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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-23-2017 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
They dgaf about either of those.
You are right, they only care about their donors and insane social views.
02-23-2017 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
There will be tens of thousands of people roving around as a deportation force. They will be raiding dispensaries. They will shut the border to refugees. Net neutrality will be a thing. I will be shocked if these aren't all done and dusted within a year.
Land of the free amirite?
02-23-2017 , 09:05 PM
Did I time travel? Is the federal government really butting heads with pot smoking hippy protestors?
02-23-2017 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Did I time travel? Is the federal government really butting heads with pot smoking hippy protestors?
More private prisons! Less immigrants! **** protecting transgender kids! More coal pollution in streams! Medicare SEE YA.
02-23-2017 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
I'm not proud to say, but this amused me:
You should get a load of this.

The Chicago Gaylords, also known as the Almighty Gaylords, is a Chicago street gang most active during the mid and late 20th century.
Reading about them made me want to write a whole sketch about a street gang called the Raging H*mos (because "H*mo" means MAN and they're ANGRY MEN) but that kind of humour just doesn't fly anymore. Probably for the best.
02-23-2017 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Did I time travel? Is the federal government really butting heads with pot smoking hippy protestors?
they're turning it back 50 years. waiting for lsd and orgies to start trending again
02-23-2017 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
More private prisons! Less immigrants! **** protecting transgender kids! More coal pollution in streams! Medicare SEE YA.
Idgaf about Marijuana but it will almost certainly be legal nationwide this time next year. Come on over.
02-23-2017 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Idgaf about Marijuana but it will almost certainly be legal nationwide this time next year. Come on over.
Wat? It most certainly will not. Not with Sessions at the helm
02-23-2017 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
The Alex wice thing is hilarious because he was wrong about trump on virtually every single position (he'll pivot!), but right on that he would win.
I remember that being the most mystifying part of AWice's post at the time (well, either that or the bit where Trump was going to take on the Fed, anyway). Trump is anti alcohol and drugs in his personal life, having had a brother die of alcoholism, and he's a massive authoritarian. I actually didn't think he'd do anything on drug laws at all. I still think this marijuana thing might just be some whim of Trump's that never comes to anything concrete, but I have been repeatedly proven wrong when expecting that things will not get worse/dumber. But anyway, the idea that Trump would be a force for drug liberalization is astonishing. That ability of Trump's to keep himself a blank slate and just have his fans project their own policy preferences on to him was amazing.
02-23-2017 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
You should get a load of this.

Reading about them made me want to write a whole sketch about a street gang called the Raging H*mos (because "H*mo" means MAN and they're ANGRY MEN) but that kind of humour just doesn't fly anymore. Probably for the best.
Maybe add something about their eating AIDS appetite suppressants, that would punch it up some.
02-23-2017 , 09:14 PM
02-23-2017 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Wat? It most certainly will not. Not with Sessions at the helm
I'm guessing he's Canadian?
02-23-2017 , 09:16 PM
He wants to drop nukes and yet people are still insisting he won't do whatever. They want everything concrete ffs. Even if trump himself doesn't care that much--the rest of his entire administration wants recreational use gone. Bannon wasn't joking, they are going to push everything no matter how stupid.
02-23-2017 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I remember that being the most mystifying part of AWice's post at the time (well, either that or the bit where Trump was going to take on the Fed, anyway). Trump is anti alcohol and drugs in his personal life, having had a brother die of alcoholism, and he's a massive authoritarian. I actually didn't think he'd do anything on drug laws at all. I still think this marijuana thing might just be some whim of Trump's that never comes to anything concrete, but I have been repeatedly proven wrong when expecting that things will not get worse/dumber. But anyway, the idea that Trump would be a force for drug liberalization is astonishing. That ability of Trump's to keep himself a blank slate and just have his fans project their own policy preferences on to him was amazing.
During the election I remember watching a stream of one of his rallies on youtube, and of course in the chat it's mostly Donald fans. Well he starts talking about how we're gonna crack down on drugs, these drugs are destroying America, we're gonna get rid of them, we're gonna make America safe from drugs. The whole chat starts exploding "BUT NOT WEED RIGHT DONALD" like I couldn't even make this stuff up and after about ten seconds the whole chat had decided, of course he didn't mean weed because weed is awesome and of course Donald would know that.
02-23-2017 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
You should get a load of this.

Reading about them made me want to write a whole sketch about a street gang called the Raging H*mos (because "H*mo" means MAN and they're ANGRY MEN) but that kind of humour just doesn't fly anymore. Probably for the best.
"Gaylord" doesn't seem to be a thing so much in the US. When I stayed at the Rio like 10 years ago, there was an Indian restaurant there called Gaylord. IDK if it's still there.
02-23-2017 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Maybe add something about their eating AIDS appetite suppressants, that would punch it up some.
Nah. Just a whole bit about someone reacting to their name and the leader clearly being well used to explaining the misunderstanding, and how they're not gay, well Jerry is but that's a coincidence etc. It's childish but it reliably makes me giggle.
02-23-2017 , 09:20 PM
"Gaylord" used to be a thing in the US, but I haven't heard it used as an insult since maybe the mid-80's.
02-23-2017 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
"Gaylord" doesn't seem to be a thing so much in the US. When I stayed at the Rio like 10 years ago, there was an Indian restaurant there called Gaylord. IDK if it's still there.
Seemingly the gang got their name from a variant Anglicisation of "Gaillard". If that's common in the US then it would explain stuff like that and the CPAC location.
02-23-2017 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Idgaf about Marijuana but it will almost certainly be legal nationwide this time next year. Come on over.
which nation? are you canadian?

if so, invitation accepted!
02-23-2017 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
"Gaylord" used to be a thing in the US, but I haven't heard it used as an insult since maybe the mid-80's.
It was Ben Stiller's given name in Meet The Parents IIRC.
02-23-2017 , 09:23 PM
Slow pony?

FBI rejects White House request to debunk Russia stories
The White House's request to have the FBI slap down media reports would violate longstanding Justice Department protocols outlined in memos from 2007 and and 2009. The memos limit contact between the White House and the FBI during ongoing investigations.
When will this lawless administration be brought to heel?
02-23-2017 , 09:23 PM
02-23-2017 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Just saw the Congressman invoking Gabby Giffords to explain why he won't be holding townhalls. What a slimy coward.
How does he campaign for reelection?
02-23-2017 , 09:26 PM

02-23-2017 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
General Tsao bringing a dictionary to an encyclopedia fight
