AM
Like I said, this basically gets rid of everything that's not 100% transparent. I'm not sure if this is the best fix, since it makes for a thicker-looking border, but it also seems to eliminate the green.

The way I make it is resize the png, then create a layer underneath it and fill it with white.

Then go to Select > Color Range, leave Select at Sampled Colors, set Fuzziness to 0, leave everything else default. Click on any white space (completely white). The semi-transparent areas that result from resizing will turn some of the white gray, and so that won't get selected by this method.

Now that you have everything that's white (and thus 100% transparent on the original image), make sure you're working with the layer filled in White and clear it. Then invert the selection (Ctrl+I) and fill it with black. This will fill everything that's not 100% transparent with black.
05-26-2007 , 03:42 AM
05-26-2007 , 03:57 AM
make sure you're working with the layer filled in White and clear it.
What do you mean by "clear it"?

I select with the eyedropper tool, on the card (one of white bottom rows), then click OK. Then all of the white edges are selected.

Its at this point I got confused. So I just tried to CTRL+I - as soon as I do all transparent and white areas turn black. So if I use the bucket to fill black now, it doesnt change anything. This is what I ended up with.

Got the email. Any chance - PLEASE - you could save a copy of that layer - at all 6 pixel sizes? Might make my job easier.

05-26-2007 , 04:15 AM
I don't know how to explain it, just figure out what I did to make it look like the PSD I sent, it should be pretty obvious.
05-26-2007 , 04:28 AM
Thats cool, I will try and figure it out, somehow. Did you ever explain what you meant by this:

make sure you're working with the layer filled in White and clear it.
Think I figured it out - TY, I think.
05-26-2007 , 05:13 AM

Was gonna say that I got it. But, I just put my new cards in FT - and only cards3.png is visible in play. Any other table size makes the cards invisible now. Don't know what I did wrong, but I think I give up.

Just blew countless hours trying this. I like my cards fine enough. I doubt I will make any more, any time soon.

I deleted all my cards from the wiki page. If you guys want my old decks there, feel free to post them. I wont be making any new decks till I can do it right without wasting an entire night with no results.
05-26-2007 , 06:02 AM
If someone (DWarrior) wants to modify any of my previous cards3.png's, to re-size the rest of the deck with out transparency issues, I would be all for it (and would want to download copies ).

It is obviously beyond my level of Photoshop expertise. Maybe someday I will be able to.

In the meantime,I am going back to playing cards, instead of making them. I will leave the Photoshopping to the Pro's.
05-26-2007 , 07:14 AM
Can you point me to this goldmine?? Are there patterns there also??
05-26-2007 , 01:35 PM
DWarrior -

I tried,more than once, and these are the results I am getting. When I look at my cardso.png and yours in PS they appear the same. But when you use mine in FT I get white triangles at the corners. I assume I couldn't just black out those white areas between the card corners? Not sure what I did wrong, but it really ticked me off late last night.

05-26-2007 , 01:58 PM
Because the white should be transparent. That's what I meant by clearing it.

The way I make it is resize the png, then create a layer underneath it and fill it with white.
When you open the PNG, it should all be on one layer, named "Layer 0" by default.

When you create a new layer, it should create Layer 1. Put Layer 1 below Layer 0 and fill Layer 1 with white. Now there should be no transparency on the stage.

Then go to Select > Color Range, leave Select at Sampled Colors, set Fuzziness to 0, leave everything else default. Click on any white space (completely white). The semi-transparent areas that result from resizing will turn some of the white gray, and so that won't get selected by this method.
This is how it should look:

You'll also end up selecting some parts of the cards, like the numbers. This won't matter.

Now that you have everything that's white (and thus 100% transparent on the original image), make sure you're working with the layer filled in White and clear it.
All this meant that you should be working with Layer 1. By "clear it" I just meant hit delete to delete the selection.

Now you'll see this:

Then invert the selection (Ctrl+I) and fill it with black. This will fill everything that's not 100% transparent with black.
Now you don't want to end up with a gray border, you want a black border. So you want to fill the remaining area in Layer 1 with black.

Once you deselect, there is now only 100% transparency and 100% opacity, and no partial transparency in between.

The reason you're getting white corners is because that white should be transparent.
05-26-2007 , 02:21 PM
Thank you very much, for the detailed instructions. I will try this again, and see how it goes.

By "clear it" I just meant hit delete to delete the selection.
Pretty sure that was all I needed to know. Told u I was a total PS noob . I never understood what you meant by that. Everything else looks exactly like what I was doing.

Thank you, once again.

You sir, are an Ace - among Kings.


I did it. Look out world - Pappa's got a new bag of tricks.

Now - can you teach me how to delete all my other decks that I uploaded to wikia? I have them on my watch list, so I can find them. I just haven't figured out how to delete them from the wikia permanently. Just thought I would try and be polite and delete my garbage files from their servers.

05-26-2007 , 02:54 PM
Just posted a "Fixed" version of 4.8 on The Wikia Page .

Could someone try and download, and test them 4 me? I would much appreciate a 2nd opinion, before I do the same thing to more of my decks.
05-26-2007 , 03:03 PM
Seems to work fine for me.
05-26-2007 , 03:09 PM
TY - I just re-sized another deck (the Copag/Modiano).

Does anyone see a problem with me posting, on the wikia page, those decks that have backs I copied from manufacturers? If so, I will just post decks there, that are 100% my own work. The last thing I need is the KEM lawyers bangin on my door.
05-26-2007 , 03:13 PM
I doubt they'll care.
05-26-2007 , 03:56 PM
fozzy71, cards look great. But, your link on Wikia for the Cardsmall.png on 5.0c is broke.

Thanks again for all your work. It is appreciated.
