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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

10-05-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
1.5-2% off the unemployment # may have been worth it to keep the economy from spiraling into a depression. Also that money provided lots of infrastructure improvements, etc. It's not like it just went straight into a hole.
I guess we will never know if we would have spiraled into a depression or wether some programs (cash for clunkers, green energy spending..) may have provided a very short term boost that is now gone while adding almost a trillion to to our long term deficit problem, that will be a drag on the economy for years to come.

On the other side we just might find out if we do not spend another 450 billion if we will be headed for a recession.
10-05-2011 , 07:00 PM
What kind of odds will you guys give me that whatever program casey is talking about, assuming it exists, is actually part of Obamacare?
10-05-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by caseycjc

This isn't the site I was looking for but if this doesn't help please let me know and I will find out tomorrow and post it for you.

Or PM me
Hey great news, there's a plan in CA for anyone between 25-64 who has a hard time getting private insurance do to a pre-existing condition:

It's called the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) and it's open for business:

Oh yeah, it's part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Well damn, I thought it sounded like a good idea. But now I realize it's the devil.
10-05-2011 , 07:03 PM
suzzer you're ruining my fun
10-05-2011 , 07:04 PM
lol, I didn't even see your post before posting mine. Seriously LMAO
10-05-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
I guess we will never know if we would have spiraled into a depression or wether some programs (cash for clunkers, green energy spending..) may have provided a very short term boost that is now gone while adding almost a trillion to to our long term deficit problem, that will be a drag on the economy for years to come.

On the other side we just might find out if we do not spend another 450 billion if we will be headed for a recession.
I'm quite sure the republicans are fine with tanking the economy for the next year.
10-05-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Hey great news, there's a plan in CA for anyone between 25-64 who has a hard time getting private insurance do to a pre-existing condition:

It's called the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) and it's open for business:

Oh yeah, it's part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Well damn, I thought it sounded like a good idea. But now I realize it's the devil.
I will bet you my 401k that you could poll 100 random republicans and ask them if they would support the PCIP plan as being something good and useful without telling them it is part of Obamacare and 80% or better would support it.

If you told those same people about the plan and added it was part of Obamacare, that number would be about 5%.
10-05-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
To the modern Republican, government spending is the devil. As recently as 2009 could can find quotes from prominent Republicans making bog standard comments about the need for economic stimulus spending. By the time summer of '09 came around, though, the Stimulus Bill was causing unemployment and funneling money directly to ACORN. It shifted from good policy to bad policy to an existential threat to the freedom of every God Fearing Real American in about 5 months.
I think for the TEA party types you are correct that all government spending is bad. The more moderate republicans are just vary wary of this President's spending. The stimulus didn't do what Obama stated it would do (lower unemployment to less than 8 percent) coupled with specifics like Solyndra it is easy to see why they are wary.
10-05-2011 , 07:28 PM
Yes, this is the first time a politician has ever over-promised to get a big piece of legislation through congress. Also on something that's perfectly easy to predict like where the unemployment rate will be in 2 years.

Also I'm pretty sure the prediction was dependent on a bunch of assumptions, not all of which came to pass. It still doesn't mean they didn't have the best odds of being right. A poker player should get that.
10-05-2011 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yes, this is the first time a politician has ever over-promised to get a big piece of legislation through congress. Also on something that's perfectly easy to predict like where the unemployment rate will be in 2 years.

Also I'm pretty sure the prediction was dependent on a bunch of assumptions, not all of which came to pass. It still doesn't mean they didn't have the best odds of being right. A poker player should get that.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
10-05-2011 , 08:04 PM
10-05-2011 , 08:13 PM
I think we've had enough of the misunderstanding of ole W, he was just having a The Who flashback
10-05-2011 , 08:39 PM
Well, we now have final, official confirmation that It won't be Palin.

I, for one, am shocked, SHOCKED at this news.

Sadly, via the link, I AM shocked to find out Steve Jobs is dead.
10-05-2011 , 08:41 PM
Political satirists everywhere are disappointed.
10-05-2011 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by yaqh
what's the word on Governor Johnson being included in the debate next week?
Governor Gary Johnson, the candidate with the best economic and fiscal record, is being excluded from the debate, even though the last time he was included in the polls he outpolled two of the current invitees. Their solution? Just exclude him from future polls so they don't have to invite him to future debates.

Whether you're a Governor Johnson fan or not, this is an injustice. The theme of the next debate is the economy. The American people deserve to hear from him, and to hear his unique plan for addressing the economy and fiscal problems of the nation.

Please contact the debate organizers and ask them to include Governor Gary Johnson:

- Washington Post: Contact information at or corrections form at or email: or Twitter: @washingtonpost or @postpolitics

- Bloomberg: 212-318-2000 (east coast) or 617-210-4658 (Boston) and or or email: or Twitter: @BloombergNews or @BloombergNow or @BloombergTV

- WBIN-TV: (603) 845-1000 or

- Peter G. Peterson Foundation: 212-542-9200 or

Thank you!!!

If you want to let Bloomberg or The Washington Post know you would like to see Gary Johnson in their debate contact them at or

October 5, 2011, Manchester, NH — With the announcement by Bloomberg and the Washington Post of participants in next week’s Republican presidential debate at Dartmouth, Governor Gary Johnson’s campaign is continuing to question the motives of the national media for excluding the two-term New Mexico governor from not only debates, but the polls frequently used to determine who is in their debates.

Senior Johnson campaign advisor Ron Nielson said in a statement released today, “Somewhere, news media executives are sitting around trying to decide for the Republican Party who their choices for President should be. They decide who to include in polls, and then use those polls – presumably, in the case of Bloomberg and the Washington Post – to determine who is allowed on their debate stages. The result is that Gary Johnson, a successful two-term governor, is not heard or seen.

“Next week’s debate is supposedly to focus on the economy and jobs. National publications of all stripes have recognized that, of all the governors running for the nomination, Gary Johnson’s record of job creation and cutting government spending is unsurpassed. Yet, he is excluded. That makes no sense.

“When there are other candidates invited whose performance in the polls are within the margin of error to be at 0% support, by what logic is Gary Johnson not included?

“We have not heard a word from the organizers of next week’s debate. Like everyone else, we simply read in the press that the list of participants does not include Governor Johnson. That’s unacceptable.

“Our efforts to understand what is going on have failed. Perhaps it is time for actual voters to begin asking the questions and letting the national media know that they can make their own choices – they don’t need the folks at Bloomberg or the Washington Post to ‘screen’ the Republican field for them. “
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Support Governor Gary Johnson for President!
10-06-2011 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by mong
Governor Gary Johnson, the candidate with the best economic and fiscal record, is being excluded from the debate, even though the last time he was included in the polls he outpolled two of the current invitees. Their solution? Just exclude him from future polls so they don't have to invite him to future debates.

Whether you're a Governor Johnson fan or not, this is an injustice. The theme of the next debate is the economy. The American people deserve to hear from him, and to hear his unique plan for addressing the economy and fiscal problems of the nation.

Please contact the debate organizers and ask them to include Governor Gary Johnson:

- Washington Post: Contact information at or corrections form at or email: or Twitter: @washingtonpost or @postpolitics

- Bloomberg: 212-318-2000 (east coast) or 617-210-4658 (Boston) and or or email: or Twitter: @BloombergNews or @BloombergNow or @BloombergTV

- WBIN-TV: (603) 845-1000 or

- Peter G. Peterson Foundation: 212-542-9200 or

Thank you!!!

( )


Support Governor Gary Johnson for President!
He should threaten to run 3rd party.
10-06-2011 , 12:14 AM
Im sure they will be scared
10-06-2011 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I think I can tolerate Mittens. He wouldn't be much different than Obama except the republicans would actually play ball with him. I don't think he'll **** over UHC.
If Mittens is president, it almost certainly means that the GOP will also control the House and the Senate. Do you really think Mitt will be vetoing the inevitable legislation to repeal UHC?

If the Dems had control of Congress, I don't think Mitt would be so awful, mostly because I don't think he has any true core principals and he'd be a willing negotiator. But for the same reasons, I don't doubt he'd completely cave to the right-wingers in his party.
10-06-2011 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
Almost all of these should have *'s next to them in case of pre existing conditions. My Mom is 58, and has diabetes. Her new company is really small and doesn't offer insurance. She was basically turned away by everything.
Deregulate the entire medical industry and free it up and I'm fairly sure there would be companies specialized in taking your mom and similar cases and turn a nice profit doing so.

Was she not able to get any insurance at all or was it just very expensive, if so what amounts are we talking about?
10-06-2011 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Deregulate the entire medical industry and free it up and I'm fairly sure there would be companies specialized in taking your mom and similar cases and turn a nice profit doing so.
Yes, the only thing stopping companies from offering affordable insurance to high-risk people are the government regulations.... Damn Government, always stopping Insurance companies from doing charitable things.
10-06-2011 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Deregulate the entire medical industry and free it up and I'm fairly sure there would be quacks specialized in taking your mom and similar cases and turn a nice profit doing so.
10-06-2011 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by mong
Governor Gary Johnson, the candidate with the best economic and fiscal record, is being excluded from the debate, even though the last time he was included in the polls he outpolled two of the current invitees. Their solution? Just exclude him from future polls so they don't have to invite him to future debates.

Whether you're a Governor Johnson fan or not, this is an injustice. The theme of the next debate is the economy. The American people deserve to hear from him, and to hear his unique plan for addressing the economy and fiscal problems of the nation.

Please contact the debate organizers and ask them to include Governor Gary Johnson:

- Washington Post: Contact information at or corrections form at or email: or Twitter: @washingtonpost or @postpolitics

- Bloomberg: 212-318-2000 (east coast) or 617-210-4658 (Boston) and or or email: or Twitter: @BloombergNews or @BloombergNow or @BloombergTV

- WBIN-TV: (603) 845-1000 or

- Peter G. Peterson Foundation: 212-542-9200 or

Thank you!!!

( )


Support Governor Gary Johnson for President!
Hi Gary.
10-06-2011 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Daliman
Well, we now have final, official confirmation that It won't be Palin.

I, for one, am shocked, SHOCKED at this news.

Sadly, via the link, I AM shocked to find out Steve Jobs is dead.
She could have gone from laughing stock to almost respectable in my eyes if she'd just said she's unelectable.
10-06-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Yes, the only thing stopping companies from offering affordable insurance to high-risk people are the government regulations.... Damn Government, always stopping Insurance companies from doing charitable things.
+1. clowntable, how do you delude yourself so well?
