Originally Posted by bobman0330
You are certainly right that I disrespect everyone if by everyone you mean voters in general. When you are claiming that no one can tell the Russia story, it's like you are going for some additional achievement or playing in hard mode just to challenge yourself: "Win an election without telling shameless lies." I think it is false that Trump hasn't colored outside the lines of respectable politics, but I concede that you might be right that it's hard to explain to the average voter. The key though is that it just doesn't matter. Telling a narrative or connecting issues to the problems in people's lives is pointless. Just run an ad talking about how a Trump surrogate met with an ARAB and a RUSSIAN and set it to ominous music. Problem solved.
I've made this point before, but the GOP and Trump and 50 years of baked-in narratives have really poisoned the well here. By diving into the deep end of the white nationalist pool after the GOP spent 50 casually wading around and splashing in the water, the crowd that is amenable to be frightened and made paranoid and angry by this messaging -- they won't be. The GOP has been the party of nationalism and patriotism and Trump inherited all that and brought along his brand as the protector of white identity. This kind of messaging works great against Democrats because of the same 50 years of narrative building that the Democrats are effete American hating Francophile losers who just want to make friends with dark people at the expense of salt-of-the-Earth whites.
It's going to be really hard to turn that on Trump. As others have pointed out, when Trump schemes with Russians and Arabs, they think he's wheeling and dealing to **** over the foreigners and darkies for their benefits, because that's what Making America Great Again looks like.
These memes aren't fungible. You can't insert any politician into the ad with the scary music and the Commie and the Arab and have it hit home. It works against Democrats for historical reasons, due to narratives the right has built for 50 years. Democrats don't earnestly or sincerely do that kind of politics well and it doesn't fit the pre-existing frames for voters ("how can a rich old white guy be AGAINST America?").
Your next post does have me pegged. Because of the aforementioned nihilist chaos, the idea of abandoning the neoliberal order that works fine for the brave new world of Bernieism is definitely horrifying. Disillusionment with the system has already brought us Trump and now people want to carry the experiment forward? Find some grounds to impeach the mother****er, then let us all reaffirm our commitment to measured centrism.
Yeah, well, I am not the voice of the coalition or anyone by myself, but speaking for myself: I don't trust you. Not you personally. The royal you -- all the centrist and NeverTrumpers and New Left Democrats. I found a lot about the old order lacking but it was a good bit better than our current situation. The policy outcomes were often bad but not your principle failing as coalition partners.
The primary failing was that the current situation was very predictable; my tiny voice on 2p2 counts for nothing but I have like 10 years of posts that speak to the growing alarm about how the right AND centrists were flattering if not wholly welcoming of Trumpian style. Obviously I am just cribbing from the rest of the left, so take my voice as representative of many people who warned of the same. So I feel confident to speak to this point: The right has been descending into paranoid, angry madness for a generation and longer and still right-wing radio hosts were allowed to be part of our respectable polity. Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly ostensibly ran a sexual harassment shop in their spare time, but their full-time gigs were giving voice to racist idiots and conspiracies and anger and treachery of the liberal order you cherish. And respectable centrists and Republicans gave them access and interviews and the veneer of approval. Ever unhinged lunatics like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones and the rest showed up and no one bothered to check their influence. When the left did, they were taunted.
You -- the royal you -- did nothing but embrace it. Told whiny liberals to pipe down, shut-up, this isn't a problem, it's all under control. These people are fine, it's your noisy alarmism that really is the big problem here. NOW at the moment of their increasing political inconvenience and risk to the things you cherish -- because black people, immigrants, women, the poor, and the old welfare schemes now dismantled were ephemeral and part of the collateral damage costs of doing business with the angry white hordes who signed up for Yacht Club Republicanism free trade and deregulation -- NOW you agree, come to think of it, this is all really heinous. A big problem. Let's join together and impeach the orange menace.
As you constitute probable bad-faith actors just looking for a critical mass of people to leach off of, I see no reason to enter into any sort of long-term coalition again. One of the things Trump really laid bare is that the emperor has no clothes. The Bernie-style left has the actual people and votes and energy; what do the centrists have to offer again? It ain't votes. It ain't political capital. It's mostly just actual capital. That's important but you get the sense the owners of capital are as cowardly and feckless as Trump proved them to be, and can be cowed. And the political utility of capital can be overcome with dynamic personalities and new mediums. Capital will eventually genuflect to wherever the power is and will take deals to protect some of their hordes at the risk of losing more of it. Roman elites bargained with barbarians for like 300 years after the Crisis of the 2nd Century. The early Anglo Saxon and French elites paid the Danegeld for generations. The Business Plot against FDR never really rose to much beyond a wild scheme. Capital interests are powerful but they aren't stupid. They'll play ball with the left for concessions.
So I don't see why the left should really entertain this long-term. Maybe as a last-gasp temporary kludge to impeach Trump and avoid nuclear holocaust but that's it. The center is dead and dying. Impeachment would be a godsend but I think the left has to think strategically for the days beyond if that scheme doesn't work, and there's really no much more for the centrist to offer anyone, and I think the left has been fooled for far too long by ultimately powerless centrists offering a lifeboat against encroaching and creeping strident reactionary right-winger idiots. The worst fears have been realized, the inmates took over the asylum, the whole leftist Faustian bargain with the centrists is that you got your trade and deregulation and tax cuts in exchange for keeping the inmates in straight jackets so we could keep some statutory protections for blacks and immigrants and women. Instead you loosened the locks and gave them ever-more freedom and told us to quiet down when even our minimalist goals were threatened. "Hey, uhh, it's nice that public schools are desegregated, but come to think of it your school-choice schemes are re-segregating them, cops are still throwing tons of black guys in prison for drug offenses, also we noticed you seem to be passing ever more de facto burdens against their right to vote?" we would meekly ask. We would get some measure of polite head-nods, maybe a hand-waving gesture of sympathy, then the measured centrist opinion elites would head back to Fox News to gab with Sean Hannity about the Muslim Brotherhood and BLM alliance that threatens white child blood vitality while the capital would mostly be used to fund Republicans.
Not sure why we'd fall for that again.
Last edited by DVaut1; 04-04-2017 at 06:07 AM.