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LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats? LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats?

01-12-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I think you are highly, highly overestimating the typical voter's ability to remember a story from almost three years ago that didn't affect them at all.
Dude, homie on your side like a page ago was nursing a grudge that Obama called the Cambridge police "stupid" for arresting a professor in his own house.
01-12-2014 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I mean, that may be true with this story if no smoking gun ever turns up because it won't be a huge deal if it's never linked to Christie, but lol at making that blanket statement. BENGHAZIIIII didn't affect the typical voter personally and it would 100% be the right's biggest rallying cry against Hilldog 2016, four years after it happened.
Well, that kind of proves the point really imo. There's going to be some story that will spread through internet sites that is relatively minor but would be reported over and over again until everyone in that small group would know it. Outside of the small part of the very active right, no one will really remember it. Furthermore, I don't think it will be the biggest rallying cry. It'll most likely be something else.
01-12-2014 , 10:20 PM
I can see the commercial now:

Honking horns and traffic jams.

Replay the clip of Christie mocking everyone about moving orange cones.

List all the people who resigned.

Spray Bridget's email.

Maybe mention the 92 year-old who died.

More honking horns and traffic jams.

Christie eating donuts and laughing.

Game over.
01-12-2014 , 10:31 PM
Another commercial could have tons of screaming and crying kids trapped in a school bus on their first day of school sitting in a 2 hour traffic jam.

Then show Christie mocking people again.

More kids crying and screaming.

Frantic parents trying to calm their kids on cell phones.

Fire, EMT and police stuck in bridge traffic.

Kids crying.

Christie or Christie's staff laughing and mocking.

Oh yeah, point out that it all went down on 9/11 anniversary.
01-12-2014 , 10:47 PM
I can't ever remember why the Gates thing was supposed to be a scandal for Obama.
01-12-2014 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I can't ever remember why the Gates thing was supposed to be a scandal for Obama.
lol do you mean his book?
01-12-2014 , 11:10 PM
I can't remember...did Romney run Benghazi, IRS, fast and furious ads?

Seriously, I can't remember.

Or did he just run We built this we built that ads?
01-12-2014 , 11:17 PM
I guess Benghazi occurred too close to the election for all the scandal-turfers to surface.

meh, yeah the IRS deal was after the election. Seems so long ago.

I can't remember what commercials Romney ran at all.

Last edited by Jim Russell; 01-12-2014 at 11:24 PM.
01-12-2014 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I can't ever remember why the Gates thing was supposed to be a scandal for Obama.
POTUS feminized us all having a beer with those chaps.
01-13-2014 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I know most people won't read this because lol deuces, but it's highly entertaining and I definitely recommend it.
Yeah I gave it a second look after the my usual tldr reaction. It is entertaining.
01-13-2014 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I can't ever remember why the Gates thing was supposed to be a scandal for Obama.
The scandal was that Obama dared to weigh in on behalf of a black man against a white man, when the first black man dared to assert his whites to that white man. So it was like a double whammy, getting uppity for someone already uppity.

That's notagoodlook to those wearing racist glasses. To such people, whether you're a Harvard professor or the president of the united states you should know your place. In fact what's the point of educating these people if they can't learn the simple stuff? Proof of wasted money on expensive education affirmative action programs.
01-13-2014 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Guiliani is completely right. If christie truly didn't know about the bridge closing (something I'll happily admit is possible), then he bears the same amount of responsibility for the IRS abuses. That really isn't that much, and my position on Obama's responsibility was the same.

This thread does nicely illustrate the complete intellectual dishonesty of many on the left in this board.
01-13-2014 , 09:45 AM
At least he wasn't banging an actress in an apartment provided by the Corsican mafia. Also he doesn't look like Rob Ford at all.
01-13-2014 , 10:32 AM

Just days after dismissing two top advisers for their roles in the George Washington Bridge scandal, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is facing questions over the use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds.

CNN has learned that federal officials are investigating whether Christie improperly used those relief funds to produce tourism ads that starred him and his family.

In the new probe, federal auditors will examine New Jersey's use of $25 million in Sandy relief funds for a marketing campaign to promote tourism at the Jersey Shore after Sandy decimated the state's coastline in late 2012, New Jersey Democratic Rep. Frank Pallone told CNN.

Pallone wrote that he was concerned about the bidding process for the firm awarded the marketing plan; the winning firm is charging the state about $2 million more than the next lowest bidder. The winning $4.7 million bid featured Christie and his family in the advertisements while the losing $2.5 million proposal did not feature the Christies.
01-13-2014 , 10:34 AM
When it rains it pours
01-13-2014 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I think you are highly, highly overestimating the typical voter's ability to remember a story from almost three years ago that didn't affect them at all.
At somewhere near 100,000 drivers per day, this story will be disseminated far more thoroughly than most. Hundreds of thousands of people, near the largest media city in the world, have personal experience with this SCANDAL!!!
01-13-2014 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by longmissedblind
At somewhere near 100,000 drivers per day, this story will be disseminated far more thoroughly than most. Hundreds of thousands of people, near the largest media city in the world, have personal experience with this SCANDAL!!!
Yeah ny/nj swing states are super important!
01-13-2014 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Yeah ny/nj swing states are super important!
lots of people telling lots of stories...
01-13-2014 , 12:47 PM
Hooooo boy is this thread terrible.
01-13-2014 , 12:52 PM
Just Buono voters tho.
01-13-2014 , 01:11 PM
Xpert headline edit. Lawnmowers standing by for takeoff.
01-13-2014 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Another commercial could have tons of screaming and crying kids trapped in a school bus on their first day of school sitting in a 2 hour traffic jam.

Then show Christie mocking people again.

More kids crying and screaming.

Frantic parents trying to calm their kids on cell phones.

Fire, EMT and police stuck in bridge traffic.

Kids crying.

Christie or Christie's staff laughing and mocking.

Oh yeah, point out that it all went down on 9/11 anniversary.
I agree that this sort of ad is likely, and perhaps even effective, but Democrats would be wise not to overplay their hand. At the end of the day, this is a huge traffic jam (albeit one that seemingly was created for unnecessary and pretextual reasons). I have been in many huge traffic jams in my life, but they are not vivid in my memory because, at least at the individual driver level, . . . it's a traffic jam, not the end of the world.
01-13-2014 , 02:57 PM
I always assumed that Christie was too fat to shoot himself in the foot.
01-13-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
At the end of the day, this is a huge traffic jam (albeit one that seemingly was created for unnecessary and pretextual reasons). I have been in many huge traffic jams in my life, but they are not vivid in my memory because, at least at the individual driver level, . . . it's a traffic jam, not the end of the world.
Critical mass appreciates your support.
01-13-2014 , 05:06 PM
Expert title change, lol.
