Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Democrats better run 1 ****ing candidate in the primary in 4 years.
No, they just need some fresh faces. Clinton is officially dead, Biden would be pretty old in 2010, Sanders even older (and IMO, unelectable). The electorate have consistently shown that they don't require much in the way of qualifications or experience for the job; if anything they don't trust experience. A one-term Senator or Governor would work perfectly fine.
Kamala Harris in CA just took office but she checks a lot of boxes, name was thrown around for a Supreme Court appointment at one point also. Personable, obvious appeal to minority/women/younger demos in a way that Hillary couldn't fully energize. A horrible way to choose candidates but that's how it is these days.
Or they could just trot out some lukewarm because "it's their turn," and probably wind up in the same boat as Hillary, Gore, Kerry with their close losses. You'll get somebody like this in the primaries but you want them in the VP slot.