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New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08)

06-10-2008 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by YoureToast
Regarding stats not appearing, one think I'd like you to check is to make sure there are stats showing in your PT3 db for those players that don't appear. I believe you have a large DB so this likely isn't the problem. The alternative is that your DB is so big that the queries are somehow getting timed out. Can you take a note of whether the players whose stats are NOT showing have a high number of hands associated with them?
I'll check HM when I get home from work (this is with HM btw not PT3 which I haven't tried); however, neither of the names were familiar, and I doubt I'd have several thousand hands on anyone whose name didn't at least ring a bell (it should be noted that there were players sitting who I had as many as 10k hands on whose stats were appearing - which reminds me, condensing something like "10,441" into "10.4k" for the # of hands stat like PA HUD does would prob be good).

I'll send the log files and note the names of the players for whom stats weren't appearing.

I wasn't implying that all the postgres.exe's were necessarily bad, just that I hadn't seen that type of behavior before from any other poker application

Any idea why it takes so long for stats to appear on a table for the first time? That's the only other major downside I noticed. I know the caching feature of PA HUD makes it load stats wayyyyy faster for large databases.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-10-2008 , 08:10 PM
Posted Beta Build 0.8.0 here

* Party hero stats now should disable and show session stats appropriately (I need verification that this works because I can't be a "hero" at Party)
* Stars fast limit holdem tables work now
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:04 PM
Hrm, so it actually seems I didn't have stats in HM for the players mentioned?? This strikes me as super odd, I'm trying again right now though and it seems all players are getting stats ok.

EDIT: Took about 12 mins total for stats to show up for all 18 tables. :/

EDIT 2: Closed one table of the 18 and added a new one; took 10 minutes for stats to appear on it. Since I have so many open tables specifically to find new tables to play during the middle of a session, the length of time involved in obtaining stats is currently prohibitive to me using POH; fix that and you'll have a customer

Last edited by goofyballer; 06-10-2008 at 11:23 PM.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
EDIT 2: Closed one table of the 18 and added a new one; took 10 minutes for stats to appear on it. Since I have so many open tables specifically to find new tables to play during the middle of a session, the length of time involved in obtaining stats is currently prohibitive to me using POH; fix that and you'll have a customer
With 15 tables open it took less than a minute for stats to appear on existing players and 1:35 for stats from new players. I'm not sure if it matters but I was mining and not playing when I tested.

Last edited by funinbed; 06-10-2008 at 11:37 PM. Reason: I also only display ten stats per player.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:48 PM
Hrm. How long does it take stats to appear for you (on all tables) when you first open POH? How many hands are in your database? What kind of CPU do you have and how much RAM?

I was also mining and have 15 stats per player.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Hrm. How long does it take stats to appear for you (on all tables) when you first open POH? How many hands are in your database? What kind of CPU do you have and how much RAM?

I was also mining and have 15 stats per player.
I am fairly certain the difference in results is due to the fact that GB is using HM and FIB is using PT3. Its not that PT3 is faster than HEM, its that POH is more optimized for PT3 at the moment.

I could be wrong on this. If I am, the answer lies in the sizes of your respective databases (and, less likely, the CPU speed and memory sizes). Can each of you share the sizes of your dbs (in terms of number of hands)?

Edit: also note that funinbed's commentt that he only uses 10 stats will not affect retrieval speeds, since I retrieve all stats (need to for the popup stats).
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:09 AM
Just discovered that if I open all my tables when POH is already open it loads stats way faster (like 3-4 mins total).

I have 3 mil hands in my HM database and 2.8 mil in my PT3 beta DB, I'll try using that right now and see if it makes a big difference.

And yeah, tables being minimized seems to do weird stuff. I had one table minimized and 17 visible when POH started loading stats, and when I restored the minimized table the stats used an older version of my layout for no apparent reason (I'd already saved over the previous theme, but hadn't reloaded POH since doing so; however, all tables including the minimized one were opened after I saved the new layout). Is there a way to refresh just one table? I opened the cockpit and hit "use this theme" to reload the newer version, and it then refreshed ALL tables which took a few mins.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:19 AM
Umm which parts of the XML do I copy to be able to use the HM layout I made with PT3?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:36 AM
Ok, PT3 (using default layout but I'm assuming what you said above applies so that shouldn't matter) does seem to be faster than HM. One weird thing though - there was a player named "ted turner1" for whom stats would not appear. He was the only dude on 18 tables who didn't have stats showing. I checked PT3 and I have like 250 hands on him - I closed all other tables and restarted POH with logging on, and his name doesn't even appear in the log file at all. Weird.

Log file: (he was in seat 4)

Also, when switching DBs and saving settings I get this:

System.NotSupportedException: Restart method is not supported for this application type.
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Restart()
at POH.UserPreferencesForm.ntPOGiYjdluxw6YCZGQtUfT0bI (Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventAr gs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.O nMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.W ndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
EDIT: Switched it back to HM where I have 422 hands on Mr. Turner and stats still don't show for him.

Last edited by goofyballer; 06-11-2008 at 12:49 AM.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:58 AM
Got another player, Nocturnick, for whom I have 800 hands but stats won't show. So although rare, it doesn't seem to be isolated.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 02:41 AM
Just a suggestion and dunno if it does apply for the current design, but showing up stats for players as soon as their stat queries finish (instead of waiting for stats for every player in the table before showing any) would increase how "responsive" the hud seems to the user. For me, using PT3 database fetching stats for one player takes about 1 sec / 1000 hands, so if I have 30k hands on a player it takes 30 seconds to query that one players stats. So in the best case scenario the players that only have a few hands would get their stats shown up almost immediately, while the player that has most hands would take its time, but it would look to the user like there's actually something happening.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Umm which parts of the XML do I copy to be able to use the HM layout I made with PT3?
Not a good idea to try this. Since PT3 and HEM use different sets of stats, trying this would likely yield problems (and a likely required manual deletion of the layout xml file).
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Got another player, Nocturnick, for whom I have 800 hands but stats won't show. So although rare, it doesn't seem to be isolated.
I suspect this has nothing to do with the player itself, but rather a bug in the code. If you have the hand histories for the games in which these players stats weren't showing, can you tell me which seats they were in?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by gball
Just a suggestion and dunno if it does apply for the current design, but showing up stats for players as soon as their stat queries finish (instead of waiting for stats for every player in the table before showing any) would increase how "responsive" the hud seems to the user. For me, using PT3 database fetching stats for one player takes about 1 sec / 1000 hands, so if I have 30k hands on a player it takes 30 seconds to query that one players stats. So in the best case scenario the players that only have a few hands would get their stats shown up almost immediately, while the player that has most hands would take its time, but it would look to the user like there's actually something happening.
This is a possibility and I may try this. The problem is that right now, I batch my queries for each table so that I only have to hit the database once per retrieval. Unbatching them may cause a performance hit in other ways. It definitely would be interesting to try though because you're right, if you have 1 player at a table with a lot of hands, it can take a little while to get the stats on all players.

Keep in mind though that the delay will only occur (for PT3 at least) only on the initial retrieval of stats.

Also note that in 0.7.6 and 0.8.0, I have temporarily disabled the "instant" stat feature that retrieved stats on a table immediately (without waiting for a hand to finish) for tables that are open prior to POH being open. I will add back this feature prior to release (hopefully).
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 02:08 PM
Is there a way you can make some kind of layout copying mechanism then? All the stats in my layout are fairly basic (so they will def be shared between HM and PT3) and it would prob take me like an hour to go through and recreate the same layout again.

As for the players w/ no stats - I remember ted turner1 was in seat 4, and Nocturnick was on a few tables, I remember him being in seats 1 and 2. It def seemed to have something to do w/ these specific players rather than seat #s.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Is there a way you can make some kind of layout copying mechanism then? All the stats in my layout are fairly basic (so they will def be shared between HM and PT3) and it would prob take me like an hour to go through and recreate the same layout again.

As for the players w/ no stats - I remember ted turner1 was in seat 4, and Nocturnick was on a few tables, I remember him being in seats 1 and 2. It def seemed to have something to do w/ these specific players rather than seat #s.
Copying between trackers is simply too much of a can of worms at this point. Even though the stats may be the same, their definitions aren't necessarily the same in my code, thus making that idea very burdensome. One thing I will be doing is providing a number of predefined layouts you can use. If you want, send me your HEM layout that you like and perhaps I'll make something similar that I will apply to all trackers.

In the meantime, tonight, I will be fiddling with my HEM code to see if I can optimize it some for you.

Another thing you should try if you haven't already is limiting the number of days of retrieval to 15 or 30. This may have a large impact on initial retrievals. If you do that, obviously, you'll get fewer stats for the players but in a way thats a good thing because players' tendencies over time change. Try that for each tracker and let me know the results.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Hrm. How long does it take stats to appear for you (on all tables) when you first open POH?
1:45 to load stats on all tables

Originally Posted by goofyballer
How many hands are in your database?

Originally Posted by goofyballer
What kind of CPU do you have and how much RAM?
2 ghz core 2 duo. 2 gigs.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by funinbed
1:45 to load stats on all tables


2 ghz core 2 duo. 2 gigs.
The only reason it even takes 1:45 is because POH won't attempt to retrieve data until a hand is finished on each table.

The two of you are in totally different ballparks. GB is sort of at that point in database size where initial data retrieval speeds start to get a little undesirably slow.

GB, if you have some time, send me an IM and we can do some database experiments to ensure its the db and not my code. See my profile for my my IM addresses. (Anyone else is free to contact me via IM as well)
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 09:30 PM
I have a question on the stat combos

Is it possible to add a separator that puts a new line in ?
cause right now there is just: \ / : ~ etc etc
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by orentha
I have a question on the stat combos

Is it possible to add a separator that puts a new line in ?
cause right now there is just: \ / : ~ etc etc
No, I had started adding basic functionality for vertical combo stats but never finished. Your approach is actually a better idea IMHO. I'm not sure if I can do it easily or not, but I will look into it.

Main question for you: do the Party hero stat toggles work for you now?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-11-2008 , 10:55 PM
I'm in the US, so no party for me...
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-12-2008 , 03:59 AM
I just tried this program. But i cant get text color (only white) to work for combined stats, nor can i get combined stats to show for Hero.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-12-2008 , 04:39 AM
any ETA for ipoker yet?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-12-2008 , 05:25 AM
Ok, the last (I hope) problem I'm having:

Opening new tables on FTP when POH is running does something that makes my system slow down a lot temporarily. Usually it's just 1-2 seconds (and it happens to this degree as well with other HUDs), but since I have FTTO running in the background opening tables every few mins, if it has to open a lot of tables at once then POH can freeze FTP/my computer long enough to make me time out at the tables. This only really got severe once tonight, but when it did FTP was totally frozen/non-responsive for about 2 minutes and the rest of my computer was pretty slow too. Fortunately I wasn't involved in any hands at the time.

Last edited by goofyballer; 06-12-2008 at 05:37 AM.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
06-12-2008 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
any ETA for ipoker yet?

New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
