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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-30-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Hammerin Hank
I read an article in PJ Media that linked the JFK protestors through tweets to

You may think PJ Media is a hate site and this will be insufficient to satisfy you. I really have no idea.

I have withdrawn the Soros claim. The point of my OP was that there is a poll that shows there is public support for the policy.
But the impact of your post was that we all know you were raised in an environment that makes you believe horrific anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

And you still believe them, you're just too much of a coward to defend them.
01-30-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I feel like I have been letting Trump supporters off the hook for their dumbness the last couple days.

However #BoycottStarbucks refilled the dummy reservoir. Starbucks announced they would provide 10k jobs worldwide to refugees and they start a boycott and say "we got mericans and vets who need those jerbs".

Hey dummy dumbersons you are too dumb too even work at Starbucks if you can't comprehend what "worldwide" means.
I tend to agree about Trumpkins getting off lightly when you see their typical responses to this. It's pitiful.
01-30-2017 , 07:33 PM

01-30-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by th14
Too bad the last person at the WH with a spine is about to get fired!
01-30-2017 , 07:35 PM
Was going to post that, they're talking on cnn like she's done for
01-30-2017 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Isn't it funny how those that complain about the gentle snowflakes on the left are the ones to be hurt by words?
Yeah we lost one in POG politics today because he was too hurt being called a racist after posting racist things to continue posting anymore.

This is a guy who rails against safe spaces as if they are the worst thing to happen to the western world
01-30-2017 , 07:38 PM
And Hank was so proud of his refugee ban poll, too. What a tragedy
01-30-2017 , 07:41 PM
US AG won't defend immigration order in court. This is what I said yesterday about lawyers refusing to defend unconstitutional laws.
This is big and Trump is screwed.
01-30-2017 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by prana
Washington state suing Trump.

Washington shouldn't be in the union. They are ruining the rest of America. Sad!
Woot. Go home team! Kick his ass sea...salmon!
01-30-2017 , 07:43 PM
Well they're currently threatening to purge the State Department of all dissent, so this is all obviously fine.
01-30-2017 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
Oh and airport congestion this weekend was caused by a delta computer glitch, not thousands of angry protesters.

Computer glitch!
Delta doesn't serve this terminal.
01-30-2017 , 07:45 PM
To be fair Soros is just the right's version of the Koch brothers, i.e. big scary members of the donor class inflicting their un-American ideas on an unsuspecting populace. There's the (((angle))) as well but it's not ubiquitous.
01-30-2017 , 07:46 PM
Yup, we could celebrate or be sad that we blew our one time here.
01-30-2017 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
US AG won't defend immigration order in court. This is what I said yesterday about lawyers refusing to defend unconstitutional laws.
This is big and Trump is screwed.
Temporary AG who was appointed by Obama.

And lawyers are only relevant if there's the rule of law. If cops just say, "I report to Donald J. Trump" waaf.
01-30-2017 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
US AG won't defend immigration order in court. This is what I said yesterday about lawyers refusing to defend unconstitutional laws.
This is big and Trump is screwed.
Seems incredibly premature to say that Trump is screwed. He isn't screwed if he can just purge dissent and install a bunch of lackeys.
01-30-2017 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
To be fair Soros is just the right's version of the Koch brothers, i.e. big scary members of the donor class inflicting their un-American ideas on an unsuspecting populace. There's the (((angle))) as well but it's not ubiquitous.
That's false equivalency. The actual, real world influence of the Kochs' money >>>>>>> Soros' money, it is much more hidden, and much more disingenuously spent.
01-30-2017 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Temporary AG who was appointed by Obama.

And lawyers are only relevant if there's the rule of law. If cops just say, "I report to Donald J. Trump" waaf.
And Sessions expected to be confirmed tomorrow.
01-30-2017 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by SeeTheMirage
Not sure which promise you're singling out. He certainly hasn't made true on every promise he made yet but he hasn't thrown a curveball either. I'm not claiming he is god's gift to the earth, he certainly isn't. So far he's already made multiple decisions that make me cringe, the immigration issue being the most notable, and we're only ~10 days in, but he told us he would make those decisions months ago, that's standing by his word

My whole point is that 2+2 is completely uninterested in any opinion that isn't "**** Trump" and that puts 2+2 in the same category as Trump. "My opinion only and everyone else be damned".
The thing is he really isn't standing by his word, he's just pretending to.

Like if he really believes that banning Muslims is a thing that will lead to better security and safety for Americans then WHY DOESN'T HE JUST DO IT? Slap an EO out there and ban anyone from any Muslim majority country from entering the country and include a provision that ICE can check through people's belongings and phones to determine if they're Muslim and ban them too.

The answer of course is because that's impossible, because doing such a thing is stupid, unconstitutional, and would severely damage the USA's standing in the world's community. This is understood by anyone with even a remote understanding of how the world works.

So, since you can't actually ban Muslims he does something that looks like what he promised, by banning immigrants from the specific countries on the list, while leaving a bunch of other Muslim countries alone. So is Trump saying that Americans aren't under threats from countries like Indonesia, UAE or (lol)Pakistand or Saudi Arabia? Of course not, because that's nonsense. They also haven't come forward and said they had been briefed on some credible threat or something posed by those countries, so that's out too. Instead all they're doing is paying some lip service to the idea that this is just Trump making everyone safer.

The upshot is that it's clear what they were really doing all along was just throwing some red meat to their base, trying to bolster the image of Trump as this guy that's finally going to come into office and actually do things. And of course as a means to that end it worked perfectly, the right wing is falling all over itself to praise Trump as a 'man of action' or 'no nonsense' guy since the EO was signed. And why? Well the answer to that is clear too, because they're mostly suckers who buy into anything Trump does, which he and his team are very well aware of.

The really bad part for anyone who understands the complexity of governance is how badly they really screwed this up though. Not only did they throw the order together with no thought for unintended consequences but they also put people like the Sec State, Sec Def, and Sec Commerce in bad places when they finally take office and have to work in this environment. And that's not even taking into account the fact that judges are issuing stays and CBP staff might be finding themselves in contempt over them and all of that good stuff that's going to play out here over the next few weeks.

In short it's governance by lies followed by **** show followed by **** show. Exactly what we expected from Trump all along.
01-30-2017 , 07:54 PM

The fake WH account isn't even a good fake account. Homie anyone at 2p2 could've taught you how to mimic how racists talk better than that!
01-30-2017 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
I've been watching the news pretty much since yesterday nonstop. I'm pretty sure this isn't healthy for me but I can't stop. This is all so horrifying. I've been really trying to find the good in any of this but I can't.

Got this email from lyft yesterday and it made me feel better:
You do know that Carl Icahn and Peter Theil are on Lyft's board, right?
01-30-2017 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Seems incredibly premature to say that Trump is screwed. He isn't screwed if he can just purge dissent and install a bunch of lackeys.
Sure, Sessions can defend it if confirmed, but cat is out of the bag, optics are terrible, Trump learns EOs don't defend themselves, and career DOJ lawyers are presented a choice between law and loyalty, and plays into SCt nomination.

Trump now has to fire her.
01-30-2017 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by th14

Maybe trump is trying to get impeached as quickly as possible ?

One thing he hated on the apprentice was quitters. So maybe he really does want to get fired.
01-30-2017 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
That's false equivalency. The actual, real world influence of the Kochs' money >>>>>>> Soros' money, it is much more hidden, and much more disingenuously spent.
This isn't true outside the US.
01-30-2017 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
To be fair Soros is just the right's version of the Koch brothers, i.e. big scary members of the donor class inflicting their un-American ideas on an unsuspecting populace. There's the (((angle))) as well but it's not ubiquitous.
Adelson might fit better than the Koch brothers given the shared religion (or ethnicity I don't know how either worship)
01-30-2017 , 08:02 PM
My view from abroad is that the cleavage of Trump presidency will be cosmopolitan values against parochialism. That seems to play right into the hands of both Trump and the establishment of the Democratic Party.
I basically expect Trump to push for mild fascism and activist managing to keep it under control which of course it's a complete disaster.

In order from Trump to be put under real pressure you need to hit him where it really hurts. The white working class. The problem is that the only person that understands that is Bernie Sanders.
