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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

10-03-2011 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
A buddy of mine works fairly high up for one of the Blue Crosses. He says they aren't worried about it being repealed. I need to ask him if they're worried about the Supreme court.

I would bet all that talk is just to win the primary. A lot of swing voters are actually for Obamacare. I predict whatever repub wins will shut up about it once they get the nom. Unless it's one of the crazy ones.
Not a chance, Healthcare is the ultimate wedge issue this year. It's still split fairly evenly and hugely divisive. If the republican nominee backs away from repeal during the general he will loose way too much enthusiasm in his base. The only reason to not be worried about repeal is Repubs won't have 60 senate votes, that doesn't mean Romney can't completely **** up the law through executive order.
10-03-2011 , 09:04 PM
You guys really need to get over this 'enthusiasm in the base' myth. Repubs have unbridled unwavering Obamahatred which will always trump all. Look how many of the base are completely on board with the 'get Obama out at all costs, **** the economy' stated goal.

The repub base will just assume that they're laying low to win the election, then will unleash hell on Obamacare. Then when it doesn't happen they'll get butthurt for a bit, but then forget when a terrorist attack happens or someone burns a flag somewhere or something.

Also by that time a lot of them will be just about to get decent healthcare coverage for the first time ever, and once their guy has won the election the fog of cognitive dissonance hatred might clear enough for them to actually realize they're going to be better off under Obamacare.
10-03-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
Not a chance, Healthcare is the ultimate wedge issue this year.
not if mitt romney wins
10-03-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You guys really need to get over this 'enthusiasm in the base' myth. Repubs have unbridled unwavering Obamahatred which will always trump all. Look how many of the base are completely on board with the 'get Obama out at all costs, **** the economy' stated goal.

The repub base will just assume that they're laying low to win the election, then will unleash hell on Obamacare. Then when it doesn't happen they'll get butthurt for a bit, but then forget when a terrorist attack happens or someone burns a flag somewhere or something.

Also by that time a lot of them will be just about to get decent healthcare coverage for the first time ever, and once their guy has won the election the fog of cognitive dissonance hatred might clear enough for them to actually realize they're going to be better off under Obamacare.
K, you're delusional if you think healthcare doesn't remain an issue if Romney gets the nod. I fully expect that if the Repubs win the WH, regardless of who the nominee is, there will be a 50 state waiver immediately granted
10-03-2011 , 09:09 PM
I think it will be danced around very carefully depending on the audience. Obama is going to go bananas reminding people they're 1.5 years away from real healthcare coverage like corporate and govt workers. It will be his biggest campaign plank. Some of that will sink in with swing voters. IE - 50-year-old plumbers, waiters, etc.
10-03-2011 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Zygote
In any case, evolution has a lot of presumptions as well which may not stand the test of time, such as the seeming fact that fluctuations of mutations are in fact random. It is plausible and reasonable to work under this assumption but the notion that something has been proven which isn't logically derived is about as unscientific as you get. Your fear that he will reject the earth being round is rather what you are doing as Paul is not trying to prevent an open thought environment, while you are
Yeah, but Paul has also showed very clearly that he doesn't understand what evolution is. His quote taken from his book about why there are wars if man is supposed to be "evolving and progressing" betrays very serious confusion about what evolution is and how it works. If any poster posted it here they would be taken to task...much less go to all the work to publish a book with it in there. The fact that any scientific theory might be modified in the future does not mean that morons who don't even understand the basics of the not totally correct theories aren't morons.
10-03-2011 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Zygote
When Einstein was shown a pamphlet titled '100 Authors Against Einstein', Einstein responded by saying "If I were wrong, one would be enough".
*rolls eyes* IIRC, that pamphlet wasn't written by experts in the field. ACtaully, Einstein did wind up reconsidering his ideas on quantum mechanics when they were challenged by his peers.

Also, abiogenesis != evolution.
10-03-2011 , 09:17 PM
ftr, that quote was in response to 100 nazi scientists about relativity. Einstein said something to the effect, "All they need is one fact"
10-03-2011 , 09:27 PM
...which is not at all analogous to Ron Paul ignoring the consensus opinion of the overwhelming majority of biologists on evolution. Those Nazi scientists were not experts in the field. The actual experts pretty quickly adopted Einstein's ideas.
10-03-2011 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
ftr, that quote was in response to 100 nazi scientists about relativity. Einstein said something to the effect, "All they need is one fact"
I thought it was something like this as well. But according to the wiki article, most co-authors there were not known anti-semites and it even included 6 or so Jews. It was more a bunch of people who didn't understand relativity very well talking about it. Precursor to internet message boards imo

Last edited by Max Raker; 10-03-2011 at 09:34 PM.
10-03-2011 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I think it will be danced around very carefully depending on the audience. Obama is going to go bananas reminding people they're 1.5 years away from real healthcare coverage like corporate and govt workers. It will be his biggest campaign plank. Some of that will sink in with swing voters. IE - 50-year-old plumbers, waiters, etc.
Lulz. You know how Obamacare polls, right?
10-03-2011 , 09:32 PM
Obama isn't going to talk about Obamacare that much suzzer.

For obvious reasons.
10-03-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
If Perry gets the nod maybe, but not if Romney gets it, which seems most likely at this point. Honestly at this point I don't really care if Romney or Obama wins since they're about 5 degrees separated on the spectrum. No way Romney actually repeals Obamacare, which is my biggest issue. Only reason I'd like to see Obama get re-elected is to see if he finally grows a pair and finally starts to act like a liberal.
It will be easier (and more accurate) to make the case if Perry wins but the strategy will remain the same. I think Obama and Romney have pretty distinct differences in terms of their visions for the economy. And hopefully huge differences in terms of competency.
10-03-2011 , 09:41 PM
The big advantage Romney will have is the dems won't make it their singular goal to **** him in the ass.
10-03-2011 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Obama isn't going to talk about Obamacare that much suzzer.

For obvious reasons.
Wanna bet it's not a major campaign plank?
10-03-2011 , 09:43 PM
Well, it'd be pretty damn ******ed for Obama to bring it up. No idea how dumb or desperate he's going to get though.
10-03-2011 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Lulz. You know how Obamacare polls, right?

Most voters still favor repeal of the national health care law, but support for repeal is at its lowest level since May. Most also continue to expect the law to drive up health care costs and the federal deficit.
Fear is wearing off and realization is setting in as people get closer to having real healthcare. Latest numbers are 50 million w/o healthcare. The crappy economy could actually work a little to Obama's favor here.

Also exposing the repubs as intransigent and only looking out for he rich over the debt ceiling thing, and probably a bunch more similar stuff leading up to the election. Congress' approval is worse than Obama. Congress is the one spreading fear about Obamacare.

Everything has an arc, would be stupid to star pushing now, but in a year dems will be touting Obamacare all over the place.
10-03-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Yeah, but Paul has also showed very clearly that he doesn't understand what evolution is. His quote taken from his book about why there are wars if man is supposed to be "evolving and progressing" betrays very serious confusion about what evolution is and how it works. If any poster posted it here they would be taken to task...much less go to all the work to publish a book with it in there. The fact that any scientific theory might be modified in the future does not mean that morons who don't even understand the basics of the not totally correct theories aren't morons.
never seen that quote but the interesting part is the equilibrium of the market can be analogous to this in which case Paul would be on the other side.
10-03-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The big advantage Romney will have is the dems won't make it their singular goal to **** him in the ass.
He jammed it up there pretty good the first two years all by himself. Even with an FDR wave of support. He did this to himself. Started off with the arrogant/incompetent way he produced the Obamacare bill and followed up with the remarkably unstimulating stimulus.
10-03-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Well, it'd be pretty damn ******ed for Obama to bring it up. No idea how dumb or desperate he's going to get though.
I will be quoting this.
10-03-2011 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Fear is wearing off and realization is setting in as people get closer to having real healthcare. Latest numbers are 50 million w/o healthcare. The crappy economy could actually work a little to Obama's favor here.

Also exposing the repubs as intransigent and only looking out for he rich over the debt ceiling thing, and probably a bunch more similar stuff leading up to the election. Congress' approval is worse than Obama. Congress is the one spreading fear about Obamacare.

Everything has an arc, would be stupid to star pushing now, but in a year dems will be touting Obamacare all over the place.
I guess we will see if it becomes something he trumpets. I think it hurts him with independents but time will tell. I completely agree that class warfare will be a prominent campaign platform.
10-03-2011 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
He jammed it up there pretty good the first two years all by himself. Even with an FDR wave of support. He did this to himself. Started off with the arrogant/incompetent way he produced the Obamacare bill and followed up with the remarkably unstimulating stimulus.
Lol the republicans sat in the corner and threw a fit over UHC. Jamming it up there was literally the only way it was ever going to happen. They refused to play ball on any issue that could have made it a better bill for them.

The stimulus was underwhelming but still created 2.5 million jobs and might have prevented a big contraction. (that's like 1.5% off unemployment) Stimulus is the ultimate who the hell knows how bad things might have been. Although we may be about to find out because the repubs will block everything from here on out, including tax cuts.
10-03-2011 , 10:01 PM
lol saved 2.5m jobs.
10-03-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I completely agree that class warfare will be a prominent campaign platform.
Agreed. We're going to about the 50% who don't pay any income tax pretty much nonstop until the election.
10-03-2011 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
lol saved 2.5m jobs.
That # is from the CBO. The repubs love to quote that when they want to attack the stimulus. But go ahead and have your own angle that it's still too high.
