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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

12-18-2012 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Originally Posted by rjoefish
People think CCW folks stop crime all the time. Hell, one dude even claimed ITT that a CCW dude stopped the mall shooting last week when the CCW dude's own words were basically 'I drew my gun, hid behind a pillar, didn't shoot because I was afraid of hitting someone else and ran off to hide in a store and shortly after the shooter killed himself.'

Like that's the type of stuff they take credit for.
At least this article had the nice touch of:

No, there was only one shooter. No, he was not white, he was Hispanic (Nick noticed that from a small gap of neck that was uncovered between the shirt and mask).
12-18-2012 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
In which I own you with your own article:
I can do this all day:

Horrific photos show Chinese protester crushed by steamroller: report
The man reportedly lay on the ground in protest of the government's attempt to take over his village and turn it into a commercial space.

Read more:

Please factcheck your factcheck next time.
12-18-2012 , 10:10 PM
rjoe, the best part was clearly this:

Knowing he had an armed person in the mall and that this was no longer his gun-free zone, the gunman avoided the Macy's Home Store and ended his rampage by fleeing to a service corridor and into the stairwell to the lower level. He then took his life
Jammed "gun free zone" reference into article achievement: unlocked
12-18-2012 , 10:12 PM
The guy was so afraid of a confrontation in which he could be shot he, uh, ran off and shot himself... Yeah, that's the story!
12-18-2012 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The bold is false.
meh it's essentially true
12-18-2012 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
The guy was so afraid of a confrontation in which he could be shot he, uh, ran off and shot himself... Yeah, that's the story!
Although I probably disagree almost entirely with the point of view of the person writing the article, I do think it's possible that potential mass-murderer would be scared off by another firearm. The guy wanted to kill himself, and being shot by someone else might have led him to just be incapacitated, not killed, which would lead to incarceration and not to the immediate death he was seeking.
12-18-2012 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by aiminglow
It boils down to how much do you trust government. People that want gun legislation have probably never been oppressed or lived in a centralized government/dictatorship.
Odd, then, that the demographic groups that oppose gun control in America are not demographics that have historically suffered any oppression. Maybe it's just that gun owners are wise beyond their meth-addled outer appearances and are looking out for the rest of us...

In China when they built their massive highways do you think they asked people who lived in the way? No, they just bulldozed their homes.

What about Russia ? - Stalin killed 20-50 million Russians.

People either lack perspective or have short memories.
OK, so here's my question:

When does America's world class stockpile of heavily armed rednecks spring into action and defend us from government tyranny?

When the government was treating blacks as second class citizens? When the government was putting Japanese people in internment camps? The red scare? The Native American genocide?

This marvelously well equipped (but not well regulated) militia... when do they start proving how necessary they are?
12-18-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by archimedes11
why hasn't that been in the news?
Maybe it got lost in the reports of the 100 or so people who have been victims of firearm-related deaths since the Newton massacre.
12-18-2012 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by flytrap
Although I probably disagree almost entirely with the point of view of the person writing the article, I do think it's possible that potential mass-murderer would be scared off by another firearm. The guy wanted to kill himself, and being shot by someone else might have led him to just be incapacitated, not killed, which would lead to incarceration and not to the immediate death he was seeking.
Dude was never closer than 15-20 yards (his words) and after seeing someone was behind him he ran off into a store. He said the guy knew he was there. So after seeing someone with a gun run off into a store this guy was still so afraid he ran down some side corridor and killed himself? I think it's much more likely he heard sirens/knew cops were close and that's what prompted his actions.
12-18-2012 , 10:18 PM
I'm pretty sure, from this thread and reading that NRA pamphlet, that the only thing that would activate the gunowners into open revolt is if they thought Obama was coming for their guns. So they need their guns to keep their guns?
12-18-2012 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by aiminglow
I can do this all day:

Horrific photos show Chinese protester crushed by steamroller: report
The man reportedly lay on the ground in protest of the government's attempt to take over his village and turn it into a commercial space.

Read more:

Please factcheck your factcheck next time.
Originally Posted by grando1.0
meh it's essentially true
Oh, so your standard of the oppressive eminent domain laws in China is exactly the same **** that happens in Soviet America? I guess if the Chinese guy who got steamrolled were in America, he could take potshots at federal officers before meeting a timely demise, That would be the difference.
12-18-2012 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
LOL, yeah like there are no gangs in China. It's only the place where organized crime was invented, ffs.
Are they all driving around the hoods of Beijing doing drive by's on a daily basis?
12-18-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Michael Dunn
Andrew Engeldinger
Kevin Cleeves

Really, really easy to find examples of people who flipped out in public, pulled out their trusty concealed carry weapons, and proceeded to commit murders that they otherwise might not have committed had they not had a gun within reach.
12-18-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I'm pretty sure, from this thread, that the only thing that would activate the gunowners into open revolt is if they thought Obama was coming for their guns. So they need their guns to keep their guns?
If it's time to bury them, it's time to dig them up.
12-18-2012 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Schwatt
Are they all driving around the hoods of Beijing doing drive by's on a daily basis?
No. They don't have guns.

Last edited by MrWookie; 12-18-2012 at 10:21 PM. Reason: EZ game.
12-18-2012 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Odd, then, that the demographic groups that oppose gun control in America are not demographics that have historically suffered any oppression. Maybe it's just that gun owners are wise beyond their meth-addled outer appearances and are looking out for the rest of us...

OK, so here's my question:

When does America's world class stockpile of heavily armed rednecks spring into action and defend us from government tyranny?

When the government was treating blacks as second class citizens? When the government was putting Japanese people in internment camps? The red scare? The Native American genocide?

This marvelously well equipped (but not well regulated) militia... when do they start proving how necessary they are?
Pretty awesome post, actually.
12-18-2012 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Pretty awesome post, actually.
12-18-2012 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Originally Posted by deleted DblBarrelJ post
Yea, whiny bitches who want to steal from me aren't gonna get much love from me. Sorry.

Now the kids, that's a tragedy.

You *******s, LMAO at your butthurt.

Because you're not butthurt the kids got killed.

You're butthurt Obama is too good of a human being to let you piss on those kids graves to sleep better at night.
lol DBJ
12-18-2012 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Odd, then, that the demographic groups that oppose gun control in America are not demographics that have historically suffered any oppression. Maybe it's just that gun owners are wise beyond their meth-addled outer appearances and are looking out for the rest of us...

OK, so here's my question:

When does America's world class stockpile of heavily armed rednecks spring into action and defend us from government tyranny?

When the government was treating blacks as second class citizens? When the government was putting Japanese people in internment camps? The red scare? The Native American genocide?

This marvelously well equipped (but not well regulated) militia... when do they start proving how necessary they are?
Just to play devil's advocate here, the rednecks probably were in favor of treating blacks as second class citizens, in favor of interring the Japanese, and in favor of the Native American Genocide. The Red scare is something they certainly didn't like, but there weren't exactly Soviets invading our shores.
12-18-2012 , 10:31 PM
I should amend my post. Real 'merica's landed Southern males have seen fit to rise, as one, in glorious armed rebellion one time that had nothing to do with guns.

It did have to do with a President from Illinois who they were afraid was trying to take their property, though.
12-18-2012 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Odd, then, that the demographic groups that oppose gun control in America are not demographics that have historically suffered any oppression. Maybe it's just that gun owners are wise beyond their meth-addled outer appearances and are looking out for the rest of us...

OK, so here's my question:

When does America's world class stockpile of heavily armed rednecks spring into action and defend us from government tyranny?

When the government was treating blacks as second class citizens? When the government was putting Japanese people in internment camps? The red scare? The Native American genocide?

This marvelously well equipped (but not well regulated) militia... when do they start proving how necessary they are?
when president blacky mc black black blacky black the radical socialist athiest muslim from kenya comes for their guns and bibles, of course.
12-18-2012 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Pretty awesome post, actually.

Real shame the gun enthusiasts all seem to be banned and unable to address the question aorn.
12-18-2012 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Odd, then, that the demographic groups that oppose gun control in America are not demographics that have historically suffered any oppression. Maybe it's just that gun owners are wise beyond their meth-addled outer appearances and are looking out for the rest of us...

OK, so here's my question:

When does America's world class stockpile of heavily armed rednecks spring into action and defend us from government tyranny?

When the government was treating blacks as second class citizens? When the government was putting Japanese people in internment camps? The red scare? The Native American genocide?

This marvelously well equipped (but not well regulated) militia... when do they start proving how necessary they are?
It's interesting that you and all the other intellectuals are delegating your responsibilities to all the red necks in America. Hopefully, they'll be there for you if you need them.
12-18-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I should amend my post. Real 'merica's landed Southern males have seen fit to rise, as one, in glorious armed rebellion one time that had nothing to do with guns.

It did have to do with a President from Illinois who they were afraid was trying to take their property, though.
Now we just need to tie in child labor some how, and we'll have the trifecta.
