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05-26-2007 , 04:17 PM
That was my thought - Just thought I should get a 2nd opinion.

TY again.
05-26-2007 , 04:22 PM
I fixed it now. I forgot to upload it. Still tryin to get used to posting them there. TY for lettin me know.
05-26-2007 , 05:19 PM
By "clear it" I just meant hit delete to delete the selection.
I can't believe how much time, not understanding that, cost me. I was pullin my damn hair out last night. LOL

All better now.
05-26-2007 , 05:38 PM

What's that gray dash on top left?
05-26-2007 , 06:15 PM
Not sure. That is an existing button (either FT default, or one of grayshade by gregg777). I simply used the wand tool and filled the area on top of it with some color, and then gave that color (maybe the whole image?) a gradient.

It is either an issue with the original .png I was using, or something I did while adding the color.

I wonder now, if I might of applied the gradient to the entire image, instead of just the orange color. Perhaps this is causing that when u scale the tables. I noticed it mostly at the smallest table size.

Let me give it another try, from scratch sometime.
05-26-2007 , 07:58 PM
I tried to make the yellow KEM Arrow back,a bit more yellow, without covering up the detail too much. Unfortunately there is only so much I can do, with my limited PS knowledge.

I put the new yellow back on version 7.3K and posted it on The Wikia Page .
05-26-2007 , 08:46 PM
Thx for the link.

Very Nice Work on all the new tables.
05-26-2007 , 08:55 PM
How do you change the colors? I think it looks good, except it can use a little more contrast. So can the black, I think, in comparison to the red and blue.

I usually do color changes through Image>Adjust>Brightness/Contrast and Image>Adjust>Hue/Saturation
05-26-2007 , 09:32 PM
To try and change the color on that KEM yellow back, I:

- Added a layer beneath the KEM back, and filled it bright yellow
- I then Rt Clik > Blending Options on the KEM back, and gave it 90% Opacity.
- This brightened it slightly without losing too much detail.
- I tried it with the yellow layer over top of the KEM back, and then gave the yellow layer a 10% Opacity.They looked pretty much the same.

This was the only way I thought of. I know there are lots of commands that I never learned. I used to know a few of those for re-touching digital photos, but its been a few years.

I will try and tweak them again, using those commands you mentioned.... actually, if you want, feel free. Here are the original resolution images. Lets see which of us can make them look the best.

The red/blue file is noticeably smaller file size. I just grabbed them from MSN Live Image Search. Now that I see them side by side, I think I should find a better quality copy of the red/blue backs.

05-26-2007 , 09:47 PM
sorry, I gotta try and put in a few hours at the tables.

Try out the two tools I mentioned, I think the Hue/Saturation will do what you want. I think to get it more yellow you'll need to move the hue slightly to a more yellow color, and increase the saturation to make it a brighter yellow.

Contrast might help make it sharper in places.

The problem with using a yellow overlay is that it'll color the white spots too, and it also won't give good control.
05-26-2007 , 10:08 PM
I didn't mean for you to drop everything and try - RIGHT NOW.

I gotta put in some hours too. I spent way too much time pulling out my hair last night on PS, and not enuff on the tables. I was watchin u a little bit ago. GL
05-27-2007 , 12:24 AM
Here is my first try at tweaking the yellow and gray backs. Let me know how it looks. I think it is noticeably better than the previous look. I just found the KEM Paisley Backs also - its pretty sweet.

05-27-2007 , 01:47 AM
Just started working on these cards. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

I made the suit markers more opaque (from 35% to 25%). And used the same font colors I used for the 7.0 - 7.3 cards.

05-27-2007 , 03:37 AM
how do you guys like this font for a deck? I have been searching like a madman but not really found THE font (this is D3 Archism)

05-27-2007 , 04:57 AM
I started looking again for fonts today as well. I really want to find a better font, for the letters as well as the numbers (especially the open-top 4).

The bad part about searching is the font preview never has a "4" to see.

I forget who was looking for them, but here - 2p2 thread - is the thread about Plastic Poker Cards.

And here is the link to the page at Caragails, for some Modiano 4-Color Cards (at the bottom of page).
05-27-2007 , 05:30 AM

Are these the sweetest cards ever??
05-27-2007 , 07:30 AM
05-27-2007 , 03:15 PM
Just re-did the text from my version 5.3. I reduced the border (stroke) around the characters to 1 pixel, made it more crisp (like the 5.0 cards). I posted them on the wikia page and named them Version 5.4M (KEM Mehndi and Paisley Backs)

Here is a cards3.png preview

05-27-2007 , 05:10 PM
you can seriously STOP now fozzy. there is no topping 5.4 with the paizley backs.

05-27-2007 , 06:38 PM
there is no topping 5.4 with the paizley backs.

You havent seen the backs I am workin on for the next deck, yet. Kem Pantheon - and might try and put a FT logo on them .

I dont really care for those Mehndi backs - but i know some people want red/blue+black. I copied a ton of new backs to possibly use. I posted them on my MSN Live Space Page
05-27-2007 , 07:27 PM
Just started working on these cards. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

I made the suit markers more opaque (from 35% to 25%). And used the same font colors I used for the 7.0 - 7.3 cards.

I think this could top 5.0.
05-27-2007 , 07:49 PM
just finished em - testing now

Yellow for spade text?
05-27-2007 , 08:05 PM
Here they are.

Version 5.0W

KEM Paisley - and Modiano BlackJack Backs.


Don't know how much I like the backs, but that is a pretty easy tweak.
05-27-2007 , 08:05 PM
Hey I read fozzy's post earlier today and was thinking about making a page where you guys can upload the decks alltogether at once and where we will have a nice overview.

I see you are using wikipedia now though, so I wonder if you would still be interested in that just let me know.
05-27-2007 , 08:17 PM
was thinking about making a page
A page where? On what site? On who's server's? Editable by anyone?

Please keep in mind when answering any of my ?'s. That I am a Highly-Functioning ******.*

*No Offense intended to any actual ******s that might be reading this post.
