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LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats? LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats?

01-18-2014 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Advance and guarantee are the same thing.
Maybe in England. Here the word is Advance and it is paid before publishing and it is usually non-refundable.
01-18-2014 , 03:47 AM
But ****ing LOL, Boss Hogg is tied to the Genovese crime family. I knew it.

For Christopher J. Christie, it was inescapably an uncomfortable family connection. Tino Fiumara, the brother of his aunt’s husband, was a fearsome and ranking member of the Genovese crime family: twice convicted of racketeering, sentenced to 25 years in federal prison, and linked by investigators to several grisly murders, including one in which a victim was strangled with piano wire.

Mr. Fiumara was nothing if not discreet. For example, it was not widely known that his brother was married to an aunt of Chris Christie, New Jersey’s governor.

When Mr. Christie became the United States attorney in New Jersey in 2002, his distant familial relationship led him to recuse himself from his office’s investigation into Mr. Fiumara. But Mr. Christie, who as a 29-year-old lawyer visited Mr. Fiumara in prison in 1991, did not disclose the tie when his office announced a plea bargain in that case.
just ****ing lol

you gotta read this: The Trouble With Chris Christie, by Chris Hedges whom some of you may like.
01-18-2014 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
the dude is like 5 letters away from having the sn 'jimmy rustle'

calm down folks
So what? Take the name Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald and what do you get?

Lee Oswald

01-18-2014 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Amanda Knox will write her side of the story, though. There's a story that people know about, she'll provide details and insight and such, and there's a demographic that will buy that ****.

What does Wildstein have to offer? What aspect of his role here creates a compelling plot with like, details that the public will want to know?

Jim, when they make a movie from Wildstein's book, who is going to be the main character? What's the element of drama? "Will the school kids be late on their first day?"
geesh, I'm not a screenwriter too, I'm just Woodward and Bernstein all wrapped in one and posting on a politarded poker forum.

Originally Posted by ikestoys
Not to mention the amanda knox story involves teenager group orgies and murder. This involves a bridge closure. One topic is a bit more interesting than the other for most people.
What will Amanda say about orgies and the murder? That she didn't do it.

And one is more important than the other. I doubt Amanda's book would be required reading anywhere.

How Christie ever made it this far is beyond me, but read Hedges article for some insight on that. Christie is the right-wing's and the media's wet dream -- another George Bush, but far worse. Totally ****ing corrupted from Day 1. He started as a corporate lobbyist in Trenton, going to bat for Bernie Madoff.

“There was the fact that Christie worked as a lobbyist on behalf of the Securities Industry Association at a time when Bernie Madoff was a senior SIA official—and sought an exemption from New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act,” Halperin and Heilemann wrote.
Christie makes Huey Long, Boss Hogg and Bush look like altar boys.

The Newark Star Ledger reported in February 2012 that critics accused Christie of turning the Port Authority into a patronage mill. Citing a document titled "NY/NJ Executive Referrals" the newspaper showed there were 35 new Port Authority hires directed by Christie during his first year in office. That's more than the last four governors combined, according to the paper.
How did NJ elect this bum -- twice -- just like Bush. Unbelievable.

But if you are following it at all, you can see that many in the media are not convinced that Jersey's Democrats will pursue this with the required vigor, because many of them either took handouts from Christie or are as corrupt as Christie himself. They keep asking the Jersey Dems if they will, and the looks on their faces do not instill confidence. Many of them look as terrified as Wildstein, or indifferent.
01-18-2014 , 04:53 AM
Just in case some didn't read the whole first article I linked:

And he says he stands by a 2007 remark that “the Mafia is much more prominent on HBO than in New Jersey.”
Yeah, no mafia in

He said that when he was the US Attorney for Jersey.

btw, Christie got his US Attorney job as a result of Rove's and Bush's cleansing of federal prosecutors, and he was then unleashed to find and convict Democrats for corruption, and that's about it.
01-18-2014 , 04:59 AM
Mr. Fiumara’s older brother, John, who lived in Livingston, a mile from the Christie home, was the second husband of Mr. Christie’s aunt, Mr. Christie said. He said that he recalled seeing Tino Fiumara at large parties at his aunt’s home when he was a boy.

By then, Mr. Fiumara had built an extensive and violent résumé in the underworld. Jerry Capeci of, has reported that Mr. Fiumara cut his teeth in the late 1960’s working for Ruggiero Boiardo, a top Genovese crime family member in New Jersey, known as Richie the Boot, who lived in a sprawling Livingston estate that became a model for the suburban home of the fictional character Tony Soprano.

Mr. Christie said he was 15 when he found out about Mr. Fiumara’s involvement in organized crime, in 1977, reading about it on the front page of The Star-Ledger. Two years later, Mr. Fiumara was sentenced to 20 years for extorting a Parsippany restaurateur.
I can't take it anymore, gonna get whacked before sunrise.
01-18-2014 , 05:00 AM
Alright dude, go to bed.
01-18-2014 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Christie is the right-wing's and the media's wet dream -- another George Bush, but far worse. Totally ****ing corrupted from Day 1.
So basically, another Obama?
01-18-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Peter Porker
So basically, another Obama?
01-18-2014 , 02:10 PM
Looks like Christie is playing for keeps:

Wall Street Journal reporter David Bird missing after going for a walk

Authorities in New Jersey are trying to find a Wall Street Journal reporter who went missing since Saturday.

btw, that thing I linked above quoted here:

...a top Genovese crime family member in New Jersey, known as Richie the Boot, who lived in a sprawling Livingston estate that became a model for the suburban home of the fictional character Tony Soprano.
Christie grew up in Livingston and graduated Livingston HS. But no mafia in Jersey, just on HBO, according to Christie. lol gtfo.

Richie the Boot was boss and mentor of Christie's family member, Tino Fiumara. In the 70's Tino controlled Jersey's unions and waterfront, as well as gambling, narcotics, extortion, you name it. By the mid 90's Tino was considered the New Jersey's "mafia powerhouse". Tino went on to be one member of a 3 man committee that controlled the Genovese crime family from 2005-2010. Christie visited Tino in a federal prison in Texas, saw Tino at family gatherings, and recused himself from criminal action against Tino, but according to Christie, mafia more prominent on HBO than in Jersey. I was laugheing in bed just thinking about that line. That pure chutzpah.

The Genovese crime family is one of the "Five Families" that dominate organized crime activities in New York City as part of the Mafia (or Cosa Nostra). The Genovese crime family has been nicknamed the "Ivy League" and "Rolls Royce" of organized crime. They are rivaled in size only by the Gambino crime family and are unmatched in terms of power. They have generally maintained a varying degree of influence over many of the smaller mob families outside of New York, including ties with the Patriarca, Buffalo and Philadelphia crime families.
Another funny thing is how Christie, during his presser, talked about how he runs his administration like a 'family'. Yeah, no **** Chris. And when someone rats on you or is a potential legal liability, you rub them out or fire them (with a gun?) without asking a single question. Got it.

P.S. Is that where the word 'fire' comes from? That's probably how they did it back then, before modern society and labor laws -- employees pissed the boss off, he just shot them or lit them on fire? lol
01-18-2014 , 02:14 PM
Hunt em down jim! Your internet sleuthing will crack this case!
01-18-2014 , 02:17 PM
So Kornacki broke a bombshell on his show this morning.

Christie's LT Gov put the muscle on Hoboken's Mayor Zimmer to fasttrack a real estate development or forfeit her $100M Sandy Relief monies. She refused and only got 300k, and she wrote about it in her diary and she has always been on the record saying good stuff about Christie. She finally had enough.

Christie top lieutenants said Sandy money ‘connected’ to redevelopment plan: Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer

Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno and community affairs commissioner Richard Constabile both made her offers she couldn’t confuse: Favor redevelopment and the Sandy money would flow. The mayor, who says she will testify under oath, recalls Constabile telling her, ‘if you move that (redevelopment) forward, the money would start flowing to you.'
What's amazing about that is that it is tied to Samson's law firm, Wolf and Samson. So it's even more likely than before that Samson is crooked, and if that's the case, forgetaboutit.

There's absolutely no possibility Christie becomes POTUS. So this isn't about that anymore. I'm just curious if he really did boink Bridget and whether or not Christie is the de facto head of the Genovese Crime Family.

Last edited by Jim Russell; 01-18-2014 at 02:22 PM.
01-18-2014 , 03:08 PM
This stuff is interesting without the fantasy land fairy tales of mob connections and hits on journalists.
01-18-2014 , 03:17 PM
Well the mob stuff appears to be legit. Just not in the Christie participated in any of it parts.
01-18-2014 , 03:41 PM
I find that it is easy to state the known, the stuff reported in newspapers and online, like SeattleLou and most others here do. Any stiff can do that. And it's often a bad idea, because then you only know and believe what you read somewhere. That's a recipe for disaster.

The trick is to be able to state the unknown, before it is widely known, without being wrong too often. So far, I'm doing ok.

Take the Boston Bombing stuff way back. Some British Mod locked the thread. Probably payback for the War.

But I said before it was widely reported in the news, or reported at all, that Tsarnaev def was responsible for the Waltham triple-homicide on 9/11/12, that FBI-Boston was corrupt and withholding facts, and that Tsarnaev's uncle was CIA-connected. All turned out to be true.

FBI-Boston and Mass Staties went to Orlando and shot Todashev 6 times, once in the back of the head. Still haven't explained why. Nobody cares because something something phone numbers.

Tsarni was married to the daughter of one of the highest ranking CIA chiefs. That's a fact. I never said CIA was behind Boston Bombing. That's dumb. But why does no one want to ask Tsarni and Fuller why Tsarnaev was allowed to easily enter and then stay in the US after running afoul of the law on several occasions?

The Christie playing for keeps was a joke, sort of. Need a bit more info. Learn more about Bird, his writing, his associates. The timing was odd tho: 2 days after Christie's presser.
01-18-2014 , 03:44 PM
Everybody has their own style. You enjoy writing political fan fiction? Knock yourself out.
01-18-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Christie is running the goram Governor's position like the mob where you either do him a favour or he will figuratively burn down your house carrying out revenge attacks on anyone who opposes him and you think this is not worth investigating? The only thing he doesnt seem to be doing is taking cash kickbacks, assuming his family wasnt paid from the Katrina money diverted to make adverts with his family in them to raise his profile.

There are politicians, power mad politicians and corrupt power mad politicians. When you get in the third group like Christie has you need to be removed regardless of whether you have a decent likelihood of becoming the most powerful person on the planet or not.
It was Sandy, not Katrina.

And there are 4 pointers in basketball.

And Phil, I take it you've given up on your misunderstanding of how book deals work in the US?

lol Brits
01-18-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Everybody has their own style. You enjoy writing political fan fiction? Knock yourself out.
Yours isn't a style, it's blind copy paste from whatever you think sounds good, with little understanding of its actual meaning or implications.

I mean, take a risk, voice an original opinion for once in your life that you didn't just read or hear on the radio.
01-18-2014 , 03:51 PM
Anyhoo. tootles, the politard is strong with y'all today...
01-18-2014 , 03:58 PM
i already got christie fatigue. i came out like gang busters in the tragic death thread. now these latest hoboken sandy stuff man its too much. im done until they start testifying. but that mayor of hoboken to steve karnaki was like hey man i will testify under oath, i will take a lie detector, i will answer any questions...will the gov's office do the same? seemed pretty confident.

christie and his admin watched too much soproano's, got drunk with power, and some notion of "how things are done in the real world" or whatever. i mean there is corruption, sure, but its not all house of cards all the time. and if it is, then u better not be reckless about it. but again, we dont even know wtf on the bridge. the basic who's or why's. but its exhausting at this point.
01-18-2014 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
So Kornacki broke a bombshell on his show this morning.

Christie's LT Gov put the muscle on Hoboken's Mayor Zimmer to fasttrack a real estate development or forfeit her $100M Sandy Relief monies. She refused and only got 300k, and she wrote about it in her diary and she has always been on the record saying good stuff about Christie. She finally had enough.

Christie top lieutenants said Sandy money ‘connected’ to redevelopment plan: Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer

What's amazing about that is that it is tied to Samson's law firm, Wolf and Samson. So it's even more likely than before that Samson is crooked, and if that's the case, forgetaboutit.

There's absolutely no possibility Christie becomes POTUS. So this isn't about that anymore. I'm just curious if he really did boink Bridget and whether or not Christie is the de facto head of the Genovese Crime Family.
This is a good scoop that will probably not get much attention ITT now that you've tarded up the last page of this thread.

A correction though, she asked for $100m, she wasn't ever promised that amount. Still, given the political connections to this special interest group and the pressure they were previously putting on Zimmer it's very believable that the Lt. Governor might have told her in no uncertain terms to cooperate or your town will face the consequences re: Sandy relief funds. And the fact that she recieved a pitiful amount of relief money given how hard her town was hit after not going through with this development plan is more reason to believe she is telling the truth, as is her willingness to testify under oath and take a lie detector test.

Needless to say, this is a bad time for Christie to be faced with another ugly scandal. Curious how he's going to talk his way out of this one.
01-18-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
It was Sandy, not Katrina.

And there are 4 pointers in basketball.

And Phil, I take it you've given up on your misunderstanding of how book deals work in the US?

lol Brits
Duh, yeah, Sandy.

Dunno what you are on about with the book stuff as I literally said exactly what you later said only using the term guaranteed payment instead of advance. But sure bro this guy is going to get a 5 million dollar advance about some not particularly interesting state level scandal which may bring down a governor and if it does will be old news by the time he could ink the deal.
01-18-2014 , 10:36 PM
Jennifer Rubin spent 2012 dutifully transcribing Romney campaign talking points and printing them as her column, but hopefully this **** is her freelancing and not the actual line Christie is going to take:

The Scandal is MSNBC, for putting that Mayor on TV to tell her story.

Edit: I don't think Rubin understands. Either way, MSNBC gets a story with that Mayor. Either Christie was being Christie, or the mayor of a decent sized American city just made up some incredibly serious allegations, which is in itself a scandal(though obviously a Dawn Zimmer scandal won't get the full mafia fan fiction treatment, it's still news).

Last edited by FlyWf; 01-18-2014 at 10:42 PM.
01-20-2014 , 12:42 AM
Seems weird how a new story comes out every 2-3 days.... wondering if that's standard for something like this or are people just leaking stuff just as the story exits the news cycle.
