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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-14-2017 , 12:39 PM
House Intelligence Committee Chair: "FBI Needs to Explain Why It Was Recording Michael Flynn's Phone Calls"

I mean, there's an obvious answer to this but more concerning is THIS is what is the top priority of the House Intelligence Committee Chairman
02-14-2017 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Please specify what Obama policies expanded the powers of the CBP at the expense of our constitutional rights.
The expansion of police power has been essentially monotonic for decades, independent of who is in charge.
02-14-2017 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Wait, am I reading too much into this or is he basically saying that others were involved?
no thats exactly what he is saying.

throwing unnamed co-conspirators under the bus
02-14-2017 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
no thats exactly what he is saying.

throwing unnamed co-conspirators under the bus
It's a fairly convincing fake account.

If you notice the picture, he's only got 2 stars on his shoulder in it. A Lt. General wouldn't post an old pic of himself where he's one rank lower.

Pretty good troll job otherwise tho
02-14-2017 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Is this serious or satirical? Either way, I laughed.
Grunch, Noze is copypasting trumper statements he's finding online.
02-14-2017 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
those Flynn tweets are fake fyi
02-14-2017 , 12:48 PM
Trump is the worst POTUS. Would he have owned slaves? Duh. In the 80's he imported a crew of polish construction workers who were overseen by the mafia.
02-14-2017 , 12:50 PM
Trump does have a regular history of getting people to do work for him then not paying them.
02-14-2017 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
House Intelligence Committee Chair: "FBI Needs to Explain Why It Was Recording Michael Flynn's Phone Calls"

I mean, there's an obvious answer to this but more concerning is THIS is what is the top priority of the House Intelligence Committee Chairman
He is a complicit idiot. Fortunately his lack of character will magnify issues for congress and make it worse for them in the long term.

Also just saw the Secret Service Director just retired.
02-14-2017 , 12:51 PM
Every respectable journalist or member of the media and EVERY meaningful government official is verified on twitter these days. If someone isn't verified then treat it very suspiciously.
02-14-2017 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by vyken111
I hate these hyperbolic posts about worst Presidents. Eight Presidents owned slaves, Harding raided the treasury, two were complicit in 100k+ deaths in Vietnam, two ran on the PROMISE of end slavery (prior to Lincoln) then did absolutely nothing to stop it, one led a trillon-dollar unnecessary war... the list goes on... nothing Obama did or Trump has done yet qualify them to be in the lower half of "worst presidents" ... #DoYourResearch
You cant do historical analysis through a modern lens.

By this rationale, all presidents who owned slaves, were against desegregation, were against women's rights or were anti-homosexual would be judged as poor presidents. This is EVERY president. Social norms change which is why historians don't judge them based on today. We judge them based on the norms of the day.

Of course Trump would have owned slaves had he lived in 1850.

I conceded Trump has not done any one thing worse than some of the worst things others have done, but that is literally only a lack of time. All evidence points to him being on a trajectory to eclipse these.
02-14-2017 , 12:54 PM
Those Flynn tweets are from an unconfirmed account
02-14-2017 , 01:01 PM
I think people's ponies were swept away by a flood...
02-14-2017 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by vyken111
I hate these hyperbolic posts about worst Presidents. Eight Presidents owned slaves, Harding raided the treasury, two were complicit in 100k+ deaths in Vietnam, two ran on the PROMISE of end slavery (prior to Lincoln) then did absolutely nothing to stop it, one led a trillon-dollar unnecessary war... the list goes on... nothing Obama did or Trump has done yet qualify them to be in the lower half of "worst presidents" ... #DoYourResearch
Context might be useful to your assessment of behavior and character.

Is Trump better than Lincoln because he doesn't call black people negroes in public?

The problem with Trump and it was blatantly obvious in the election is he was and is wholly incompetent on every single level to be president.

He certainly has reached near the apex in least qualified people to preside of the United States relative to the time they lived.

We are dodging bullets matrix style and people are like Trump hasn't even hit anyone with a bullet yet.
02-14-2017 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I'm 98.5% sure Noze is a very liberal poster who's just copying and pasting from idiot alt-right comment streams - for our entertainment.
Oh, very cool
02-14-2017 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by markksman

We are dodging bullets matrix style and people are like Trump hasn't even hit anyone with a bullet yet.
8 year old girl in Yemen.
02-14-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by vyken111
I hate these hyperbolic posts about worst Presidents. Eight Presidents owned slaves, Harding raided the treasury, two were complicit in 100k+ deaths in Vietnam, two ran on the PROMISE of end slavery (prior to Lincoln) then did absolutely nothing to stop it, one led a trillon-dollar unnecessary war... the list goes on... nothing Obama did or Trump has done yet qualify them to be in the lower half of "worst presidents" ... #DoYourResearch
This is basically awval's stupid argument that we need to wait and let Trump actually destroy the country before we criticize him for anything. The point of those comments isn't to perfectly assign Trump's historical ranking in advance, it's to prevent him from destroying the damn country.
02-14-2017 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
House Intelligence Committee Chair: "FBI Needs to Explain Why It Was Recording Michael Flynn's Phone Calls"

I mean, there's an obvious answer to this but more concerning is THIS is what is the top priority of the House Intelligence Committee Chairman

House Intel Committee Chair apparently needs a crash course on the US Gov't eavesdropping capabilities STAT

Also all you have to know about Flynn is that he did what he did on the phone. Of course I'm no sure he's very good with the CYBERS

02-14-2017 , 01:08 PM
Why do I always get the feeling Republicans put people in charge of committees based on them knowing as little about the subject matter as possible?
02-14-2017 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Don't see any chance of that happening. If there's one thing establishment Democrats and the base is more or less united on it's probably this -- namely, the political efficacy and usefulness of lambasting Trump as a Russian tool. Even the left-libertarian wing like Greenwald et al aren't doing much to confront this anymore. I initially questioned the political wisdom of it but I mean the facts seem like they are more or less aligning with the fact the Trump Admin looks divided and inept on this very thing (Flynn lying to Pence, having to ditch the guy 3 weeks into the administration) if not moving toward proving some of the worst conspiracy theories. Even if like miraculously the Trump Admin is operating transparently and not totally co-opted by Russia, their guy just went down for potentially violating the Logan Act and lying about it. Like the Democrats basically have no choice here, the circumstances are going to force them to go all-in here. Presumably some internal GOP pressures will mount from the Graham McCain wing.

It's also tabloidy and sensationalist where you can dig deep and discover more ("BREAKING NEWS ALERT"). And now the media has genuine questions that need answering, namely: like, wait, why was Flynn lying to Pence et al? What did Trump know? Why did the Justice Department think Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail?

This story isn't going anywhere. At least probably not. Maybe Trump will get saved by some outside event or he'll have some REALLY good distraction zingers or whatever on Twitter. Maybe he's now planning to prosecute Hillary or maybe TEN MILLION PEOPLE voted fraudulently or maybe some celebrity looked at him sideways.
Stepping back and looking at the whole picture here - it seems lol level obvious Trump was communicating w Russia pre election and is likely compromised by them in some way. Does anyone actually dispute this?

It seems like one of those things where the implications are so intense and far-reaching that everyone kind of pretends it isn't there but uh yeah, this **** happened. Not a conspiracy.
02-14-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Why do I always get the feeling Republicans put people in charge of committees based on them knowing as little about the subject matter as possible?
ideology always supersedes experience or knowledge for the right. Experience and knowledge on a subject are considered detrimental.
02-14-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by True North
Does this seem like someone in firm control of their organization to you?

Kind of sucks that Trump pisssed off the entire judiciary. Going to make it harder to actual have him prove something was illegal. Poor Trump.
02-14-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
8 year old girl in Yemen.
Yeah my bad for forgetting that already.
02-14-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
You do realize in government "resigning" means Trump told him to he had to go and we can even pretend in 2+2 politics world that Bannon told Trump that he had to go, but it's the same thing, a forced resignation.

I'm sorry you didn't get to see Trump say "you're fired" to Flynn on TV though.
That's OK snowflake. I'm looking forward to when the American people say to Trump "You're Fired!"

Buckle up buttercup. #WinterIsComing
