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September LC thread!!!1! September LC thread!!!1!

09-15-2014 , 11:03 PM
Forget this specific case.

One person gets in a bar fight, punches someone, they fall, hit their head and die.

Other person punches his 3yo hard and square in the face, knocking her out, but no measurable permanent effect.

Who is the worse person?
09-15-2014 , 11:06 PM
errrrr that's decidedly not a comparison to the ray lewis case. They brought knives man and fought well outside the bar.
09-15-2014 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Forget this specific case.

One person gets in a bar fight, punches someone, they fall, hit their head and die.

Other person punches his 3yo hard and square in the face, knocking her out, but no measurable permanent effect.

Who is the worse person?
Well I guess if we're changing it to hitting a man v. a child with differing outcomes the opinion could change.

In the case of stabbing someone to death v. slapping, or even punching, a wife what would you say?
09-15-2014 , 11:17 PM
Stabbing someone to death out of the blue is really really really bad. Doing it during a robbery is really really really bad.

Doing it to someone who broke a bottle over your or your friend's head? It's not that it's not bad, but it's not the same thing.

Again, I'm not saying it shouldn't be a crime. But, there are decent people who are in or have been in prison who did something bad and wreckless, especially when drinking.

Just flat out decking a woman and dragging her around? **** that guy.
09-15-2014 , 11:23 PM
What if he was drunk and just doing something wreckless?
09-15-2014 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
In the case of stabbing someone to death v. slapping, or even punching, a wife what would you say?
It depends on a lot of things. Some people flat out deserve to be stabbed to death.

If Justin Bieber marries Rhonda Roussey and slaps her, she may end up deserving some jail time.
09-15-2014 , 11:30 PM
I need pvn in here with some gifs ASAP
09-15-2014 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
What if he was drunk and just doing something wreckless?
It's a crime. Guy does his time. Feels crappy about it. I interview him for a job. I might hire him. He might not be a bad person. (I use this example because it is somewhat close to reality for me - though no one died. )

Guy who beats his wife and children regularly? He might do less time, but I'm not going to associate with him.
09-15-2014 , 11:44 PM
Can you clarify, did you stab someone or hit your wife? Or do you mean not you?
09-15-2014 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

This is very true. I have half a book shelf that I would never have been able to find without a huge amount of effort
Something like 60% of the books sold at Amazon are titles that aren't even available in the largest Barnes and Noble locations.
09-15-2014 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Can you clarify, did you stab someone or hit your wife? Or do you mean not you?
Not me.
09-16-2014 , 08:48 AM
Just got my yearly federally required reminder that federal financial aid is contingent on not having any arrests for drug possession. No mention of any other crime, but it is automatically stopped for any drugs. Between this and the way the NFL handles things, it really is ****ing sad. The majority of people do not give one single ****, this **** needs to change.
09-16-2014 , 10:12 AM
Need to drug test all federal student loan recipients.
09-16-2014 , 12:23 PM
It's so rarely worth it to play the "who is worse in two horrible situations" game.
09-16-2014 , 02:45 PM
Whether it’s measles or pertussis, the local children statistically at the greatest risk for infection aren’t, as one might imagine, the least privileged — far from it. An examination by The Hollywood Reporter of immunization records submitted to the state by educational facilities suggests that wealthy Westside kids — particularly those attending exclusive, entertainment-industry-favored child care centers, preschools and kindergartens — are far more likely to get sick (and potentially infect their siblings and playmates) than other kids in L.A. The reason is at once painfully simple and utterly complex: More parents in this demographic are choosing not to vaccinate their children as medical experts advise. They express their noncompliance by submitting a form known as a personal belief exemption (PBE) instead of paperwork documenting a completed shot schedule.

The number of PBEs being filed is scary. The region stretching from Malibu south to Marina del Rey and inland as far as La Cienega Boulevard (and including Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills) averaged a 9.1 percent PBE level among preschoolers for the 2013-14 school year — a 26 percent jump from two years earlier. By comparison, L.A. County at large measured 2.2 percent in that period. Many preschools in this area spiked far higher, including Kabbalah Children’s Academy in Beverly Hills (57 percent) and the Waldorf Early Childhood Center in Santa Monica (68 percent). According to World Health Organization data, such numbers are in line with immunization rates in developing countries like Chad and South Sudan.
09-16-2014 , 02:50 PM
Horrible stuff. Even allowing religious exemptions to vaccine requirements is dicey. What sort of madness leads to a "personal belief" exemption?
09-16-2014 , 02:51 PM
LOL. That's incredible.

Originally Posted by bobman0330
Horrible stuff. Even allowing religious exemptions to vaccine requirements is dicey. What sort of madness leads to a "personal belief" exemption?
Probably $$$. If your school doesn't allow for their personal beliefs, they'll go to the next uber-exclusive private school that accepts their bat**** loony dollars.
09-16-2014 , 02:57 PM
The kid of one of my wife's friends from grad school got whooping cough.
09-16-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
LOL. That's incredible.

Probably $$$. If your school doesn't allow for their personal beliefs, they'll go to the next uber-exclusive private school that accepts their bat**** loony dollars.
I assume there's a California law that requires schoolchildren to be vaccinated, and that's what the crazy people exceptions apply to.
09-16-2014 , 03:28 PM
Ah. I assumed whatever law/regulations only apply to public schools and the exemption is for individual schools' rules. Using teh googles though you appear to be correct.

From AB 2109, passed in 2012 (took effect Jan. 1 of this year) which appears like it should make it harder for people to acquire the personal belief exemption:

Existing law prohibits the governing authority of a school or other institution from unconditionally admitting any person as a pupil of any private or public elementary or secondary school, child care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center, unless prior to his or her first admission to that institution he or she has been fully immunized against various diseases, as specified.

Existing law exempts a person from the above-described immunization requirement if the parent or guardian or other specified persons file with the governing authority a letter or affidavit stating that the immunization is contrary to his or her beliefs.

This bill would instead require this letter or affidavit to document which required immunizations have been given and which have not been given on the basis that they are contrary to the parent or guardian’s or other specified person’s beliefs. The bill would require, on and after January 1, 2014, the letter or affidavit to be accompanied by a form prescribed by the State Department of Public Health that includes a signed attestation from a health care practitioner, as defined, that indicates that the health care practitioner provided the parent or guardian of the person, the adult who has assumed responsibility for the care and custody of the person, or the person, if an emancipated minor, who is subject to the immunization requirements with information regarding the benefits and risks of the immunization and the health risks of specified communicable diseases. The bill would require the form to include a written statement by the parent, guardian, other specified persons, or person, if an emancipated minor, that indicates that he or she received the information from the health care practitioner.
Cliffs: before you could just send a letter saying "I don't believe in immunization", now you have to provide a form signed by a doctor saying "hey, I warned these idiots they should get their kids immunized and they didn't listen".
09-16-2014 , 03:39 PM
On the subject of Edward Snowden Hurting Our Country By Giving Information To The Terrorists and all the ways the government tried to tell you he was evil:

New report says there's no evidence the Snowden leaks made Al Qaeda change their tactics

Some examples of the lies:

Speaking on “Meet the Press”on Jan. 19, Rep. Mike Rogers (R.-Michigan), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said the Snowden leaks led al Qaeda to change its tactics. “[Y]ou have to remember, al Qaeda has changed the way they communicate based on this,” said Rogers. “That puts our soldiers at risk in the field. That’s a real dangerous consequence.”

Nicholas Rasmussen, deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center, testified last week before the Senate Homeland Security Committee that, as a result of leaks by Snowden and others, “Terrorists now understand the scope and scale of Western collection capabilities, and they’re changing the way they communicate. They’re adopting encryption technologies. They’re shifting accounts, or avoiding altogether the use of electronic communications, all of which frustrate our counterterrorism efforts.”
09-16-2014 , 03:52 PM
What's a little white lie when LIVES ARE AT STAKE?

Why do you hate America so much?
09-16-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Need to drug test all federal student loan recipients.
Yeah, I've come around to the AsianNit style of thinking. Trying to relax our drug war **** by telling white and/or rich people that the system ****s over poor and/or minorities isn't going to work.

Let's start piss testing people before each distribution of loan money. Stopping and frisking black people in NYC didn't turn up that much in terms of guns or drugs, but let's toss some drawers at the dorms at NYU. I bet we'll find a joint or three. "Hey, ma, Dad, so my life is ruined because I had a trafficking weight of MDMA hidden in a sock, I'll be getting out of prison in 8-10 years, ok?"
09-16-2014 , 08:01 PM
Joe Mande's bit on Cafe Gratitude(linked in that Atlantic article) is amazing:
09-16-2014 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Ah. I assumed whatever law/regulations only apply to public schools and the exemption is for individual schools' rules. Using teh googles though you appear to be correct.

From AB 2109, passed in 2012 (took effect Jan. 1 of this year) which appears like it should make it harder for people to acquire the personal belief exemption:

Cliffs: before you could just send a letter saying "I don't believe in immunization", now you have to provide a form signed by a doctor saying "hey, I warned these idiots they should get their kids immunized and they didn't listen".
Have a kid on my case load whose parents believe vaccines are what caused their kid to get autism. Like, they're 100% sold on mercury and other metals in vaccines being at harmful levels. They even sport the bumper stickers.

Learned today that the onset of their paranoia was some quack doctor. Apparently when their son was 2 years old he had an eye condition that severely impacted his ability to see. Dr. Quack prescribed a med and the kid's eye problem was cured. The parents now believed this doc was a miracle worker, and unfortunately she was anti vaccines. Mix in some confirmation bias, and 12 years later you've got hardcore vaccine truthers.
