Originally Posted by SeeTheMirage
Not sure which promise you're singling out. He certainly hasn't made true on every promise he made yet but he hasn't thrown a curveball either. I'm not claiming he is god's gift to the earth, he certainly isn't. So far he's already made multiple decisions that make me cringe, the immigration issue being the most notable, and we're only ~10 days in, but he told us he would make those decisions months ago, that's standing by his word
My whole point is that 2+2 is completely uninterested in any opinion that isn't "**** Trump" and that puts 2+2 in the same category as Trump. "My opinion only and everyone else be damned".
The thing is he really isn't standing by his word, he's just pretending to.
Like if he really believes that banning Muslims is a thing that will lead to better security and safety for Americans then WHY DOESN'T HE JUST DO IT? Slap an EO out there and ban anyone from any Muslim majority country from entering the country and include a provision that ICE can check through people's belongings and phones to determine if they're Muslim and ban them too.
The answer of course is because that's impossible, because doing such a thing is stupid, unconstitutional, and would severely damage the USA's standing in the world's community. This is understood by anyone with even a remote understanding of how the world works.
So, since you can't actually ban Muslims he does something that
looks like what he promised, by banning immigrants from the specific countries on the list, while leaving a bunch of other Muslim countries alone. So is Trump saying that Americans aren't under threats from countries like Indonesia, UAE or (lol)Pakistand or Saudi Arabia? Of course not, because that's nonsense. They also haven't come forward and said they had been briefed on some credible threat or something posed by those countries, so that's out too. Instead all they're doing is paying some lip service to the idea that this is just Trump making everyone safer.
The upshot is that it's clear what they were really doing all along was just throwing some red meat to their base, trying to bolster the image of Trump as this guy that's finally going to come into office and actually do things. And of course as a means to that end it worked perfectly, the right wing is falling all over itself to praise Trump as a 'man of action' or 'no nonsense' guy since the EO was signed. And why? Well the answer to that is clear too, because they're mostly suckers who buy into anything Trump does, which he and his team are very well aware of.
The really bad part for anyone who understands the complexity of governance is how badly they really screwed this up though. Not only did they throw the order together with no thought for unintended consequences but they also put people like the Sec State, Sec Def, and Sec Commerce in bad places when they finally take office and have to work in this environment. And that's not even taking into account the fact that judges are issuing stays and CBP staff might be finding themselves in contempt over them and all of that good stuff that's going to play out here over the next few weeks.
In short it's governance by lies followed by **** show followed by **** show. Exactly what we expected from Trump all along.