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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-02-2017 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by DTD
Shows what I know (being a Brit is my excuse) - I'd kind of assumed that there would have to be a new election given nobody would really have any sort of mandate to lead the country.
you know how your queen has a line of succession and there is maybe a Duke of Wherever that is 17th in line to the crown.

we have the same thing here for the president. Secretary of Agriculture is in there somewhere.
02-02-2017 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Yeah I'm sure Hillary would have hung up on Australia and allowed the Russians to take over more of the Ukraine. Six of one half a dozen of the other amirite?
Allowed maybe isn't the right way to put it. It's what they want. Their response is along the lines of eliminating sanctions. At some point Trump will be saying that The Ukraine has always been part of Russia and something like 45% of the country will be parroting that argument everywhere.
02-02-2017 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
JK, right? Impeachment would be devastating to the Republican Party.
Would it? Trump's very unpopular and broadly disapproved of. The other thing that would be very bad for the GOP is to have an unending parade of insane scandals and gaffes at the top of their party for the next four years. Might as well pull the band-aid off now and let the voters forget about it.
02-02-2017 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Would it? Trump's very unpopular and broadly disapproved of. The other thing that would be very bad for the GOP is to have an unending parade of insane scandals and gaffes at the top of their party for the next four years. Might as well pull the band-aid off now and let the voters forget about it.
Yea I'm definitely noticing a shift on Facebook. There's literally nothing Trumpkins are sharing on Facebook about the stuff Trump has been doing the past 2 weeks. Only the die hards are sharing the visiting the SEAL family. But other than that, I haven't seen much.

These people went from Benghazi, Emails, Put her in Jail!, Rigged! to being excited about Jan 20th and then since then, silence has set in for the most part.
02-02-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Trump wants to be Putin. They'll be buddies until Putin no longer has any use for Trump at which point he'll backstab America and destroy it from within.
From within? The way things go now Putin may become the leader of the alliance against the USA. Trump is escalating the situation with a lot of potential enemies and alienating his allies as well. If Trump gets his way and he manages to drop out of the UN, the US is pretty much isolated.
02-02-2017 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Would it? Trump's very unpopular and broadly disapproved of. The other thing that would be very bad for the GOP is to have an unending parade of insane scandals and gaffes at the top of their party for the next four years. Might as well pull the band-aid off now and let the voters forget about it.
The stigma of having your party's president impeached would almost certainly damage the party for a generation.

I agree that the potential downside for the GOP is bad, but in order to intentionally choose to endure everything that comes with impeachment, the negatives of keeping him in office would have to be glaring. You don't jump out of the window before you feel the heat of the flames.
02-02-2017 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
The stigma of having your party's president impeached would almost certainly damage the party for a generation.
More like 4 years.
02-02-2017 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I don't get it. People knew what they were getting when they voted for him. It's not as if the Muslims ban, Mexican wall, sabre rattling with Iran and childish tweets came out of nowhere.

Was it a protest vote gone wrong?
The media decided to act as if all that stuff was just fun and jokes, and he was really a serious Presidential candidate just putting on a bit of an act as a "goofy maverick."

Then the FBI cheated, Russia cheated, Trump most likely cheated, and he still lost by 2,900,000 votes but "won" by a strange fluke of a 200-year old system. Yeah he's not legitimate and we are going to continue protesting him and his minority regime until they're gone.

Last edited by einbert; 02-02-2017 at 04:53 PM.
02-02-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
More like 4 years.
Not in this circumstance. A generation is a stretch, sure, but Trump is the manifestation of modern conservative politics in ways that Nixon wasn't. It's harder for the party to separate themselves from him and his actions here. Moreover, there would be trickledown, and Dems could theoretically position themselves to do things like reverse the damage of gerrymandering. That alone could end the GOP as it is currently constructed.

That said, the only way he gets impeached is if it becomes widely accepted that Russia has compromised him. Nothing else that's currently on the table comes close.
02-02-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Not in this circumstance. A generation is a stretch, sure, but Trump is the manifestation of modern conservative politics in ways that Nixon wasn't. It's harder for the party to separate themselves from him and his actions here. Moreover, there would be trickledown, and Dems could theoretically position themselves to do things like reverse the damage of gerrymandering. That alone could end the GOP as it is currently constructed.

That said, the only way he gets impeached is if it becomes widely accepted that Russia has compromised him. Nothing else that's currently on the table comes close.
Except Repub voters overwhelmingly support Trump and that won't change unless a greater depression happens.
02-02-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Except Repub voters overwhelmingly support Trump and that won't change unless a greater depression happens.
It won't change then because that'll be all Obummers fault.
02-02-2017 , 05:01 PM
Guys, we could literally have a shooting war with China within months...
And how does that not escalate to nukes? wtf is going on?
02-02-2017 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Guys, we could literally have a shooting war with China within months...
And how does that not escalate to nukes? wtf is going on?
Originally Posted by Dominic
Guys, we could literally have a shooting war with Mexico within months...
And how does that not escalate to nukes? wtf is going on?
Originally Posted by Dominic
Guys, we could literally have a shooting war with Australia within months...
And how does that not escalate to nukes? wtf is going on?
Originally Posted by Dominic
Guys, we could literally have a shooting war with the EU within months...
And how does that not escalate to nukes? wtf is going on?
completed your posts...
02-02-2017 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Guys, we could literally have a shooting war with China within months...
And how does that not escalate to nukes? wtf is going on?
I think the smart money is on Iran.

But, we could skirmish with China w/o nuclear war.

The scary thing here though is that China may only have about 260 nuclear weapons and probably not that great at delivering them. Some psychopath could be thinking that we can eliminate any future threat of China and survive especially if we're teamed up with Russia.
02-02-2017 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I think the smart money is on Iran.

But, we could skirmish with China w/o nuclear war.

The scary thing here though is that China may only have about 260 nuclear weapons and probably not that great at delivering them. Some psychopath could be thinking that we can eliminate any future threat of China and survive especially if we're teamed up with Russia.
****, I forgot Iran
02-02-2017 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
I agree that the potential downside for the GOP is bad, but in order to intentionally choose to endure everything that comes with impeachment, the negatives of keeping him in office would have to be glaring. You don't jump out of the window before you feel the heat of the flames.
Yes.... exactly what this board needs another "Death of the Republican Party" thread. All the members of the Greek Chorus could chime in unison again :-) The first one was so prescient....
02-02-2017 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Yes.... exactly what this board needs another "Death of the Republican Party" thread. All the members of the Greek Chorus could chime in unison again :-) The first one was so prescient....
The party of Eisenhower is long since dead. We're now deciding whether the party of Goldwater/Reagan will live on or if Trump is going to kill it by completely ending party politics.
02-02-2017 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by d10
That may be the case but I fully expect there to be future missions that are directed from Trump without an understanding of the risks and it won't take many of those for the military community to realize he's getting people killed.
wonder how long they will be able to blame obama for these missions. at least 2 years is my guess. ya mark it down. every single one will be a plan that obama designed.
02-02-2017 , 05:22 PM
A war with Iran would be like a war with would be fought in Iran, not here. Completely conventional. If it's China, where exactly would that war be fought? You think China would allow hostile American ground forces in their territory without some major nuke response?

War with Australia could be done fairly easy. Just have a few people from both sides meet somewhere in the middle - like Tahiti - and they can arm wrestle some while drinking some brews.
02-02-2017 , 05:26 PM
So wait a sec...did Spice actually accuse Iran of firing on an American war ship? And the Pentagon has denied this happened? Are they actually trying to bait Iran into a shooting war? Why? Pave over the place and take their oil, I guess?
02-02-2017 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
A war with Iran would be like a war with would be fought in Iran, not here. Completely conventional. If it's China, where exactly would that war be fought? You think China would allow hostile American ground forces in their territory without some major nuke response?

War with Australia could be done fairly easy. Just have a few people from both sides meet somewhere in the middle - like Tahiti - and they can arm wrestle some while drinking some brews.
Not really. The Iranians would actually fight back in all likelihood.
02-02-2017 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
A war with Iran would be like a war with would be fought in Iran, not here. Completely conventional. If it's China, where exactly would that war be fought? You think China would allow hostile American ground forces in their territory without some major nuke response?

War with Australia could be done fairly easy. Just have a few people from both sides meet somewhere in the middle - like Tahiti - and they can arm wrestle some while drinking some brews.
Well, if you were planning a war with China you'd probably start building out an extensive anti-ballistic missile defense system and claiming it's only about North Korea.

New US Defense Secretary James Mattis on Thursday defended the planned deployment of a missile defense system in South Korea, saying only North Korea had anything to fear from it.
Again, I'm not saying that's what we're planning. Just dystopian fiction I hope.
02-02-2017 , 05:27 PM
So I got banhammered for like two days and Trump:

Pissed off Australia for no reason
Pissed off Mexico for no reason
Ignored Russian aggression in Ukraine
Eased sanctions on Russia
Gave a speech treating christians as an oppressed minority
Made a pathetic joke about the apprentice
Launched an attack in Syria in which a navy seal and many civilians were killed, including children. Oh and we had to destroy a $75 million plane
Notified Iran that they are "on watch"
Tried to repeal Johnson Amendment, letting churches participate financially in politics

What else did I miss?
02-02-2017 , 05:29 PM
you missed SCOUTS nom apparently started a fascist club in HS.
02-02-2017 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
War with Australia could be done fairly easy. Just have a few people from both sides meet somewhere in the middle - like Tahiti - and they can arm wrestle some while drinking some brews.
This please:
