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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-21-2017 , 12:18 PM

I think you'll struggle to find a Dem politician campaigning to do things, not merely that they don't intend to do, but which are dangerous, insane and borderline impossible. This stuff matters because its this sort of rhetoric which has encouraged the GOP base to become unmoored from reality.

There was a lot packed into my "holy ****" comment but part of it was the astonishing level of contempt in which Perry and others like him hold their supporters. There were a number of ways Perry could have played his 2012 proposals, he could have just admitted to campaign hyperbole. Instead he is apparently confident that cheerfully admitting to having no idea what the DOE does before accepting the job won't bother his base at all. The depressing thing is that he is pretty much a lock to be correct.
01-21-2017 , 12:22 PM
Rollwave admits to semantiking cheerfully. Let's ignore him, shall we?
01-21-2017 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Rollwave admits to semantiking cheerfully. Let's ignore him, shall we?
Winner. At least VM had an awesome avatar.
01-21-2017 , 12:35 PM
From the Trump inauguration speech, written by Steve Bannon (ran Breitbart, propaganda outlet for neo-nazis/white supremicists/etc):
We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capitol, and in every hall of power. From this day forward a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward it's going to be only America first.
01-21-2017 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by pk_nuts
The outgoing Obama Administration announced the FHA insurance cut on January 9, from 0.85 percent of the mortgage price to 0.60 percent.
you do realize that the rate when Trump took office was still 0.85% right? 0.60% didn't go into effect at the time of the announcement.
01-21-2017 , 12:43 PM
NYT: Betsy DeVos Won’t Shed Stake in Biofeedback Company, Filings Show

Betsy DeVos, the billionaire school choice advocate selected by President Donald J. Trump to serve as education secretary, is a strong supporter of using biofeedback technology to help children and teenagers enhance their performance in school.

Ms. DeVos and her husband, Richard DeVos Jr., are major financial backers of Neurocore, a Michigan company that operates drug-free “brain performance centers” that claim to have worked with 10,000 children and adults to overcome problems with attention deficit disorder, autism, sleeplessness and stress.

In an agreement with the Office of Government Ethics made public Friday, Ms. DeVos said that she had stepped down from the Neurocore board but that she would retain her financial interest in the company. She valued that stake at $5 million to $25 million in her financial disclosure statement.
I'm totally sure she won't use her position as Secretary of Education to increase the value of that stake significantly. Just THE BEST people here.

Originally Posted by adios
LOL Obama and HRC were opposed to gay marriage but their stances "evolved" but Perry is outright pandering, got it.
Not enough lols in the world at adios thinking this is a decent argument as he presses "post reply"
01-21-2017 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
you do realize that the rate when Trump took office was still 0.85% right? 0.60% didn't go into effect at the time of the announcement.
Yes, everyone knows, and they all still think you're posting like a moron
01-21-2017 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Truthfully the only real hope here is that the US Constitution does its job and Trump isn't able to do anything along the lines of Idi Amin or Hitler.

And I have no doubt that he'll try, make no mistake.
The ****? The Constitution is ****ing powerless, bro. It means nothing if Trump's DOJ and the GOP Congress don't affirm that it means something. Thus far, we have zero indication that they give any ****s about any clauses that would hold them back. There is only forcing them to care, or getting out of their way. Waiting for "the Constitution" is lol.
01-21-2017 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I think you'll struggle to find a Dem politician campaigning to do things, not merely that they don't intend to do, but which are dangerous, insane and borderline impossible. This stuff matters because its this sort of rhetoric which has encouraged the GOP base to become unmoored from reality.
regarding intention - i disagree. yea sure maybe if the dems had control of both houses and presidency, they might try to do some things. But this time around, they knew full well that they were not getting the house, and they absolutely made claims for things they would do that they knew 100% that would never get through the house.

if you don't like 'intend', then rephrase as 'knew they would never be able to do because other parts of the govt wouldnt let them. so they probably would never even really waste their time seriously pushing for it beyond token attempts to keep the base happy'.

regarding dangerous, insane, impossible - closing a department doesn't have to be any of those things. it doesn't have to mean that all of a sudden nothing that department did before happens anymore.

it can simply mean shifting their responsibilities to other departments and cutting out any overlap in administrative beurocracy. i doubt it makes sense to do this with energy because at some point specialized administration becomes more efficient than broad, but your idea of dangerous, insane, seems like you are jumping to the conclusion that stuff just stops instead of being merely reassigned, which may be strawmanning the situation.

Originally Posted by ChrisV
There were a number of ways Perry could have played his 2012 proposals, he could have just admitted to campaign hyperbole. Instead he is apparently confident that cheerfully admitting to having no idea what the DOE does before accepting the job won't bother his base at all. The depressing thing is that he is pretty much a lock to be correct.
yep, underlined would have clearly been best route.

but yep as is, he's pretty clearly a horrible choice here. again, you are preaching to choir here.
01-21-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
How does raising insurance payments on FHA loans advance Trump's mission to help the little guy?
Because it contributes to fewer homes bought by those in the middle class which then allows rich people to buy those houses and rent them out. Then the rich people use that money to create jobs and MAGA
01-21-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
you do realize that the rate when Trump took office was still 0.85% right? 0.60% didn't go into effect at the time of the announcement.
I don't think anyone was aware of this. Why didn't you mention it before and save everyone the embarrassment and confusion?

In the future, you might want to just mindlessly spew this phrase out at every opportunity possible, just in case some poor soul hasn't yet experienced the divine inspiration of your clever turn of phrase.

01-21-2017 , 01:13 PM
I like how we're pretending that "I'll shut down the Department of Energy" meant anything other than "I'll deregulate gas and oil".
01-21-2017 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
NYT: Betsy DeVos Won’t Shed Stake in Biofeedback Company, Filings Show

I'm totally sure she won't use her position as Secretary of Education to increase the value of that stake significantly. Just THE BEST people here.
I dont get it. Do those people think there is no ethic problem or do they just not care. Furthermore. Even if it is hubris, they should know hit looks, and still dont care?

Last edited by JacktheDumb; 01-21-2017 at 01:21 PM.
01-21-2017 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
I dont get it. Do those people think there is no ethic problem or do they just not care. Furthermore. Even if it hubris, they should know hit looks, and still dont care?
They know that the only people who have the power to stop them are on their team and won't want to interfere with people on their team.
01-21-2017 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Klingbard

Diverting crisis info from expected sources of official information sounds like a bad idea. I'm sure the new administration is looking out for us though. Even the most desperate sycophant should have thought twice about this.
Totally hinged
01-21-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
you do realize that the rate when Trump took office was still 0.85% right? 0.60% didn't go into effect at the time of the announcement.
Thanks for clearing that up. Maybe you can clear something else up for me.

The Obama administration reduced the mortgage ins. premium form .085% to .060% effective feb. 9 2017?

So if the Trump administration had taken no action what would the the rate be on feb 9 2017? Forgive me if this seams remedial I'm a Liberal so i need a conservative to explain it to me so i can understand.
01-21-2017 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
you do realize that the rate when Trump took office was still 0.85% right? 0.60% didn't go into effect at the time of the announcement.
Since I work in this industry (mortgage) I will try to explain it to you again in simpler terms since you're either not getting it or trolling miserably. My guess is the latter. Anyway, a majority of companies anticipated the reduction in the upfront mortgage insurance premium on refinance and purchase loans that were set to close at the end of the month, in addition to the monthly reduction in the MI, partially to offset rates moving higher. This is somewhat in thanks to Trump's election victory, when the bond market went bat**** and the correlating mortgage interest rates went to two year highs. Now that the esteemed Ben Carson needs oh, probably about a year to learn about the department he is going to run, and Trump seems dead set on rolling back anything of Obama's that he can, those reductions are NOT taking place, thereby costing thousands of consumers a **** ton of money that they were NOT EXPECTING to pay. Since as you see, the plan had been put in place for them to take advantage of the new lower premiums, both monthly and upfront, this is now a detriment to anyone using the FHA program to refi or purchase a home that had hoped to save money.

The bottom line for where I work is we have about 200 loans that now need to get rolled back to re-sign or re-approve, since some of them were being underwritten at the new MI rates. Other friends in the same industry are going through the same issue.

Last edited by slidey1; 01-21-2017 at 01:34 PM. Reason: still early
01-21-2017 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The ****? The Constitution is ****ing powerless, bro. It means nothing if Trump's DOJ and the GOP Congress don't affirm that it means something. Thus far, we have zero indication that they give any ****s about any clauses that would hold them back. There is only forcing them to care, or getting out of their way. Waiting for "the Constitution" is lol.
God I hope you're wrong. I agree there wasn't much to be done about candidate Trump or president-elect Trump, but now that he's president he owns his actions and so do his cabinet picks. If they break the law or do not follow the constitution there will be consequences.

There's another thread with talk about citizens or the ACLU suing in place of the DOJ in case the Republican dominated congress refuses to act. Also, let's not forget that much of Trump's political philosophy is NOT GOP based. I'm sure he'll get all the GOP support he needs for things like defunding planned parenthood, the EPA, etc. But not so much with his rhetoric on NATO or free trade. So we'll see how many Republican friends and allies he really has or keeps in congress.

My main point is I hope you're wrong that our constitution is meaningless. He did not win the majority vote with less than 25% of eligible voters choosing him. The people still have a say even if it takes multiple continuous marches just like the women's march occurring today in record numbers over the next 4 years.
01-21-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb

How do you prove you didn't start one of these? Does this guy not realize this is exactly like asking Obama to prove he wasn't born in Kenya?
Which worked, by the way. The leading voice for the birthers is now in the Oval Office. I hope he spends the next four years and maybe the rest of his life disavowing claims like this. It will look great on him.
01-21-2017 , 01:41 PM
Who, Lestat? Who? DeVos's conflicts and incompetence are public knowledge. Name one GOP senator who has spoken out against her confirmation, let alone 3. And if they're not going to block her confirmation, why the **** would anyone expect them to block her once she's already in office?
01-21-2017 , 02:20 PM
Using the same logic that excused everyone ignoring what President-elect Trump did because he was still just a citizen until sworn in, Congress has to wait until Cabinet appointees are confirmed before they can stop them from doing anything.

Or something.
01-21-2017 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat

My main point is I hope you're wrong that our constitution is meaningless.
Just wanted to remind you that slavery becomes legal again if two thirds of the congress vote it in and 38 state legislatures agree.
01-21-2017 , 03:15 PM
Or if the police simply look the other way.
01-21-2017 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Just wanted to remind you that slavery becomes legal again if two thirds of the congress vote it in and 38 state legislatures agree.
Can you ask Mason for me if that would be good or bad for poker?
01-21-2017 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
NYT: Betsy DeVos Won’t Shed Stake in Biofeedback Company, Filings Show

I'm totally sure she won't use her position as Secretary of Education to increase the value of that stake significantly. Just THE BEST people here.

Not enough lols in the world at adios thinking this is a decent argument as he presses "post reply"
Not making an argument, pointing out hypocrisy and faux outrage.

