Originally Posted by ChrisV
I think you'll struggle to find a Dem politician campaigning to do things, not merely that they don't intend to do, but which are dangerous, insane and borderline impossible. This stuff matters because its this sort of rhetoric which has encouraged the GOP base to become unmoored from reality.
regarding intention - i disagree. yea sure maybe if the dems had control of both houses and presidency, they might try to do some things. But this time around, they knew full well that they were not getting the house, and they absolutely made claims for things they would do that they knew 100% that would never get through the house.
if you don't like 'intend', then rephrase as 'knew they would never be able to do because other parts of the govt wouldnt let them. so they probably would never even really waste their time seriously pushing for it beyond token attempts to keep the base happy'.
regarding dangerous, insane, impossible - closing a department doesn't have to be any of those things. it doesn't have to mean that all of a sudden nothing that department did before happens anymore.
it can simply mean shifting their responsibilities to other departments and cutting out any overlap in administrative beurocracy. i doubt it makes sense to do this with energy because at some point specialized administration becomes more efficient than broad, but your idea of dangerous, insane, seems like you are jumping to the conclusion that stuff just stops instead of being merely reassigned, which may be strawmanning the situation.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
There were a number of ways Perry could have played his 2012 proposals, he could have just admitted to campaign hyperbole. Instead he is apparently confident that cheerfully admitting to having no idea what the DOE does before accepting the job won't bother his base at all. The depressing thing is that he is pretty much a lock to be correct.
yep, underlined would have clearly been best route.
but yep as is, he's pretty clearly a horrible choice here. again, you are preaching to choir here.