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New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08)

05-19-2008 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by 1968

Will it be possible to setup your HUD layout without having to sit down at a table?..
I've considered adding a standard HUD layout manager, but I'm not sure yet if I'll do it. I will be adding some features soon to make setting your layout a bit easier. I'm curious though why you think this is necessary -- since you only have to set the layout once. For FTP, for example, you don't even need to be sitting down to establish your layout. For Party, you can set it without sitting down if you use FreePHG. For Stars, you can sit down, sit out if your want and set it. Then if you make changes later on, you can just change them on the fly. I understand that some people want to do it "off line", but you can mimic that with the efforts described above.

Also, I've made some substantial performance improvements since the last release. I was going to wait until this Friday to release it with some of my other improvements, but given the problems people are having with the PT3 HUD and HEM HUD, I'll probably release an update tonight that will contain the performance improvements and maybe a few other things.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-19-2008 , 09:49 AM
After selecting the stats I would like to see in the cockpit and disabling hero stats I still cannot see any stat appearing :/

My database is about 3 million hands FWIW and my computer specs are :P4 2,8, 1,5Gb RAM

Is this normal? Did I miss something?

Last edited by Azalin; 05-19-2008 at 09:51 AM. Reason: I forgot to mention that I waited 20 minutes or so while playing and importing.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-19-2008 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Azalin
After selecting the stats I would like to see in the cockpit and disabling hero stats I still cannot see any stat appearing :/

My database is about 3 million hands FWIW and my computer specs are :P4 2,8, 1,5Gb RAM

Is this normal? Did I miss something?
At 3 million hands, it may take a little while for the stats to initially appear; once they do, however, updates should be quite fast. Another thing to try if you don't get stats after a while is to filter the stats to the last 30 days in the Filters tab.

Try those things and if still no luck, download the updated version tonight and see if the performance improvements help. Finally, if all that fails, let me know via PM and we can work out the problem via IM.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-19-2008 , 02:31 PM
it's beyond annoying to have to open up a poker table to set up the HUD. it's just not worth the extra time, especially when i already have a working HUD that itself took forever to set up properly.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by YoureToast
I'm not familiar with MS Virtual Desktop Manager; I will look into it and try to figure out why POH would disappear.
I uninstalled VDM (not easy!) and now POH is working . VDM comes with powertoys for xp and is said to be very buggy anyway.

PokerEV is due for release this Friday, will POH work with it straightaway?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by pelerin
PokerEV is due for release this Friday, will POH work with it straightaway?
Quite certain that it will.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 03:57 PM
Would POH consider adding custom stats defined in SQL statements?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 04:32 PM
Also wanted to add, that the latest version works fine with Vista desktop composition ENABLED. I don't know if it had been fixed earlier, but the issue with the first version(s) is now gone. I'm not sure if it's my display drivers (nvidia) or what but drawing the panels is faster with desktop composition.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by gball
Would POH consider adding custom stats defined in SQL statements?
I may consider adding this level of flexibility. It will be a while probably before I do though. However, if you want to send me the SQL you want added, I'll consider adding it to the general list of stats. Send me an PM if you want to chat more about that.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 07:09 PM
1) How do I modify the table stats? Currently it defaults to VPIP PFR and 3bet.
2) Is there anyways I can make popup stats left click? I had to disable right click on FTP so I can use my betpot script.
3) Is there a way to disable the other stuff in the popup stats such as session graph etc...I 16 table so those are pretty useless to me
4) Saving a layout does not save the cockpit placement. It keeps moving on me? Known?
5) My stats are not displaying any of the pre defined colors I added.
6) Is there any way to modify what stats I want to display for myself?
Thanks !

Last edited by younggunz; 05-20-2008 at 07:22 PM.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by younggunz
1) How do I modify the table stats? Currently it defaults to VPIP PFR and 3bet.
2) Is there anyways I can make popup stats left click? I had to disable right click on FTP so I can use my betpot script.
3) Is there a way to disable the other stuff in the popup stats such as session graph etc...I 16 table so those are pretty useless to me
4) Saving a layout does not save the cockpit placement. It keeps moving on me? Known?
Thanks !
1. To add/remove/modify stats on the table, click the arrow on the Quick Action Panel to open the Cockpit, select the stats and make other changes there.

2. At the moment, no. I'm not quite sure how else to do this other than with the right-click context menu. If you can give me a link to the betpot script you use, I can try it and see if I can come up with a solution.

3. Yeah, this is a good idea. For those that don't use session graphs or even session stats, these options should be optional.

4. To save the Quick Action Panel (thats the panel that opens the Cockpit), right click on the orange area and save.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 07:38 PM
Thanks for the quick response - two more questions
1) My stats are not displaying any of the pre defined colors I added. Everything is just white yet all the other players stats are color coded
2) Is there any way to modify what stats I want to display for myself?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-20-2008 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by younggunz
Thanks for the quick response - two more questions
1) My stats are not displaying any of the pre defined colors I added. Everything is just white yet all the other players stats are color coded
2) Is there any way to modify what stats I want to display for myself?
1. If you have the hero stats set for session stats, I'm not sure if the color filters work on the session stats (they should btw but it may need to be fixed). If not, let me know and I'll check the issue.

2. Yes, you can choose to display whatever hero stats you want by toggling the Show Hero Stat property for each stat you want to show/not show.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-21-2008 , 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by orentha
OK, I enabled logging, and played a few orbits, and the 2 log files still just stayed at 0 bytes
I tried restarting POH, and that didn't do anything... any ideas for me?

also, when I enabled logging, the "save settings" button was unclickable, i had to change another setting, then change it back, to make the butotn clickable.
Dunno whats wrong orentha. Let me look at my latest logging functionality and I'll see if I messed something up for the next version.
Hey, did you ever find out or check to see about the logging issue... I'm still unable to produce a log file to send you about my hero stats that are totally off
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-21-2008 , 01:50 AM
I'ts still not working for me with fast LHE tables on Stars, works ok with normal tables. Is it just me or does anyone else get this?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-21-2008 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by orentha
Hey, did you ever find out or check to see about the logging issue... I'm still unable to produce a log file to send you about my hero stats that are totally off
orentha, Yes I looked at it and it should be working so it has something to do with your setup specifically. Check your PM.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-21-2008 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by pelerin
I'ts still not working for me with fast LHE tables on Stars, works ok with normal tables. Is it just me or does anyone else get this?
I will check this tonight pelerin.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-22-2008 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by YoureToast
1. If you have the hero stats set for session stats, I'm not sure if the color filters work on the session stats (they should btw but it may need to be fixed). If not, let me know and I'll check the issue.

2. Yes, you can choose to display whatever hero stats you want by toggling the Show Hero Stat property for each stat you want to show/not show.
Hey, I have been playing with observer a lot now and can definitely confirm that the pre defined colors are not working for hero's stats. Also, my stats are not coming up on about half the tables.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by younggunz
Hey, I have been playing with observer a lot now and can definitely confirm that the pre defined colors are not working for hero's stats. Also, my stats are not coming up on about half the tables.
What site are you playing on? This is a known bug at Party.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:59 PM
Full Tilt
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-22-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by younggunz
Full Tilt
Hang tight for tomorrow's release. I'll try to add color filters for session stats and check to make sure they are working for all hero stats. Also, with respect to your problem showing hero stats at all, tomorrow's release may fix it. Quick question though: with respect to the stats sometimes not showing for hero, are they combo or regular stats or both?
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-24-2008 , 10:15 AM
Update 0.7.0 Posted Here

Some significant changes in this version:

- Lots of minor user enhancement changes
- Improved performance (lower CPU and memory usage; more responsive)
- Fozzy-based themes now detected properly as non-imaged-enabled
- Quick Action Panel made smaller
- Fixed party speed table recognition
- Fixed russian language table recognition problem for party
- Added new stats for PT3
----Folded, called and raised 4-bet stats
----Folded, raised, called and checked stats for each street
- Added positional stats -- Tooltips now show position stats for each stat along with session stats
- Improved popup stats - now shows session and position
- Fixed occasional session stat inaccuracies
- Color ranges now applied properly on session stats

Note: PEV support should be available as soon as public beta version of PEV is available
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-24-2008 , 10:27 AM
^ can people who use this software comment on it? or pics of a good layout or something?

really not sure if it's worth it to create another hud...
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-24-2008 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by YoureToast
Update 0.7.0 Posted Here

Some significant changes in this version:

- Fozzy-based themes now detected properly as non-imaged-enabled

- ....

Originally Posted by Reup Gang
^ can people who use this software comment on it? or pics of a good layout or something?

really not sure if it's worth it to create another hud...
It's free beta, try it out. It's a very nice HUD. I think its worth an hour or 2 of your time to play around with it.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
05-24-2008 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71

It's free beta, try it out. It's a very nice HUD. I think its worth an hour or 2 of your time to play around with it.
Thanks Fozz...But I would wait a day . Theres a bug that needs fixing.
New Software: PokerObserver HUD 1.0.1 - PT3, HEM, PEV / FTP, Stars, Party (21-Jun-08) Quote
