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LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats? LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats?

01-11-2014 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
The Duker said:

"Seems pretty clear that "in an unauthorized manner" could be applied to what is currently known."

You replied:


that's not clear at all

I mean basically the whole legal profession is built on the opposite assumption"

I guess that i took your reply as an opinion on the scope of the statute. Was I wrong?
Oh that. I meant that more as a comment about the clarity of what actually occurred, not the clarity of whether some hypothetical action would be in violation of a law.
01-11-2014 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
lol what a tag team here. pvn makes a complete non sequitor, ikes has no idea what's going on but repeats it, because OMG SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE IKESY'S FRIEND.

PVN won't know if the "price is right" unless he has an idea what the true line is. Unless this is just pure degeneracy and pvn just needs the action?

It kind seems like pvn is having a little bit of a "8 years of Hillary" prebreakdown here. Now, in past, he's seen DVaut and others use prop betting to bring people down a peg and he tries to mimic that, but he clearly never really understood how that worked.

You aren't supposed to say "anything", pvn. You're supposed to want to bet them about the thing that they are wrong about.

Pretty clear you're the one who doesn't understand how it works.

I am offering to do exactly what you want me to do.

No takers so far.
01-11-2014 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Sometimes people do that, but the way that you get the same point across while skipping several steps is you set a line yourself and ask them for action.

E.g. "If you're so sure charges will be filed*, will you give me 3:1 on nobody being charged? 2:1? What odds will it take?"

And then they admit they want the odds and you declare victory.

*Note, in this thread pvn literally invented that people were sure charges would be filed, he's mostly been arguing with a guy saying that the statute has been violated, which is obviously an entirely distinct question. So there's no way to prop bet that, which makes this entire thing pointless. Which, amazingly, pvn appears to have realized so he's posting nonsense like

Which indicates he thinks his opponents are wrong about everything? pvn believes he has some systematic edge in predicting the future over any comer. Bold stance.
Let's try it out.
01-11-2014 , 01:48 AM
consider Christie a healthcare market stock... the last few yrs. (news and returns) were really good. a fresh player the market well suited with this new innovative method to bring it's product to market. solid mngt, said many market correct things, and we are really moving forward. we have the backers injecting $ into the our plan to bring this co. to the forefront and advise the investing community that their faith in us will be rewarded.

however, our latest test trials were found inconclusive and so, we carry on.

Same bullsht. be wary newbies and those in love with a stock that has just scheit the bed badly in their latest quarter and can't predict the immediate future profits.

I'm selling this crap as soon as it opens mon. morning. Christie = toast. I'm short here.
01-11-2014 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Christie was dismissive when asked. Looks terrible. This is a political death knell. You can feel it. This is not something that will go away. Major government agencies investigating and potential criminal charges.

This is about as bad it gets.
Yeah I "literally invented" the idea that people were saying charges would be filed.

My original prop bet solicitation didn't single out rococo. He just happened to be one who responded to it.
01-11-2014 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by pvn

Pretty clear you're the one who doesn't understand how it works.

I am offering to do exactly what you want me to do.

No takers so far.
Fly just confirmed he sucks at poker. No shame in that really.
01-11-2014 , 01:54 AM
Ikes having stacked fly by calling his bluff all-in at some point in the past would explain a lot of fly's obsessive fixation.

Only way it could be any better is if fly were wearing a ducktales shirt when it happened.
01-11-2014 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Let's try it out.
OK, booked
01-11-2014 , 02:09 AM
Your $million to my $one.

If Christie resigns by the end of january you win, if not I win.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
OK, booked
01-11-2014 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Oh that. I meant that more as a comment about the clarity of what actually occurred, not the clarity of whether some hypothetical action would be in violation of a law.
So when the you said [wrongly] that "the whole legal profession is built on the opposite assumption," you were referring not to principles of law and statutory interpretation but rather to clarity about what actually occurred?

That certainly seems like an outright lie.
01-11-2014 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Yeah I "literally invented" the idea that people were saying charges would be filed.

My original prop bet solicitation didn't single out rococo. He just happened to be one who responded to it.
In fairness to pvn, he didn't "literally invent" that some people were saying charges would be filed. Some people did say that charges would be filed. He "literally invented" only that I had said that charges would be filed.

pvn, I didn't respond to your original prop bet solicitation. I responded only after you told me specifically to "put my money where my mouth was." Even then, I responded only because your misreading of my earlier posts had left me mystified as to what you were proposing that i bet on.

Last edited by Rococo; 01-11-2014 at 02:25 AM.
01-11-2014 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I didn't respond to your prop bet solicitation. I responded only after you told me specifically to "put my money where my mouth was." Even then, I responded only because your misreading of my earlier posts had left me mystified as to what you were proposing that i bet on.
lol right after my initial prop bet post you were immediately offended and posting "OMG I don't even know what will happen"
01-11-2014 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
So when the you said [wrongly] that "the whole legal profession is built on the opposite assumption," you were referring not to principles of law and statutory interpretation but rather to clarity about what actually occurred?

That certainly seems like an outright lie.
The post was about the "letter of the law/spirit of the law" distinction. Certainly lawyers got a reputation for semantikesing for a reason, don't you think? The fact that you've spent time dissecting a throwaway intarweb post pretty much confirms it, thanks.
01-11-2014 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
In fairness to pvn, he didn't "literally invent" that some people were saying charges would be filed. Some people did say that charges would be filed. He "literally invented" only that I had said that charges would be filed.

I asked you to bet on stuff, I asked you to put your money where your mouth is, but I never claimed you particularly said charges would be filed.
01-11-2014 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
The post was about the "letter of the law/spirit of the law" distinction. Certainly lawyers got a reputation for semantikesing for a reason, don't you think? The fact that you've spent time dissecting a throwaway intarweb post pretty much confirms it, thanks.
I mean basically the whole legal profession is built on the opposite assumption
What "opposite assumption" are you talking about, then? What assumption did The Duker make where the opposite assumption forms the basis of the legal profession?
01-11-2014 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by pvn

I asked you to bet on stuff, I asked you to put your money where your mouth is, but I never claimed you particularly said charges would be filed.
Post 245. Do you even remember what you write?
01-11-2014 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
The post was about the "letter of the law/spirit of the law" distinction.
I thought your post was speaking to the lack of clarity as to what actually occurred. Which is it?
01-11-2014 , 02:38 AM
Both? It's two sides of the same coin. If what actually occurred is unclear, it will be difficult to prove that some set of conditions has been met when a bunch of hypernits get together to discuss the issue.
01-11-2014 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
OK, booked
**** just got real.
01-11-2014 , 05:44 AM
the only thing that made christie electable is that republicans thought he was electable, but now he's been damaged so much he is no longer that electable and therefore he is unelectable. plus he is fat. and he has a lot more baggage than this. and this is gonna get much worse.

but i have to tell u, at his presser, the guy really did, for the first hour at least, show a nimbleness on the mic, a certain style, a real bill clinton or obama political, presidential flair. until this broke, he was a real force. more than i realized. i knew he was polling higher than hillary, but i didnt know if he had the chops. he has em. but his goose is cooked. what a tragedy of sorts, not to me, but just u know he had it, not quite within his grasp, but man... in his sights anyways, only to have it blow up in his face.
01-11-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Yeah I "literally invented" the idea that people were saying charges would be filed.

My original prop bet solicitation didn't single out rococo. He just happened to be one who responded to it.
Given you havent said what line you are looking for I assume we are at the invitatio ad offerendum.

My $20 to your $200 criminal charges are filed against someone by the end of the year.

IANAL but given the posts by Ikes about how its impossible charges will be filed given what we know so far it seems a fair line - its basically me betting he is wrong or more info is found.
01-11-2014 , 12:14 PM
Assemblyman John Wisniewski, a Democrat who chairs the Transportation Committee, said the documents raise more questions than they answer about whether Christie knew about the traffic tie-up.

"Included in these documents is a reference to what appears to be a meeting between Port Authority Chairman David Samson and the governor one week before Bridget Kelly issued the order to cause ‘traffic problems' in Fort Lee," Wisniewski said in a statement.

"By submitting these documents, Mr. Wildstein is telling us they are related to the lane closures in some way. The question that demands answering is - how?"
01-11-2014 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Both? It's two sides of the same coin. If what actually occurred is unclear, it will be difficult to prove that some set of conditions has been met when a bunch of hypernits get together to discuss the issue.

This drama is being played out in the arena of politics, not in the arena of a courtroom. What counts here is not what a gaggle of nitpicking lawyers are trying to prove to a jury. What counts here is what the public thinks - what Chris Christie's constituents think. Governor Christie is on trial in the court of public opinion - which is very different from a court of law.

Chris Christie is a lawyer himself. He may be just clever enough to avoid criminal charges and being put in legal jeopardy. What he can't escape is the stench of this - the rotting smell of malfeasance. It clings to him as if he has been sprayed by a skunk. He can't escape the damage this has done to his formerly stellar reputation.

Last night on Chris Matthews "Hardball" program, investigative reporter Michael Isikoff reported from Trenton where he had spent the day talking to New Jersey pols from both parties. Isikoff intimated that his sources are telling him plenty more "dirty laundry" (which doesn't reflect well on the Governor) will be aired before this is all over. There's also the matter of his "loyal aides" - many of whom have been thrown under the bus and made out to be the scapegoats. Isikoff reported that the lawyer for David Wildstein, the [forced to resign] aide who had been close to Chris Christie since childhood, (they actually attended grade school together), dropped numerous tea leaves during that hearing which basically amounted to: "My client wants to talk, but not until he receives a grant of full and partial immunity from prosecution." The lawyer went on to state (or imply) that his client has emails and other documentation to back up his story.

If Mr. Wildstein and Bridget Kelly get immunity, all the dirt will come out. Prosecutors and investigators won't make a deal with these folks unless they have dynamite - as in real explosive stuff. Chris Christie might escape accountability in a court of law, but he won't escape accountability in the court of public opinion. Like Richard Nixon, he won't be able to escape the stench of corruption. Chris Christie will resign in disgrace rather than face the humiliation of being impeached.

Last edited by Alan C. Lawhon; 01-11-2014 at 12:47 PM. Reason: Never mind. No need for editing this one ... it's a masterpiece.
01-11-2014 , 12:31 PM
I've always thought, for a while anyway, that prosecutors make horribly corrupt politicians, as they are accustomed to and adept at using state power to control and manipulate evidence and truth. They tend to believe they are invincible before the law imo.

Christie, Rudy, Blago, Spitzer, Coakley, even Blumenthal.

And I can't think of a single prosecutor who ever became POTUS. Seems like there must've been one tho. Free cookie for anyone who can name one!

Derp, Clinton was AG of Arkansas. Only for 2 years tho. Like I said, very adept at manipulating the truth. How do you define sexual relations? For me, BJs and fishy cigars don't count! lol

Seriously, I'd trust a car salesman or poker player before I'd trust a prosecutor. Maybe hyperbole there, but not by much.

Ahywho, my money is on Christie and this Bridget Gidget Widget doing the Funky Cold Medina. You heard it here first!

Apparently, Christie promoted her, a relative unknown, to higher ranks right by his side. Seems a bit fishy and funky to me.

Then again, if Christie did the funky cold medina for longer than 30 seconds, I'd think he'd be arrested, cardiac arrested. Who knows tho, he's probably a stud muffin, like a dozen stud muffins.

Honestly, tho, I'm hoping to see Christie in the GOP primary for the lulz, tangling with Rand and Cruz, but Christie may find himself out of office before that even happens if Wildstein gets immunity and has some dirt to dish.
01-11-2014 , 12:42 PM
Bridget Kelly
