Originally Posted by .Alex.
Then why are you such an Obama hater?
Democrats (though they are far from perfect) are about a million times better than republicans on these issues. Yes or no?
I supported Obama over McCain.
"better than Republicans" is a hell of a standard!
Obama's administration led to the chaos that caused the refugee crisis, he committed acts of war without Congressional approval in numerous countries and supported regime change, and his drone war killed thousands, probably creating more terrorists seeking revenge. Oh, and he was labeled the "deporter in chief" for deporting more illegal immigrants than any other administration before him). Oh also the NSA spying on everyone under his watch.
More negative marks for letting tax cuts expire, Obamacare, increasing the power of executive orders.
A+ for pardoning non-violent criminals, and Chelsea Manning.
And...I guess....for accepting some of the refugees his foreign policy helped create....?