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LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats? LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats?

01-20-2014 , 01:49 AM
Super standard.

Blood in the water.
01-20-2014 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Seems weird how a new story comes out every 2-3 days.... wondering if that's standard for something like this or are people just leaking stuff just as the story exits the news cycle.
This reminds me of the Tiger Woods Bimbo Eruption.
01-20-2014 , 06:51 PM
The Lt. Governor had faux outrage at the mention of holding back sandy relief funds from mayors that won't play ball. It looked like a SNL parody.
01-20-2014 , 07:17 PM

Trenton is on fire, like burning to the ground in a 20 subpoena alarm inferno, and Fox News is talking about the Bachelor. This **** is awesome.

Forgot to mention one of the 20 subpoenas that went out to a staffer in Christie's office: Christina Genovese Renna, Director of Departmental Relations

Got a lot to tell, but I got a book to write. Cheddar, bitches!
01-20-2014 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
The Lt. Governor had faux outrage at the mention of holding back sandy relief funds from mayors that won't play ball. It looked like a SNL parody.
This Lt Gov Guadagno is also a former prosecutor, and I already told you in my first post itt how corrupt prosecutors turned politicians are. No way does this Mayor Zimmer make up this story and submit written journals that can be forensically dated so that she can sit in jail.
01-20-2014 , 08:28 PM
they just played the video on hardball. chris matthews says the lt gov looked like she was a hostage or POW reading a ransom note. the notebook that zimmer turned in, they showed the written pages, she uses this spiral noteboook for her daily diary. haley barbour evidently suggested she went back recently and added those pages. doesnt seem possible. she would have to had left out the pages way back then.

they went back to lt gov, and they are laughing at her on Hardball. like high school crap. and way to not take questions there lt gov, i mean one gal is 2 hours before US attorneys, willing to testify under oath, and you read that lawyered up crap and cant answer one question?
01-20-2014 , 08:40 PM
Jim, you seem to have a boner over this. What do you think is the end result? Oviously more heads will roll in his administration but will it cost Christie his job? Does he resign?
01-21-2014 , 12:14 AM
zomg the burning truth, a woman's diary!11111!!!!eleventyone!
01-21-2014 , 01:18 AM
The "burning truth" will be her sworn testimony. Her diary just corroborates that. She also claims that she and another Christie rep were mic'd up when the same demand was made on another occasion. Ruh roh if a tape exists.

Olympian Carl Lewis Says Chris Christie Tried to Intimidate Him

Olympian Carl Lewis said on Monday that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie canceled a plan to give the track star a position after Lewis decided to run for state senate in 2011.

The nine-time Olympic gold medalist was reportedly set to serve as the state’s “fitness ambassador,” before he decided to run against a Republican incumbent in 2011. Yet when rumors began swirling about Lewis’ campaign, he told that he received a call from Governor Christie dissuading him from running.

“I thought it was going just fine. And when I started to run, when he talked to me on the phone that night, he said ‘If you run, we’re going to have to cancel the program,’” Lewis said.

The Lt. Gov's husband was elevated to NJ's appellate court in 2012. What could go wrong?

Michael Guadagno, Husband of Lt. Gov., Elevated to Appellate Judge

Previously he was a Family Court judge, but there he was of little use to Christie, the Port Authority and NJ's mob.
01-21-2014 , 01:26 AM
Nobody could possibly dissuade Carl Lewis from running.
01-21-2014 , 01:37 AM
LOL at the fat man cancelling a fitness program for political reasons. Is this real life or a Jay Leno joke?
01-21-2014 , 02:21 AM
I just happened to read the section of Double Down (sequel to Game Change) about Christie being vetted for the VP short list. Of the five candidates being looked at he was the only one who was difficult to get information from but, from what they saw, Romney's staff was appalled at how many scandals they found lurking. One noted that they would have destroyed Christie if he had entered the primary against them.
01-21-2014 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by Joss
I just happened to read the section of Double Down (sequel to Game Change) about Christie being vetted for the VP short list. Of the five candidates being looked at he was the only one who was difficult to get information from but, from what they saw, Romney's staff was appalled at how many scandals they found lurking. One noted that they would have destroyed Christie if he had entered the primary against them.
I definitely wouldn't put too much stock in the word of Romney campaign guys who just about bankrupted the campaign trying to destroy frothy and never learned how to poll the electorate correctly.

The most realistic thing I have heard is that Christie refused to answer questions and they hate him for several snubs inc his convention speech & the Sandy Obama hug stuff.
01-21-2014 , 10:36 AM
As this scandal extends well into its second week, Governor Chris Christie remains extremely overweight.
01-21-2014 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I definitely wouldn't put too much stock in the word of Romney campaign guys who just about bankrupted the campaign trying to destroy frothy and never learned how to poll the electorate correctly.
The problem for the Romney campaign was that they needed to resort to going full negative so often. As far as actually fire bombing another candidate, they were very effective at it. Look at the poll numbers for Santorum or Gingrich and how fast they tanked when Romney really went after them.

The book gives a number of specific examples on Christie problems that I did not copy here, it's not just a random assertion. I thought it was pretty interesting given recent events.
01-21-2014 , 03:38 PM
Apparently Christie was a single term county commissioner when he first ran for office in the 90s. Seems he pissed off the local republican party by running commercials saying that his primary opponents were being investigated by the DA when they weren't. They sued after the election and won. However, Christie was appointed US Attorney by Bush after doing significant fundraising and was able to rehabilitate his career (though many say he was unduly aggressive prosecuting politicians for things much less significant than he is accused if.) Christie reminds me of a saying, "Good from far, but far from good." Also, not to pile on, but his insane seeming wife must have a hell of a personality because I believe he married her before he somehow became morbidly obese.

Judging from the interviews he's done on Maddow, the chair of the NJ committee investigating the bridge/Port Authority will run circles around Christie and his team.
01-21-2014 , 07:29 PM
The Romney campaign has no real reason to lie about the reasons they didn't pick Christie, it's not like they are referencing fiction. Corzine tried to run with them back in 2009, but he was such a scumbag himself they never got any traction. It'd be a different story in a Presidential race
01-21-2014 , 09:13 PM
This was very good:

Greg Palast | Christie and Koch in Cahoots? It's Time to Subpoena the Committee for Our Children's Future

And the links in that article are very good, especially this one:
01-22-2014 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Christie is running the goram Governor's position like the mob where you either do him a favour or he will figuratively burn down your house carrying out revenge attacks on anyone who opposes him and you think this is not worth investigating?
So I post two NYT articles actually connecting Christie to the mob, not just to the mob, but to the actual leader of the biggest and most powerful mafia family in the US, with his homebase in New Jersey, and who is actually in the same family as Christie, went to family gatherings with Christie, whose US attorney's office prosecuted his criminal case, and had Christie visit him in prison, and your response is:

Originally Posted by [Phill]
This stuff is interesting without the fantasy land fairy tales of mob connections and hits on journalists.
Uh, wat?

Unlikely that the head of the most powerful mafia family in New Jersey does not gain financially or legally from a family member who happens to be the US attorney of New Jersey and then the governor of NJ. It's not really even a choice Christie would get to make.

Fortunately he died in 2010. And it's not at all uncommon for the FBI and CIA to work together with the mafia, so perhaps he got a pass for informing on Russian, Chinese, Korean mobs etc, but Tino was not one to let a goldmine like Christie remain untouched:

One mob boss due for release is Tino Fiumara, the powerful Genovese family chieftain so feared by colleagues that he was rarely referred to by name - only as "T" or "the good-looking guy."

In his prime, Fiumara controlled much of the Newark waterfront for the Genovese family. Stories of his quick temper and refusal ever to be outdone are still told by guys on the outside.

He was linked by law enforcement authorities to numerous murders, including the piano-wire strangulation of an associate and the shooting of a childhood friend, when he was convicted of racketeering in the early 1980s. He was released on parole in 1999, but federal agents succeeded in sending him back to jail for associating with known felons, a violation of his parole terms.

Fiumara is slated for release again in June, and both law enforcement and organized crime are bracing for his return.

"He is one of the smartest and most ruthless mob figures New Jersey has ever produced," said one mob expert. "He is the kind of guy who could pick up right where he left off."
If it meant taking Jersey back from the Dems, I don't doubt that Rove, Bush and their gaggle of billionaires wouldn't bat an eyelash at a little mafia vote hustling for the GOP family. No, they would look the other way.

That's why Christie had the balls to say that there was more mafia on HBO than in Jersey.

And he says he stands by a 2007 remark that “the Mafia is much more prominent on HBO than in New Jersey.”
No honest, non-crooked US attorney for Jersey would say that.

Last edited by Jim Russell; 01-22-2014 at 01:53 AM.
01-22-2014 , 08:08 AM
There's plenty of scandals to bury Christie right now without having to jump the shark on possible mob connections. Unless you have actual evidence of him acting on any mafia ties shut the **** up because you're undermining the actual wrongdoings him and his administration have committed.
01-22-2014 , 12:27 PM
yeah, i saw the AP report today. State lawmakers to drop probe into Christie and await outcome of internet forum investigations.
01-22-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
yeah, i saw the AP report today. State lawmakers to drop probe into Christie and await outcome of internet forum investigations.
01-22-2014 , 11:34 PM
fbi interviewing mayor's staff...this from msnbc michael isokoff

The two Zimmer aides are among at least five witnesses who Zimmer told the FBI could confirm that she had previously told them about the conversation she says she had with Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno last May. Zimmer has alleged that during that conversation in a parking lot, the lieutenant governor linked Sandy funding to backing of the development project


David Mello, a member of the Hoboken City Council, told NBC News that Zimmer told him about the Guadagno conversation last summer, either in late July or early August as they were walking home after an event. “I distinctly remember [Zimmer] saying that the lieutenant governor said, ‘If this came out, she would deny it,’” he said

Last edited by anatta; 01-22-2014 at 11:44 PM.
01-22-2014 , 11:57 PM
I believe it was Let's Gambool who stated to Steelehouse, "Don't think outside the box. The box, it's for you."
01-23-2014 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I believe it was Let's Gambool who stated to Steelehouse, "Don't think outside the box. The box, it's for you."
Lou, you couldn't think your way outta a wet paper bag, let alone a box.

Pulling for the Seahawks, tho. Good Luck with that...seriously.

Christie's henchman shut down tailgate parties tho, more money for Met Life concessionaires. Christie gonna Christie...that's how the Genoveses roll..
